Конспект урока «Степени сравнения имён прилагательных» по английскому языку для 4 класса
Муниципальное казенное общеобразовательное учреждение
«Средняя общеобразовательная школа №1» с.Дивное
«Степени сравнения имён прилагательных»
4 класс
Разработала: Белоусова О.И.
учитель английского языка
высшая квалификационная
Урок закрепления знаний, их систематизации по теме «Степени сравнения имён прилагательных».
Цель урока: 1. Закрепление пройденного материала в рамках отдельных ситуаций в игровой ситуативной форме.
1. Тренировка в употреблении знакомых ЛЕ и грамматических структур, а также разговорных выражений в монологической и диалогической речи;
2. применение полученных знаний в новых условиях.
Ход урока:
1.Оргмомент. Приветствие.
-Good morning, boys and girls. I am glad to see you again! How are you?
2. Постановка цели урока, подготовка к учебно-познавательной деятельности.
-As you see, we have many guests today. Let`s introduce them ourselves.
Come to me, please. I have got a toy. You will pass each other the toy and tell your name and your best qualities. I will start.
My name is Olga Ivanovna. I am hardworking and merry. I am kind.
-It`s your turn, please.
3. Закрепление пройденного материала.
-Go back to your places, please. Thank you.
-Now it`s time to play with a ball. Will you stand, please?
I will throw you a ball and name any adjectives in English, you will catch the ball and name the antonym of this adjective. Then you will return the ball to me. Who will be the winner of our game?
Much – little lazy – hardworking brave – shy kind – cruel
Tall – short old – new strong – weak fat – slim
Thin – thick young – old big – small nice – ugly
Long – short good – bad merry – sad high – low
-Well, I see you know many adjectives.
And what do you think we will speak about at today`s lesson?
(We will speak about different people.
We will describe different people.)
- But what must you know to describe different people?
(We must know degrees of comparison of adjectives.)
-How many degrees of comparison of adjectives do you know?
-What are they?
-That`s right. The topic of our lesson is “Degrees of comparison of adjectives”. And we will describe and compare different people. We also will describe and compare different fairy – tale characters. You should work hard at the lesson and at the end of our lesson you should complete your self assessment cards.
- We all sometimes like to boast telling about ourselves. Now let`s play the game “A boaster”. It`s time to work in pairs. Each of you will have an adjective. One of you will name the adjective, the other will form its comparative degree. Don`t forget to use this scheme.
-Are you ready? Let`s start our work.
I see you are very good boasters.
When do we use the comparative degree?
(When we compare different people or things)
How do we form the comparative degree of adjectives? (-er)
That`s right. Thank you.
- Tell me the secret, please. Who is the best singer (dancer, football – player) in your grour?
- Who is the tallest (shortest, strongest, merriest, kindest) pupil in your group? And who is the laziest pupil in your group?
- In what degree of comparison do we use these adjectives: the tallest, the shortest, the merriest ?
(We use them when we name the best qualities.)
How do we form the superlative degree of comparison? (the, -est)
But, what must we remember when we form the degree of comparison of adjectives hot, big, sad?
But, what must we remember when we form the degree of comparison of adjectives brave, large, nice?
But, what must we remember when we form the degree of comparison of adjectives dirty, funny, happy?
But, what must we remember when we form the degree of comparison of long adjectives like beautiful, interesting, difficult?
But, what must we remember when we form the degree of comparison of adjectives good, bad, much, many, little?
-Now, I see you can form degrees of comparison of adjectives and you know this rule.
Evelina, will you repeat this rule, please?
2. -Now, I see you can form degrees of comparison of adjectives and you know this rule.
And we can do the next task. But 1st we must divide into 3 groups, please. You will be the1st (the 2nd, the3rd) group.
I have got 3 letters from fairy – tale characters. They are not usual letters. They are sound letters. In these letters fairy – tale characters tell about themselves. I have pictures of these fairy – tale characters. Here they are. ( Malvina, Cindirella, Buratino)
Be attentive, please. Listen to the letters and try to guess whose letter it is. Turn to each other, please. Let`s work.
