Конспект урока «People and animals in the country and in the city» по английскому языку
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“People and animals in the country and in the city”
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Good afternoon, dear friends. I am very glad to see you at our game. Today we are going to speak about people and animals. During our game we will check who has the best knowledge. Now, let us begin our competition.
Основная часть урока:
Представление команд. We have two teams. Dear captains, introduce yourself and the members of your team: Name, Age, Hobby
Конкурс – разминка «Guess what animal it is»
It is big. It is very strong and angry. It lives in the river. It can swim well. It cannot jump. It likes to eat meat. It has got big teeth, a long and strong tail.
It is big and angry. Its teeth are big. It likes to eat birds and eggs. It is not fat. It is not slim. It is strong. It is long, grey, green, brown. It lives it the forest or in the desert.
Конкурс «Bring the words in correspondence with the right translation»
Eagle верблюд
Ocean река
Desert гора
Dolphin орел
River океан
Sea пустыня
Camel дельфин
Mountain море
Конкурс «Correct the mistakes»
Eagles live in the sea.
Camels live in the forest.
Whales live in the river.
Crocodiles live in the ocean.
Snakes live the mountains.
Dolphins live in the desert.
Конкурс «Compare the animals»
A wolf is (strong) than a fox.
A horse is (useful) in the country.
A whale is (big) than a dolphin.
An eagle is (beautiful) than a hen.
An elephant is (kind) animal in Africa.
A monkey is (funny) than a kangaroo.
Конкурс « Who can…»
Give people clothes
Feed animals
Carry things, people
Make a house
Help people
Take for a walk
Конкурс капитанов «Make a story and tell it»
Задание для первой команды. Задание для второй команды.
It is smart and brave. 1. It can carry things.
My dog’s name is Jack. 2. My pet lake to eat grass.
I love my dog. 3. It is the most useful animal.
It lake to eat meat. 4. I have got a camel.
I take it for a walk. 5. It is strong and kind.
My dog can help people. 6. My pet can live in the desert.
Конкурс со зрителями «Riddles» (пока готовятся капитаны)
1. What always goes to sleep wearing its shoes? (A horse)
What is it that a cat has but no other animal can have? (A kitten)
Конкурс «Who is the most attentive? (назовите прилагательные в сравнительной и превосходной степенях)
Little lion: Who am I?
Mother lion: You are the strongest, the fastest, the cleverest, the best and the most beautiful of all the animals.
A bee: Hello. Who are you?
Little lion: Hello. I’m the strongest, the fastest, the cleverest, the best and the most beautiful of all the animals.
A parrot: Hello. Who are you?
Little lion: Hello. I’m the strongest, the fastest, the cleverest, the best and the most beautiful of all the animals.
An owl: Hello. Who are you?
Little lion: Hello. I’m the strongest, the fastest, the cleverest, the best and the most beautiful of all the animals.
An owl: Never say that you the strongest, the fastest, the cleverest, the best and the most beautiful of all the animals. There are animals which are stronger, faster, cleverer, better and more beautiful than you.
Little lion: Thank you, Mr Owl.
Danger! Never tell me that I’m the strongest, the fastest, the cleverest, the best and the most beautiful of all the animals. I may eat you up.
A young lioness: You are the strongest, the fastest, the cleverest, the best and the most beautiful of all the animals.
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