Конспект урока «Sports. Town of the Olympic Champions» по английскому языку для 7 класса

Урок английского языка в 7 классе

«Sports. Town of the Olympic Champions»

Цель: систематизация знаний учащихся по теме «Спорт»

Задачи урока:

- тренировка навыков устной речи;

- активизация навыков аудирования;

- активизация навыков просмотрового чтения;

Оборудование: портреты шахтинских олимпийских чемпионов, раздаточный материал (текст о В. Алексееве, карточки с заданием «Впиши пропущенные буквы», презентация «Шахты: Город Олимпийских Чемпионов»).

Ход урока

I Организация начала урока

- Good morning boys and girls! (Good morning!)

- I'm glad to see you! (We are glad to see you too!)

- How are you? (We are fine, thanks!)

- Who is absent today?

- Who is on duty?

- Are you ready to start?

II Целеполагание

  • Today we are going to review the information connected with sports. We'll remember kinds of sport and famous sportsmen. Let us start our lesson!

III Основная часть

Актуализация орфографических навыков

  • Look at the blackboard, please! There you can see the words, but some letters in them are missing. Your task is to complete them with the letters.

f…o…ba…l (football)

v…lle…b…ll (volleyball)

t..nn…s (tennis)

bas…et…a…l (basketball)

c…e…s (chess)

bo…i…g (boxing)

g…l… (golf)

ho…k…y (hockey)

sk…t…boa…di…g (skateboarding)

sw…mm…ng (swimming)

Фонетическая отработка лексики по теме

Thank you, my friends! I see that you remember these words very well! Now let's read the words in chorus and then on chain. Who wants to make a good start?

Речевая разминка

- I want you to play the game «Agree or disagree» with me.

You'll listen to my statements and agree with me if I'm right or disagree with me and correct my saying if it is false.

  1. Hockey is a team sport played on ice, in which skaters use sticks to direct a puck into the opposing team's goal. (true)

  2. Golf is the act of riding and performing tricks using a skateboard. (false)

  3. Volleyball is a team sport in which two teams of five players try to score points by throwing or "shooting" a ball through the top of a basketball hoop while following a set of rules. (false)

  4. Chess is a two-player board game played on a chessboard, a square-checkered board with 64 squares arranged in an eight-by-eight grid. (true)

  5. Skateboarding is a combat sport and martial art in which two people fight using their fists for competition. (false)

  6. Tennis is a sport usually played between two players (singles) or between two teams of two players each (doubles). Each player uses a racket that is strung to strike a hollow rubber ball covered with felt over a net into the opponent's court. (true)

  • Thank you, my friends! What do you know about our town? Is it special?

  • Do you know that our town is added to the Guinness book of world records? Why?

  • Yes, our town Shakhty was added to the Guinness book of world records due to the amount of the Olympic champions. How many Olympic champions from our town do you know? Let's remember them!

  1. Vasiliy Alekseyev

  2. Aleksey Vakhonin

  3. Lyudmila Kondratyeva

  4. Marina Logvinenko

  5. Rudolf Plyukfelder

  6. David Rigert

  7. Victor Tregubov

  8. Andrey Silnov

  9. Alexander Nevolin-Svetov (Paralympic Games)

  10. Nikolay Kolesnikov

  • And now I want you to match the names of the sportsmen and the kinds of sport.

  1. weight-lifting a) Alexander Nevolin-Svetov

  2. track and field athletics b) Andrey Silnov

  3. shooting c) Marina Logvinenko

  4. high jumping d) Lyudmila Kondratyeva

  5. swimming e) Victor Tregubov

f) David Rigert

g) Rudolf Plyukfelder

h) Aleksey Vakhonin

j) Vasiliy Alekseyev

k) Nikolay Kolesnikov


  1. weight-lifting ( Nikolay Kolesnikov, Vasiliy Alekseyev, Aleksey Vakhonin, Rudolf Plyukfelder, David Rigert, Victor Tregubov)

  2. track and field athletics (Lyudmila Kondratyeva)

  3. shooting (Marina Logvinenko)

  4. high jumping (Andrey Silnov)

  5. swimming (Alexander Nevolin-Svetov)

- Let’s check up your answers and remember all the Olympic Champions from our town. (Презентация «Шахты: Город Олимпийских Чемпионов»)

Совершенствование навыков изучающего чтения

-So, our town is famous for Olympic champions. What place in Shakhty reminds us about them?

- Yes! It is our Alley of the Olympic Champions!

- Now I want you to read the text about Vasiliy Ivanovich Alekseyev and then answer my questions.

Vasiliy Ivanovich Alekseyev (born January 7, 1942 in the village of Pokrovo-Shishkino, Ryazan Region) is a former competitor from the Soviet Union, who may be considered the greatest super weightlifter of all time. He set 80 world records and 81 Soviet records in weightlifting.

He began practicing weightlifting at age 18. Alekseyev was trained at Trud Voluntary Sports Society by his coach Rudolf Plyukfelder until 1968, when he began to train alone there. For this purpose he invented a special, very hard training system, which was much different from the methods commonly used at that time. One of his unique training methods was diving into a river, a lake or a pool with the barbell, and pressing it out of the water.

In January 1970 Alekseyev set his first world record, beginning a series of 80 world records set between 1970 and 1977. He was unbeaten and held the World Championship and European Championship titles for those eight years. He was the first man to total over 600 kg in the triple event.

However, his performance in the Moscow Olympics of 1980 was a disappointment. In the snatch he set his opening weight too high and was unable to lift it, scoring zero kilograms as the result. He retired from weightlifting after the Moscow Olympics.

In 1987, Alekseyev was elected to represent the Ryazan District for the Soviet Union's Congress of People's Deputies. Alekseyev worked as a coach between 1990 and 1992. Under his leadership the Unified Team earned ten medals in weightlifting at the 1992 Summer Olympics, including five golds.

In 1999, in Greece, Alekseyev was acknowledged as the best sportsman of the 20th century. He was also awarded Order of Lenin (1972), Order of Friendship of Peoples, Order of the Badge of Honour (1970), Order of the Red Banner of Labour (1972). In 1993 he was elected member of the International Weightlifting Federation Hall of Fame.

Since 1966 he has been living in Shakhty. In 1971 Alekseyev graduated from the branch of the Novocherkassk Polytechnical Institute in Shakhty.

Alekseyev featured on the cover of Sports Illustrated on April 14, 1975, titled "World's Strongest Man".


  1. Where was Vasiliy Alekseyev born?

  2. When did he begin practicing weightlifting?

  3. What training system did he invent?

  4. When did Vasiliy Alekseyev set his first world record?

  5. What do you know about the Moscow Olympics of 1980?

  6. How many world records did he set?

III Подведение итогов

- Today you have known about the famous Olympic champions of our town. You were active during the lesson today! Thank you for work! The bell has gone. Our lesson is over. Good bye, my dear friends!

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