Конспект урока «Aims of the lesson» по английскому языку

Aims of the lesson

Educational: To enable students to greet each other in English and to make simple introductions and identify people by name.

Developing: to develop pupils’ abilities in speaking, writing, reading skills, in expressing their own opinions, to improve their pronunciation, memory, to enrich students; outlook.

Up bringing: to motivate the students in learning the foreign language, to create an English speaking atmosphere and work in groups.


Present Simple of «to be»: is/'s.

Possessive adjectives: my, your.


My, your, name, hello, what.

Classroom English: Listen! Good! Stand up! Sit down! Good bye!


Your name badge, a cassette recorder, etc.

Lingua cultural aspect

English people greet each other by shaking hands, usually they give a firm shake.

The plan of the lesson:

1.Organozation moment

Greeting and duties’ report

T: Good morning, children!

S: Good morning teacher!

T: Who is on duty today?

S: I’m on duty today.

T: Class sit down, please.

T: What day of the week is it today?

T: Who is absent?

T: Thank you, sit down


Phonetic exercises

Don't cry bitterly and go to Italy.
Don't miss your chance and go to France.
Buy a pan and go to Japan.
Take some cheese and go to Greece.

3.Checking the home task

4.New theme

1. Presentation; «Hello!»

First greet and introduce yourself to the class and individual students like this.

T (teacher): Hello, my name is__________________.

Shake hands with students and say: «Hello, my name's ______" Students repeat all together after you «Hello, my name’s ___________”

2. Pronunciation.

Students repeat after you in chorus and individually. You pay attention to the sounds and intonation.

T (teacher): Hello, my name's___________________.

CI. (class): Hello, my name's_____________________„

S1,2,3,4......( student one, student two, student three, student four ... ): Hello, my name's_______________.

3.Pair work.

S,: Hello, my name's_____________________.

S„: Hello, my name's

4. Ask your students to stand up.

Say «Stand up» and perform the action and use gesture. Use «Sit down» in the same way. So ask your students to stand up and greet other students. You go round the class and see the way they work, help them if they are in difficulty.

5. Presentation of the first 5 letters of the English alphabet: А а, В b, С с, D d, E e.

6.Group work.

Ask your students to stand up and talk to other students.

7. Teach the long form -is and short form –‘s.

Show on the board how the apostrophe replaces letters in the shortened form: name is - name's.

5.Assesment and Conclusion

Consolidation of the lesson

Say several times «Good-bye!». Students repeat after you two or three times. Make sure that they understand the difference between «Hello!» (when you meet) and «Goodbye!» (when you leave).

Home task

l)Show your name badge and ask them to make such name badges and bring them to the next lesson.

2) You yourself write your students' names on separate pieces of paper for name badges.

3) Exercises 1, 2, 3

p.10 ex.3 (in writing)


I give “5” for…

I give “4” for…

I give “3” for…


What kind of lesson today? (bad, good, scientific, interesting) Did you like this lesson?

Our lesson is over!

Good bye, children!

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Дата добавления:30 января 2017
Категория:Английский язык
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