Конспект урока «The weather. Seasons and months» по английскому языку для 6 класса
Урок для 6 класса на тему «The weather. Seasons and months»
- закрепить лексический материал по теме « Времена года. Месяца»;
- ознакомить с лексикой по теме « Погода»;
- формировать умения и навыки монологической речи.
- воспитывать потребность в практическом владении иностранным языком;
- воспитывать любовь к природе и чувство прекрасного;
- повысить интерес к изучению иностранного языка.
- развивать способности к зрительной дифференциации, непроизвольному запоминанию, догадке о значении слов.
- проэктор
- раздаточный материал
- презентация в редакторе Power point
План урока:
Вступительное слово учителя, цели урока.
Актуализация знаний ( чтение, загадки, пословицы, карточки, кроссворд, пословицы)
Введение новой лексики.
Просмотр фильма и обсуждение.
Подведение итогов.
Ход урока:
I.ОНУ: Good morning, children. Today is the 25th of April. The topic of our lesson is “Weather. Seasons and months”. We will describe weather in different seasons in our country and abroad”. (слайд 1, 2)
II. Речевая разминка: (слайд 3)
T→ Cl: What seasons do you know?
P1: Winter
P2: Autumn
P3: Spring
P4: Summer
Teacher: Well, there are 4 seasons in a year. Please, name winter months, autumn months, summer months and spring months.
Do you like winter?
Can you ski or skate?
Do you like to play snowballs?
Do you like spring?
Are the trees green in spring?
Can you see the first birds coming from the South?
What do you like in autumn?
Do you like summer?
Teacher: Do you know poems about seasons? Fill in the gaps to get a rhyme (слайд 4).
III. Чтение текста о временах года ( приложение 1)
IV. Загадки.
Teacher: Now we know all the seasons and I have some riddles for you. Who guesses the riddle will get a prize ( слайд 5).
V. Работа с карточками
1) Correct the sentences. True or false.
1) It is very hot in summer.
2) Birds sing in the trees in spring.
3) We don’t go to school in spring.
4) We go to school in summer.
5) Trees are yellow late in spring.
6) March is the third spring month.
7) People don’t plant trees in spring.
VI. Кроссворд: найди 12 слов
S | E | K | I | M | A | Y | |
F | E | B | R | U | A | R | Y |
O | P | C | A | P | R | I | L |
C | T | A | E | L | C | J | J |
T | E | U | N | M | H | U | U |
O | M | G | O | J | B | N | L |
B | B | U | V | K | N | E | Y |
E | E | S | E | M | B | E | R |
R | R | T | J | A | N | U | A |
VI. Пословицы. ( слайд 6)
Teacher: I’ll give you cards, you should match the English variant with the Russian one ( приложение 2)
VII.Введение лексики « Погода» ( слайд 7)
Teacher: Listen to me and try to understand( учитель говорит и показывает на картинки)
The weather is rainy
The weather is cloudy
The weather is stormy
The weather is sunny.
Teacher: There are many words to describe weather. Look at them and repeat after me (слайд 8).
VIII. Говорение.
Teacher: Now let’s describe weather in different seasons using new words.
P1: The weather is hot in summer.
P2: The weather is rainy in autumn.
P3: The weather is snowy in winter. It is frosty and windy in winter.
P4: It is windy but warm in spring.
Teacher: Let’s work in groups, you should make up some sentences about each season ( приложение 3)
Teacher: Please, describe today’s weather.
P5: It is warm.
P6: It is sunny. It is not rainy.
Teacher: Make up sentences (слайд 9). What season are the sentences about? ( spring)
Teacher: Now you know the words and we are going to speak about weather in spring in England and in Russia. ( internet)
P1: It rains every day in London.
P2: It is windy.
P3: And in Russia it is warm and sunny.
IX.Говорение по фильму.
Teacher( фрагмент зима): What season is it? What is the weather like? Is it snowy? Is it sunny? Do you like winter?
