Конспект урока «emotions and feelings» по английскому языку
Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение № 5
г. Комсомольска-на-Амуре
сочинение-рассуждение на английском языке
«Эмоции и чувства»
«emotions and feelings»
Табунова Ксения Александровна
Учитель английского языка
«emotions and feelings»
Feeling is our subjective awareness of our own emotional state. It is that which we experience that which we know about our current emotional condition. There are some positive and negative feelings( love, pride, admiration, anger, hate, anxiety, fear. One day we feel good and the next day we feel bad and between those two poles are compressed all the joys of heaven and the anguish of hell. In a nation of many millions of people they are different personalities good and bad, honest and dishonest, happy and unhappy. However we can talk about some general things. The best known quality of English people for example is being reserved. А reserved person is one who does not talk very much so stranger, does not show much emotions, to keeps silent is golden. Silent is one of the ways express yourself . I think when you are distress you cannot , show your negative emotions and feelings. You must not be in despair, shout and lose your temper, and do not fly into a range. You should remember that silent is golden and in future you could regret about you words said in anger. Sometimes you silent tell everything and sound even more louder, than any words to be said. Time to time we can perfectly explain our feelings and emotions just by saying nothing. Keeping your temper is a good way to avoid a quarrel when we totally disagree with somebody. As for me, the ability top keep silent is a useful skill one can have. But for every plus there is always a mines. If there is a probably, silent can make this problem even more by communicating. If you do not speak your emotions will be bottled up. Words may even hurt you if you keep them inside. And rolling in your own emotions can only cause you more pain.
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