- Is school the place where we learn different things?

Конспект урока «Is school the place where we learn different things?» по английскому языку для 7 класса

1) МБОУ СОШ №61 имени М.И. Неделина.

2) Козлова Татьяна Эдуардовна.

3) Английский язык.

4) 7 «A»

5) Программно-методическое обеспечение: программа, используемые учебники В.П. Кузовлев «Английский язык» 7 класс.

6) Тема урока: «Is school the place where we learn different things?»

7) Цели :

Образовательный компонент:

  1. Провести практику в речевой деятельности: монологической, диалогической, аудировании;

  2. Ознакомить учащихся с лексикой по теме «School»;

  3. Уметь рассказывать о школе, учить строить логические высказывания по теме;

Развивающий компонент:

  1. Развивать мышление, творческую фантазию, инициативу в осуществлении иноязычной речевой деятельности;

  2. Повышать удельный вес самостоятельности работы в школе и дома;

  3. Развивать познавательный интерес учащихся;

Воспитательный компонент:

  1. Развивать логическое мышление;

  2. Воспитывать сознательное отношение к получению знаний;

Здоровьесберегающий компонент:

  1. Профилактика умственного напряжения путём смены видов деятельности;

  2. Создание атмосферы психологического комфорта учащихся на уроке, сохранение здоровья детей с разным типом психологического восприятия;

Тип урока: применение и закрепление полученных знаний и умений.

Оборудование: компьютер, компьютерная презентация с видами школы, аудиозапись с текстом «My school»

Ход урока

We love the places where we were born, where we spent our childhood and youth, love them faithfully for unforgettable impressions, they leave.

Theme: Our School.

Problem: Is School The Place where we learn many Things?

  1. От момента беседы с дежурным. Children, today we discuss the problem: «Is school the place

where we learn many things?»

  1. You are all school children and I’m a teacher. Every day we all go to school. I go to school to work and you go to school to learn. By the way, do you like do go to school? Do you like au subjects at school? Do you like your school? Do you like to learn? Do you learn with interest?

Oh, how nice! (T->P1,P2,P3)

Установка. And now let’s ask the children, what they think about their school and the subjects, they learn at school.

Модель . Sveta ask Lena if she likes to learn at school.

Sveta: Do you like to learn at school?

Lena: I like to learn at school.


-If she likes all the subjects at school

-If she likes (History, Mathematics, Russian, Literature, English…)

I see, you all like to go to school, because you want to know much, don’t you? (Pupil : I like to go to school, because I want to know much)

  1. Фонетическая зарядка

  1. Boys and girls, our life begins with school. I learned at school. Our headmaster G.M. learned at school. And we all like school. So do many of you. And now, listen to a poem about school.


Say, if it is gay or sad

(I read the poem)

I’m learning to write

I’m learning to spell

And my teacher says

That I’m doing very well

Now, say If it is gay or sad? (на доске)

Why do you think, it’s gay?

Does the pupil like to learn? (Yes, the pupil liked to learn)

T: I also think so ./.

Now, listen and say after me all together

Teacher: So, you like to learn at school and I like school too and I work here with pleasure.

  1. And now, let’s listen to what the English school children say about their schools.

First George speaks.

Listen to him and be ready to answer the question.

Does George like to learn at school?

And now, Ted.

What does he think about school?

(Слушают магнитофон)

Children, and what about you?

Do you like all the subjects at the school?

Have you got any boring subjects at school?

Let us discuss it.

How do you think?

(Работа по картинкам)

T->P1, P2, P3 разговор о школе, библиотеке, классе

  1. So, most of the time you spend learning at school and by the way, what can you say about your school.

Let’s divide into 3 groups and I give you 3 cards with your own problems. You must discuss them.

I give you 3 minutes for discussion.

1) Do you like our school? Tell us about it.

2) Do you like our classroom? Tell us about it.

3) You all go to our school library, tell us about it.

Установка: All the rest, listen to him carefully and say if Sasha is right saying about his school( his school library, his classroom)

Схема школы( Let’s describe Ted’s school)

  1. How do you think what rules are the most important for you?

(Code of Conduct)

What are the most important rules for you? What do you think? Choose 5 or 4 rules, which are the most important for you.

  1. Now, I have a crossword for you.

Let’s have a little fun.

This is a puzzle. _____

(один у доски, остальные на месте)

So, try to do it.

And now, let us see what the puzzle is ___

And you?

Have all of you this word?

Well done, boys and girls.

And I think you can answer this question.

8. Can you say that school is the place where we learn many things?

Ребята делают выводы

Open your record-books and write down your homework.

  1. Make up your __ crossword(about our school)

  2. ex.5p. 68

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