P1: It is winter.
P2: It is cold, I think. It is snowing. I like winter.
P3: We can skate and ski in winter.
P4: I am going to do a snowman in winter.
Teacher: (фрагмент 11) What season is it? What is the weather like?
P1: It is summer.
P2: The weather is sunny. We can see a lot of flowers.
Teacher: What do you do in summer?
P3: We go fishing, go roller- blading.
P4: I can cycle in summer.
Teacher: Do you like summer?
P5: Yes, I do. I like summer because we don’t go to school.
X. Итоги.
Teacher: Our lesson is coming to its end. Today we have revised words: seasons and months, you have learned to speak about weather in our country and in England.
Приложение № 1
This season is the hottest. The weather is usually sunny and warm. The days are long and the nights are short. Children can be outdoors all day long. The rivers and the lakes are very warm. Kids can swim every day. It is a beautiful season. The trees are green. You can see many flowers in the parks and forests. They are blue, yellow, red and pink. Birds sing their beautiful songs in the parks and in the gardens.
This is a very beautiful season. The weather is often warm and the snow is melting. So there are many streams and puddles. Kids have a lot of fun watching them and sailing toy boats and ships. Birds come back and sing their beautiful songs. Kids spend a lot of time outside.
This season is the coldest season of the year. The days are the shortest and the nights are the longest. It is cold and frosty, but children like this season because they can ski, skate, play snowballs. There is snow on the ground; there is ice on the rivers and animals. They are cold and hungry. Children can help them.
This season is not very warm. It is sometimes cold and rainy. But it is a very beautiful season. The trees are very bright and colourful.Their leaves are green, yellow, orange, pink, red and brown. It is a tasty season because it is harvest time.There are many fruit and vegetables. Proverbs:
Приложение №2
1) April weather- rain and sunshine together a) куй железо, пока горячо
2) Everything is good in its season b) То дождь, то солнце
3) March winds and April showers с) Ветрено в мае, в апреле дожди
Bring forth May flowers в мае фиалок и ландышей жди
After rain comes fair weather d) все хорошо в свое время
It rains cats and dogs е) после бури наступает затишье
Make hay while the sun shines f) льет как из ведра
1) April weather- rain and sunshine together a) куй железо, пока горячо
2) Everything is good in its season b) То дождь, то солнце
3) March winds and April showers с) Ветрено в мае, в апреле дожди
Bring forth May flowers в мае фиалок и ландышей жди
After rain comes fair weather d) все хорошо в свое время
It rains cats and dogs е) после бури наступает затишье
Make hay while the sun shines f) льет как из ведра
1) April weather- rain and sunshine together a) куй железо, пока горячо
2) Everything is good in its season b) То дождь, то солнце
3) March winds and April showers с) Ветрено в мае, в апреле дожди
Bring forth May flowers в мае фиалок и ландышей жди
After rain comes fair weather d) все хорошо в свое время
It rains cats and dogs е) после бури наступает затишье
Make hay while the sun shines f) льет как из ведра
1) April weather- rain and sunshine together a) куй железо, пока горячо
2) Everything is good in its season b) То дождь, то солнце
3) March winds and April showers с) Ветрено в мае, в апреле дожди
Bring forth May flowers в мае фиалок и ландышей жди
4)After rain comes fair weather d) все хорошо в свое время
5)It rains cats and dogs е) после бури наступает затишье
6)Make hay while the sun shines f) льет как из ведра
Приложение № 3
1).Составить предложения:
snow spring.
water summer.
There is\are | much\many | puddles | on the ground | in autumn.
leaves winter.
2).Kids | usually | play hockey
Boys and girls often jump spring
Children never skip summer
ride a bike | outside in | autumn
play hide-and-seek winter
make snowman
3) The weather | is | always | hot | in spring
never warm summer
often rainy autumn
usually frosty winter
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