- Разработка фрагмента урока по теме “HOW DIFFERENT THE WORLD IS!” для работы с группами учащихся 10 класса

Разработка фрагмента урока по теме “HOW DIFFERENT THE WORLD IS!” для работы с группами учащихся 10 класса


Методическое объединение учителей английского языка


Разработка фрагмента урока по теме


для работы с группами учащихся 10 класса

учебник Кузовлев В. П. 10-11 класс

Работу выполнил: Макаровская Марина Ивановна,

учитель английского языка.

П. Приаргунск

2014 г.

POSTCARD MATCH Задание для дифференцированной работы с группами учащихся по теме “How Different The World Is!”

Данное задание можно использовать для развития речевых умений по темам Travelling”, Sightseeing в старших классах.

Учебные пособия: открытки с видами: №1 Нью-Йорк, №2 Лондон, №3 Сидней, №4 Ванкувер, №5 Эдинбург; тексты о городах.

На доске даны опорные фразы для высказываний по текстам:

- is situated in

- the centre of

- is famous for

- an ideal place for

- you can find ... only in ...

- attracts tourists because

Ход работы: Каждая их 4-х групп учащихся получает один из страноведческих текстов.

The teacher: You see several pictures of the wonderful cities of the world. Read the text and match the picture with its description. Try to guess what city your text is about. Be attentive. Give your arguments. One picture is the odd out.

(Далее ученики каждой группы читают текст, выбирают соответствующую фотографию, аргументируют свой выбор, используя опорные фразы. В работе принимают все участники группы. Таким образом определяется лишний текст.)


What city?

Match the text with the picture. What city of the world is the text about? How did you guess? Give arguments to explain.

This city stands on the river Thames. It is a very old city. It is two thousand years old. The Thames is not a long river but it attracts tourists from many countries. If you make your way up the Thames, you can see the Houses of Parliament. It is the place of the British government. There are two towers in this building, the Clock Tower and Victoria Tower. The Clock Tower contains a famous clock in the world. The bell of the clock weighs 13 tons. It was named Big Ben after Sir Benjamin Hall, who was the man in charge of building, because he was a very tall man.


What city?

Match the text with the picture. What city of the world is the text about? How did you guess? Give arguments to explain.

This city is the largest and the oldest city of the country, but it is not the capital. The history of this city began when Captain James Cook landed his ship not far from here. The main sightseeing of the central part of the city is Sydney Opera House and the Harbour Bridge. They are great masterpieces of the architecture. The city has a famous Botanical Garden and the Zoo of unique birds and animals. The city has many national parks. Even in the centre of the city you can see different birds such as parrots. Thanks to subtropical climate, this city is a wonderful place for sunbathing, surfing and swimming. Besides the city is a large and important port.


What city?

Match the text with the picture. What city of the world is the text about? How did you guess? Give arguments to explain.

This city is situated not far from the Rocky Mountains, in the Fraser Valley. It stretches to the Pacific Ocean. It is the capital of the province of British Columbia. The city is one of the largest ports of the country, that’s why it is a centre of trading. Huge oceans liners can be seen in the port. People can swim in the ocean nearly 10 months a year due to the mild climate. And all year round you can go skiing in the mountains. This city is a centre of the native culture so you have a chance to buy things made by the Indians and Eskimos.


What city?

Match the text with the picture. What city of the world is the text about? How did you guess? Give arguments to explain.

This is the largest city of the country, but it is not the capital. The heart of this city is Manhattan. It’s the business and financial centre of the nation. It is the most beautiful part of the city. The most famous skyscraper in the world, Empire State Building with 102 floors, is situated here. In the Harbour there is the bronze Statue of Liberty. It was a present from the people of France. The first thing that people see after their long trip is the Statue of Liberty, the symbol of freedom.

Здесь представлен конспект к уроку на тему «Разработка фрагмента урока по теме “HOW DIFFERENT THE WORLD IS!” для работы с группами учащихся 10 класса», который Вы можете бесплатно скачать на нашем сайте. Предмет конспекта: Английский язык (10 класс). Также здесь Вы можете найти дополнительные учебные материалы и презентации по данной теме, используя которые, Вы сможете еще больше заинтересовать аудиторию и преподнести еще больше полезной информации.

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Дата добавления:4 февраля 2018
Категория:Английский язык
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