Конспект урока «The system of social Welfare» по английскому языку для 11 класса

Lesson “ The system of social Welfare ”. (1 quarter,26 october,2011)

Form: 11B

Topic :” Is the system of social Welfare fair?”



Will speak about this system

Skill development

Students will

Practise speaking

Practise listening

Practise using cliche in the speech

Practise critical thinking

Practise writing.

Grammar: Indirect questions,subordinate clauses with prepositions in spite of(dispite),because of and conjunctions while and whereas.

Vocabulary: words on the theme “welfare state”from the unit 5.


The 1st stage:

Organising moment:

T: Good morning, boys and girls!I`m glad to see you.You may sit down.Let`s start now.I hope you are ready for your English lesson.Today our lesson is one of the final lessons according to the theme “Is the system of social Welfare fair?”

Today at the lesson we`ll speak with you about this system. We`ll speak about different sphere where it works. We`ll speak about different categories of people who receive benefits. We`ll remember with you the names of these benefits, which are entitled to different categories of people.And I`ve prepared some interesting tasks for your work in the groups.I hope that everything will be O`K during our lesson. Let`s begin.But first of all we`ll get rid of your tension and your shilly-shally.I recommend you to use any tongue-twister.

Whenever the weather is cold.
Whenever the weather is hot.
We'll weather the weather,
whatever the weather,
whether we like it or not.

Who will be the first to speak today?

The 2nd stage:


T:What do you think the system of social welfare is?

P: Welfare state is the system of caring for the citizens through a range of services.

T: Thanks.And I`d like to know where this system operates?

P: This system operates in 5 spheres.

T: What spheres do you mean?

P: It operates in 5 spheres such as education,social security, community care, health, housing.

T: I`m interested to know who is paid social benefits in Russia?

P: There are different categories of people who are paid social benefits.They are people on low income,those who live beyond poverty level,people who retired , young people who study, mothers with babies, veterans, disabled people.

T: I wonder what is the main aim of welfare system?

P: Its main aim is to give all necessary things for people`s life, their existance.

T: What do you mean ?

P:Some people are young to work , some people are old enough to work or earn money.For example: сomplex of services in the elderly people`s homes,homes for the disabled and complex of services in the children`s pre-school institutions.

T: Are there any other aim of this system?

P:Its second aim is to help people in difficult situation.

Some people can`t work for some period of life because of some extraordinary circumstances.

T: Extraordinary circumstances? Could you tell me what they are?

P: They are problems with health, natural disasters, catastrophe and radiation.

T: I`d like to know what 2 groups of benefits in Welfare state are?

P: First of all it is help (it is given once , from time to time. It is usually money.) people have the source of income,but it is not enough,it is low.

T: And what is the second group?

P: It is allowance.

T: Allowance?What does this word mean?Is it maintenance or upkeep?

P: Right.

It is social service for homes for the elderly, the disabled, pre-school institution.

It is medical treatment.

It is treament in the sanatorium.

It is top priorities.(предметы первой необходимости)

It is compensation for housing

It is medicine at a reduced price.

T:Well, I see what you mean. I`m interested to know what 6 types of social security are?

P: They are pension, benefits, compensations, social and medical services, top priorities.

T: Now look, please, at this slide. Here is the living wage for able-bodied people ,pensioners and children in our town Asino. Count. If there are 3 members in the family the living wages shouldn`t be less than 21.5 thousand roubles, in the family with 4 members it shouldn`t be less than 28 thousand roubles.

Working in the groups.

T: Now we shall work in groups.The task for the first group is to answer the question:” How does Welfare system work in Russia?”

The task for the second group is to answer the question:” How does Medical care system work in Russia?

The task for the third group is to answer the question:” How do elderly people live in Russia?”

Answer the questions using this scheme.

T: Now let`s listen to what you have prepared.

P: ( from the first group)

Possible answer:


1. It helps all needy people in difficult situations.

2. It is free of charge.

3. It works really.


1. This system can`t give high level of services.

2. Allowances and benefits are still very low.

3. They are not enough to live some degree of dignity.

Conclusion: Despite the fact that in our country this system works but it should be changed partly.

P: ( from the second group)

Possible answer:


1. Medical care service is free.

2. Emergency doctors work quite well and effectively enough.


1. This system has financial problems.

2. General Practitioners are overworked.

3. Private health treatment is expensive.

4. People have to wait to be operated on for a long time.

Conclusion: We think that in many ways it is a good system but it should be also improved.

P: ( from the third group)

Possible answer:


1. They don`t have to go to work.

2. Their children are grown-ups.

3. They have a lot of free time.


1. They become ill and disabled.

2. They live a boring life.

3. They need regular care and nursing.

4. They lose their friends and spouses.

Conclusion: In spite of the fact that the elderly people have much free time they face many problems. Our government t , public organizations should pay more attention to this category of people.

T: Also I have a surprise for you. Are you ready to solve the crossword puzzle?

P: Yes, we are.

T: And at last the last task for you is to make a cinquain.

The 3th stage:

T: Fill in your self-assessment card, please.

T: For your homework you are to write a composition about the work of the welfare system.

T: Thank you for your work.


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Дата добавления:26 июля 2016
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