Конспект урока «English is around us» по английскому языку для 8 класса

Открытый урок в 8-ом классе по теме:

English is around us”

Goals: 1. To form correct speech when you answer the questions.

2.to develop grammar skills, Irregular verbs, and short answers in the Past Simple.

3. to bring up the interest to the learning English language.

Plan of the lesson:

  1. Warm up

  • Good afternoon dear students.

  • Good day.

  • How are you?

  • We are fine.

  • Let’s begin our lesson. First of all tell me please: Who is on duty today? What is the day today? etc.

Today we will be working by the theme “ English is around us” we will read and listen the student’s reports, answers the questions will be doing some grammar exercises and phonetic, listen the records with dialogues.

  • I have a picture on the blackboard you see the words these words will help you. You should ask me the questions and tell What represents on this pictures?( Students asking the questions) Words: bridge,flowers, green trees, blue sky, river, castle)

  • Ok . now students from your class prepare reports about our theme. (Students read their reports)


  1. Where English language is the official language in what countries?

2) In what countries English is the second language?

3) What pop groups’ names do you know?

4) What names of the magazines, products do you know?

5) If you want to know English better you should?

Look at the blackboard, you should complete the chart and you will see what you should do for better knowing English.

You should:

  • Enrich your vocabulary

  • Use new words in grammar structures and conversation

  • Read in English as much as possible

  • Write in English

  • Listen to BBC news in English

  • Communicate if possible with English – speaking people

  1. The task in pairs. Ex. 4 p. 71 I have cards for you. You must read the information and match English equivalents with its translation in Russian. Please do this task in your copy books.

Check its at the blackboard. Keys: ( on the blackboard are the numbers and letters, but letters are hiding, students should write their own variant of the answer, and then turn the list and see the right answer.


  1. Why is it said English around us? (because English words are everywhere; in the signs, clothing, soft drinks, as an element magic on T-shirts, sweat shirts)

  2. What fields is English used in? ( English used in science, business, international affairs, technology)

  3. Why should people learn English? (because it necessary to getting excellent education, good job)

  4. Why should we living in Kazakhstan learn English too? (It the same)

  5. What should you do to learn English better?

  1. It’s a good job.

Now the next task. If we are telling today about English we can listen the native English speech. I prepare for you English dialogues you should listen this dialogue at first, than repeat each phrase when will the pause. (Students listen the dialogue, than repeat it in pauses than teacher give them the break dialogue, they should complete it)

I divide you this dialogue into some parts. Your task will be to complete this dialogue and write it into your copybooks. If you put the phrases of the dialogue in a correct order, mark a “+” near each phrase; if wrong “-“. Than we are listen this dialogue again and you check it.

  1. Poems about Irregular verbs

  2. Memory Game

Now it’s the next task for you. Its memory game. I’ll give you 2 lists on the first you can see a Frank. He goes for a walk. You must look attentive at the picture for 2 minutes. Then turn the page and look at the second list, you see the questions listen them and answer.

  1. If we tell about English language I think we may do the crossword ( on the blackboard is a crossword) if we do it right we will see key-word of our lesson.






















































  1. Эти знаки нужно знать когда учимся читать ( This signs you must to know when you are studying to read)

  2. Это обязательно нужно уметь чтобы язык уразуметь ( This thing you must do, if you want to know language)

  3. Если четко знаешь это, будешь лучшим по предмету( If you know it well you will be the best student)

  4. Если прочитал ты слово по –английски знать должен ты русский вариант. Как он называется? (If you read the word by English you must to know Russian variant)

  5. Тексты мы …(читать) умеем. (We can … the texts)

  6. Когда с вами говоришь называешь это….(When we are talking it calls…)

  7. Правильное произношение звуков. ( Correct pronunciation of the sounds its…)

7.The song “ Little Red Riding Hood”

8. Total of the lesson.

Ok, students you were very good job. Now you have three flowers: red, blue, yellow. On the blackboard you see a field, but it is empty. Each of your flowers have the following meaning: red-this lesson was useful for you and interesting for you; yellow – this lesson was not useful for you and not interesting; blue – this lesson was boring.

The lesson is over. Good bye!

Здесь представлен конспект к уроку на тему «English is around us», который Вы можете бесплатно скачать на нашем сайте. Предмет конспекта: Английский язык (8 класс). Также здесь Вы можете найти дополнительные учебные материалы и презентации по данной теме, используя которые, Вы сможете еще больше заинтересовать аудиторию и преподнести еще больше полезной информации.

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Дата добавления:1 июня 2016
Категория:Английский язык
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