- Expressions dealing with moods and feelings

Конспект урока «Expressions dealing with moods and feelings» по английскому языку

Expressions dealing with moods and feelings

  1. Joy and enthusiasm:


That’s great!




How wonderful!

How exciting!

How thrilling!

  1. Annoyance:

Oh, no!

That’s the last straw!

That’s extremely irritating!

What an idiot!

What a fool!

Oh, damn!

How annoying!
What a bore!

You have my cup run over!

You are driving me crazy!

  1. Distress:

I am worried.

I just don’t know what to do.

I feel terrible.

I’ve got a lot on my mind.

I am done.

I am fed up.

  1. Regret. Sympathy.:

There, there!

I am sorry to hear that.

Oh, what a shame!

I know how it feels.

Poor old you.

How upsetting.

Hard luck!

You must be very upset.

  1. Reassurance:

Cheer up.

Take it easy.

Don’t you think you are overreacting a bit?

There’s no need to get so upset.

Don’t let it get you down.

There is nothing to worry about.

No need to get so worked up about that.

Try to look at the bright side of things.

  1. Indifference:

I can’t say I am interested…

I couldn’t care less…

I don’t mind if you do.

The whole thing bores me to death.

I don’t care a fig.

I don’t care 2 straws.

  1. Surprise:


Good heavens!

Oh, Lord!

That’s amazing!

That’s extraordinary!

How very surprising!

Well, I never!

Fancy that!

You are kidding!

You don’t say that!

  1. Indecision:

I am not sure.

I am in 2 minds.

I am utterly at sea.

You never can tell.

  1. Assurance:

I am quite sure.

There can’t be any doubt about that.

I am a hundred percent certain…


That’s obvious.

Dead sure.

I’ll eat my hat if…

Conversational Conventions.

  1. Comparing/Contrasting.

Both of these are…

Neither of these is…

One of these is … while the other is…

This one … but in the other hand that one…

looks like… because…

On the contrary…


This one like that one is…

Unlike this one that one is…

  1. To start the conversation/ To focus attention.

So we have to…

There are several possibilities for…

Let’s talk about… first, shall we?

To start with…

  1. Offering a strong opinion.

Actually I fell quite strongly that…

I am quite certain that…

  1. Offering a mind opinion.

It’s pretty difficult to say but I feel that…

It’s not something I feel very strongly about but…

I’ve never really thought about it but I suppose…

If I had to choose…

  1. Speculating.

It seems tome that…

It looks like a…

It looks as if it…

I’d say…

It must be…

It might be…

It can’t be…

  1. Disagreement.

It’s just the other way round.

Nothing of the kind!

There you go again!

It’s simply ridiculous!

Far from it!

Certainly not!

Stuff and nonsense!

  1. Mild disagreement/ Hesitation.

There is something in what you say but…

I se your point but…

It’s all right for you to talk, but…

Sounds convincing but…

I see what you mean, but don’t you think…

Yes, but isn’t it also true that…

I don’t think that I would go along with that…

That may be true but think about…

  1. Agreement.

That’s it!

Just it!

Exactly so!

That’s just what I was going to say!

I fully agree!

I am of the same opinion.

Most likely.

Sounds like that.

  1. Expressing your own point of view.

Look, I’ll tell you what.

As I see it …

In my opinion…

To my mind…

On the one hand… on the other hand…

It’s common knowledge that…

It’s just occurred to me that…

To tell the truth…

Frankly speaking…


As a matter of fact…

More than that…

If you ask me…

  1. To keep the conversation going.

May I ask you why…

Could you tell me…

Why do think…

We’ve been talking about…

One more point I want to bring up is…

I think we ought to move on to…

By the way


Think of…

I’d like to add something to what I’ve just said.

There is another thing I wanted to say.

That means…

What about…

  1. Summing up.

To sum it up…

In short…/To cut a long story short…

On the whole/To put it in a nutshell…

So we shall say…

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Дата добавления:22 августа 2016
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