Конспект урока «Sport in Kazakhstan and in my life» по английскому языку для 8 класса

A lesson plan

Grade: 8 Date: 13.09.13

Theme: Sport in Kazakhstan and in my life


a. спорттың адам өміріндегі маңызы мен Қазақстандағы дамыған спорт түрлерімен таныстру

б.Оқушылардың оқу, тыңдау және ойлау қабілеттерін дамыту және еркін сөйлеуге машықтандыру, спорт жайлы өз ойларын еркін айта білуге үйрету

в. Салауатты өмір салтын сақтауға тәрбиелеу, спорттың пайдасын түсіндіру

Type of the lesson: new lesson

Visual aids: cards with tasks

The steps of the lesson

The steps of the lesson

The activity of the teacher

The activity of the pupils


Organization moment

Greeting. Asking about the dateand the day of the week

Greeting. One of the pupil tells the date and the day of the week

2 min

Checking up homework

What was your home task? Who wants to answer?

one of the pupils tell the number of exercise and begin to read


Warm up

Quick questions connected with the material of the previous material. “what is your favorite sport? ”

Pupils answer the questions given by teacher.

My favorite sport is football

3 min

New theme

The teacher presents the new lexical theme “sport in Kazakhstan and in my life”, gives some information about sports.

Writes the new words at the blackboard and ask them repeat after him in chorus

The pupils listen to the teacher very attentively and make notes about the new theme.

Write down the new words and repeat them after teacher in chorus, then individually.

Amateur- әуесқой спортшы

Popular- танымал

Favorite - сүйікті



The teacher gives tasks for consolidation the new theme.

The pupils do the tasks for consolidation the new theme, read the text one by one

Ex 2 complete the sentences

1. Many….are popular in Kazakhstan

2. f Or many people ……

thousands of people go to….



What have you known about the new theme?

Pupils answer the question raising their hands.

3 min

Home task

Ex 3 p 22

Pupils take their diary and write down the number of exercise

1 min

Commenting marks

The teacher gives marks

Pupils bring their diaries

1 min

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Дата добавления:9 сентября 2016
Категория:Английский язык
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