- The Influence of Music on People’s Health

Конспект урока «The Influence of Music on People’s Health» по английскому языку

Слайд 1

Let me introduce myself. I amMaxVuorinen, a senior student of School 1378.

The theme of my Project is“The Influence of Music on People’s Health”.


Can you think of a day without music? We can hear music everywhere: in the streets and at home, over the radio and on TV, in the shops and in the parks. People all over the world are fond of music. They listen to music, they dance to music, they learn to play musical instruments.

Слайд 3

Science has already accumulated a lot of important information about the influence of music on the human and living organisms, received as a result of experimental research. Last decades the influence of music is being studied more intensively. For example,a well-known Russian surgeon academician B.Petrovskyused music during difficult operations.

Слайд 4

Folk songs are very tuneful and pleasant to listen to. Classical music is often associated with the music of the past. Schubert, Schuman, Tchaikovsky, Chopin, Liszt romantic musichelps to remove stress and to concentrate better. If to compare music to medicines, then religious music is an analgesic in the world of sounds, which relieves any pain.

Слайд 5

Plants and animals under classical music grow faster. But underthe influence of modern "pop-music" cows lay down and refuse to eat.

In general, plants and animals prefer harmonic music. For example, the Dolphins like to listen to classical music, especially Bach.

Слайд 6

As for me, I also enjoy listening to classical music. I find it tuneful.Classical music gives me delight, pleasure and a sense of happiness. Some pieces of classical music are really wonderful. But listening to such music depends on my mood, I should say.

Слайд 7

Звучит классическая музыка: Бетховен «Лунная соната»


Many young people can’t stand the sound of high load. Under the influence of constant loud sounds from the headphones some of the nerve cells simply begin to die out.The music I hate is heavy metal. I find it noisy and dreadful. When I listen to this style of music it presents to my mind pictures of dark days.

Слайд 9

Звучит тяжёлый рок

Слайд 10

Tastes differ. So people's musical interests range from pop and rock music, which are extremely popular nowadays, especially among young people, to classical music and opera.Наve a look at the table, please. 458 people of different age were interviewed. The result is not surprising, but in the conclusion I should say that if you want to be healthy and intellectual then, listen to good music.


Music - is the art, reflecting in sounds art images, one of the forms of public ideology. Having by powerful force direct emotional effect, music has always played a huge social, cultural and educational role.



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Дата добавления:13 июня 2016
Категория:Английский язык
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