Конспект урока «Seasons. Weather» по английскому языку


Разработка урока английского языка по теме “ Seasons. Weather


Зверева Н.А.

Благовещенская средняя школа,

Жамбылский район,

Северо- Казахстанская область


Тип урока: Обобщающий

Цели урока:

1) формировать коммуникативные навыки учащихся, используя приемы ИКТ и здоровье сберегающие технологии;

2) воспитывать позитивное отношение к временам года и погоде;

3) повышать познавательный интерес к изучению иностранного языка;

4) развивать мышление, творчество, воображение, расширять кругозор учащихся.


обобщение изученного лексического материала по темам «Времена года», «Погода» “Одежда”, “Еда”;

закрепление употребления глагольной временной формы Present Simple;

отработка навыков говорения, чтения, письма;

создание психологически благоприятной среды обучения.

Оснащение урока: интерактивная доска, презентация в программе Power Point.

The Procedure of the lesson

I Motivation moment

T: Good morning, children! Nice to meet you. How are you? Now boys and girls come up to the active board and put a tick.

Flipchart 1

Дети ставят галочки у изображения соответствующего их настроению и состоянию.

Сообщение цели и задач урока. Введение в тему

Let’s start our lesson. Listen to music and say what we are going to talk about. Slide1

Yes, we’re going to talk about the weather and how good or bad weather can influence our life.

II Speech drill

How many seasons are there in a year? What are they?

Listen to the poems Spring is green

Summer is bright

Autumn is yellow

Winter is white.

Wind, rain, snow and sun

Every kind of weather

is wonderful and fun!

Жыл мезгілдері

Көктем кеп жер жайнады:

Көкпеңбек бар аймағы.

Нұрлы шақта құс келіп,

Нулы бақта сайрады.

Жазда дала ысып тұр,

Көлеңкені паналап,

Жайнап егін пісіп тұр

Көбелектер ұшып жүр.

Жетті желмен алтын күз:

Жеміс жинау салтымыз.

Жиып - теріп болған соң,

Той жасайды халқымыз.

Ақ қыс келіп боранды.

Аяз айтты зор әнді:

Айналаның бәрі де

Ақ көрпемен оранды.

My best season is summer. What is your best season?

How many months are there in a year? What are winter months?

So, what is the weather like today?

III Основная часть. Повторение изученной лексики по теме.

T: What can the weather be like? Flipchart 2

a) Word search

Учащиеся должны найти слова, определяющие какой может быть погода и инструментом «перо» обозначить их.








b) T: Unscramble the words Flipchart 3

Учащиеся должны написать зашифрованные слова

ynsun uwodrefnl

tew fiderneft

ryd olco

ogfyg nyiar

toh onsyw

dmil locd

dywin nife

doog arwn

c) Find odd word and guess the season Flipchart 4

Найти лишнее слово в каждом ряду и угадать время года, к которому относятся эти слова.

- rain,foggy,yellow,fruit,vegetables,snow,cloudy.

- warm,green,streams(ручьи),May,New Year.

- sunny,grasshopper(кузнечик),July,snowman.

- snow,frost,flowers,skate,cold, January,white.

d) Match the words with the seasons Flipchart 5

Соотнести прилагательные с существительными.

Autumn Spring Summer Winter

cool, rainy, windy, sleety, foggy, cold, wet, hot, stormy, frosty, sunny, snowy,


Clap, clap, clap your hands!

Clap your hands together!

Stamp, stamp, stamp your feet!

Stamp your feet together!

Nod, nod, nod your head !

Nod your head together!

Hands up! Hands down!

Hands on your hips!

Sit down!

IV Закрепление употребления глагольной временной формы Present Simple

T: Weather can influence our life. Flipchart 6

The weather influences our clothes.

The weather influences our food.

The weather influences our mood .

The weather influences our activity.

a) Match food and weather words

The weather influences our food. Flipchart 7

When the weather is

hot cold

people eat and drink

juice, tea, apples, oranges, bananas, grapes, ice cream, chocolate, cheese, butter,

bread, coffee…

b) Match clothes and weather words

The weather influences our clothes. Flipchart 8

When the weather is

sunny rainy

people put on

sweater, jeans, gloves, a T – shirt, a dress, sandals, a shirt, a coat, trainers, a jacket,

trousers, mittens, socks, shorts, boots….

c) Match English proverbs and saying with their Russian equivalents

The weather influences our mood. Flipchart 9

a) Everything is good in its season.

b) After a storm comes a calm.

c) The tree is known by its fruit.

d) Rain at seven – fine at eleven.

e) After rain comes good weather.

1 Все хорошо в свое время.

2. Дождь в семь – ясно в одиннадцать.

3. После бури наступает затишье. Серенькое утро – красненький денек.

4. Дерево узнают по его плодам.

5. Не все ненастье, будет и красное солнышко.

d) Match the words

The weather influences our health. Flipchart 10

Hot weather Cold weather

сan cause

headache, cough, a cold, sunburn, the flu.

V Чтение текста и работа с его содержанием.

a) Read the text Flipchart 11

Climate has a very important influence on people, plants and animals. The climate of Great Britain is different. The weather changes very often. It is never very cold or very hot. Summer is usually cool. Sometimes newspapers write about an “Indian summer” (hot weather in September and October). Winter is usually mild with snowfalls. The months from September to January are the wettest. People like to talk about the snow and the rain. Thanks to rain British countryside is famous for its green colour.

b) Are these sentences true or false? Flipchart 12

Climate of Great Britain is warm.

The weather never changes.

Summer is hot.

Winter is very cold.

People don`t like to talk about the weather in Great Britain.

c) Fill in the gaps Flipchart 13

Climate has a very important ----------- on people, plants and animals. The climate of Great Britain is ---------------- .The weather changes very often. It is never very------ or very ---------- . Summer is usually ---------. Sometimes newspapers write about an--------------- (hot weather in September and October). Winter is usually----------- with snowfalls. The months from September to January are-----------------. People like to talk about the snow and the rain. Thanks to rain British countryside is famous for its green colour.

Words: influence, different, cold, hot, warm,” Indian summer’, mild, the wettest.

VI Рефлексия.

Whether the weather be fine,

Or whether the weather be not,

Whether the weather be cold,

Or whether the weather be hot,

We will whether the weather

Whatever the weather

Whether we like it or not.

T: Boys and girls, we did a lot at the lesson. You worked hard so you know much about the weather and its influence on our life. Thank you for being so active. You get good and excellent marks. I want you to write a cinquain.


good, fine

influence, drink, put on

I like any weather


Our lesson is over. Good – bye!

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Дата добавления:7 апреля 2017
Категория:Английский язык
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