1. I am nice and clever. I am kind and merry. My hair is long and blue. My dress is smart. I`ve got a friend.
2. I am kind. I am hardworking. I am not lazy. I can do many things. I have no mother. My dress is old and dirty.
3. I am brave. I am not very clever. My nose is the longest in the world. I am not hardworking, but I am brave and strong. I have got a lot of friends.
- Are you ready? Whose letter is the 1st (2nd, 3rd )?
Well done. You did this task very well.
3/And next task for you is to find adjectives in this letters and form their comparative and superlative degrees.
4. I see you are tired. Let`s remember our song and do exercises. (Head and shoulders)
5. I have an interesting task for you. Now you will describe some fairy – tale characters yourselves. I have some pictures of fairy – tale characters on my table. A pupil of each group will take any picture without showing it to other groups and each group will describe the character in the picture using as many adjectives as you can. But don`t forget to using these schemes. (plan). Let`s work. You will have 5 min.
Your time is up. Are you ready? Who will be the 1st? Come to the blackboard, please. Describe your character, please.
- Well done. Let`s count the adjectives which you used. You used 10 adjectives. It`s very good.
- You did this task very well. The 1st (2nd, 3rd ) group – your mark is ____ .
3. Контроль пройденного материала.
6. Let`s check up how you can use adjectives in different degrees of comparison. I have a test for you. Look at the cards. I want you to complete the sentences in your cards. I have written the sentences but some words are missing. Complete the sentences and write them in your cards. You will 4 min. to do the task.
4. Подведение итогов урока.
7. -It`s time to complete your assessment cards.
But 1st ,answer my questions, please.
Can you describe fairy – tale characters?
Can you describe yourself?
Can you form degrees of comparison of adjectives?
Can you compare different people?
Have you any mistakes?
Why did you make mistakes?
(I don`t know adjectives.
I don`t know degrees of comparison of adjectives.)
- It`s time to complete your self assessments, please.
You have got 2 min.
-The lesson is over. Thank you for your work. Good bye.
Приложение 1
The list of adjectives
Much – little lazy – hardworking brave – shy kind – cruel
Tall – short old – new strong – weak fat – slim
Thin – thick young – old big – small nice – ugly
Long – short good – bad merry – sad high – low
Much – little lazy – hardworking brave – shy kind – cruel Tall – short old – new strong – weak fat – slim Thin – thick young – old big – small nice – ugly Long – short good – bad merry – sad high – low |
Much – little lazy – hardworking brave – shy kind – cruel Tall – short old – new strong – weak fat – slim Thin – thick young – old big – small nice – ugly Long – short good – bad merry – sad high – low |
Much – little lazy – hardworking brave – shy kind – cruel Tall – short old – new strong – weak fat – slim Thin – thick young – old big – small nice – ugly Long – short good – bad merry – sad high – low |
Much – little lazy – hardworking brave – shy kind – cruel Tall – short old – new strong – weak fat – slim Thin – thick young – old big – small nice – ugly Long – short good – bad merry – sad high – low |
Приложение 2
Piglet is _______ than Tiger. (small, smaller, the smallest)
Buratino`s nose is the _______ . (long, longer, longest)
Pierro is ______ than Buratino. (sad, sadder, the saddest)
Malvina is ______ than Fox Alice. (beautiful, more beautiful, the most beautiful)
Winnie- the- Pooh is the ______ (fat, fatter, fattest).
Приложение 3
Self assessment cards
Я могу | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | |
1. | Называть качества предметов | | | | | |
2. | Сравнивать предметы | | | | | |
3. | Называть самое лучшее качество предмета | | | | | |
4. | Я знаю прилагательные-антонимы | | | | | |
5. | Я могу рассказать о себе и о сказочном герое, используя прилагательные в различных степенях сравнения. | | | | | |
Я могу | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | |
1. | Называть качества предметов | | | | | |
2. | Сравнивать предметы | | | | | |
3. | Называть самое лучшее качество предмета | | | | | |
4. | Я знаю прилагательные-антонимы | | | | | |
5. | Я могу рассказать о себе и о сказочном герое, используя прилагательные в различных степенях сравнения. | | | | | |
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