Конспект урока «Mass media in GB and Russia» по английскому языку для 9 класса

Интегрированный урок английского языка в 9 классе по теме “Mass media in GB and Russia”.

Цели: 1) учащиеся должны уметь говорить о телевизионных каналах, популярных телепередачах, положительных и отрицательных чертах рекламы, сериалах в России и Великобритании; обсуждать любимые передачи и жанры кино, сравнивать таблоиды и серьезные газеты, составлять телепрограмму; систематизировать полученные знания и умения при изучении темы;

2) развивать смысловую догадку при чтении зарубежной прессы;

3) воспитывать аккуратное отношение к журналам и газетам, взятым в библиотеке; заинтересованность в прочтении некоторых номеров журналов для подростков; необходимость самообразования при помощи доступных средств массовой информации.

Место проведения: школьная библиотека

Оборудование: ТСО, выставка российских журналов для подростков, некоторые номера иностранных газет, вырезки из газет на английском языке, листы с тестом, на доске тема урока и афоризм “I would sooner read a timetable or a catalogue than nothing at all. Maugham

Ход урока.

  1. Организационный момент.

Good afternoon, boys and girls. I’m glad to meet you in our school library where our lesson will take place. We’ll try to remember all the material we’ve learnt during the previous lessons. There’s one more person who will help us to acquaint ourselves with the latest issues of the Russian magazines for teens. It’s our school librarian Elena Vitalyevna.

The quotation of today’s lesson is the words by S. Maugham. Have you got any ideas why I’ve chosen these words as an epigraph to the lesson? We’ll try to give an answer to this question at the end of the lesson.

Now let’s start with the words we’ve met while studying the topic “What's the news?”

  1. Лексическая зарядка.

While we’re working together I’ve got some individual tasks for the pupils. (Some pupils are given the following tasks “Make a perfect TV programme for children” or “Make a perfect TV programme for sport lovers” etc. They do it on the prepared sheets of paper.)

Make as many phrases as possible.

radio lives

misleading Standard

science viewers

news film

TV adverts

private systems

feature articles

cable paper

detailed fiction

Evening station

Add some more words on the following topics.

Horror, detective, documentary, . . .

Discussions, talk show, weather forecast, . . .

Large photos, headlines, foreign news, . . .

Creative, funny, unrealistically, . . .

Thanks. It’s high time to check the mini projects of our TV directors.

  1. Основной этап урока.

Answer my questions.

  1. Do you know what the basic sources of information are?

P1: Magazines, newspapers and reference books.

P2: Internet

P3: Television

P4: Radio

P5: . . .

  1. Why do people read press and watch TV?

P1: To entertain themselves.

P2: To know the latest news.

P3: To educate themselves.

P4: To use information in everyday life.

P5: . . .

  1. Do you know some of the English TV channels? What programmes do they transmit?

P1: BBC1 provides their viewers with serious programmes, documentaries and others.

P2: SKY One provide general entertainment.

P3: . . .

  1. What about watching TV? Do you have your favourite programme?

P1: I like nature programme

P2: My joy is talk show.

P3: I enjoy detectives.

  1. By the way what genres of films do you know? Can you characterize them?

P1: Cartoons. They’re really fun.

P2: Feature films. You can learn the history of some periods of life.

P3: Comedies help me to relax.

P4: . . .

  1. Why do you think people watch” soaps” and what’s your attitude to them?

  2. Do you know any English magazines for teens? What information can you get in them?

P1: “Shout” is for teens. There’re articles about stars, fashion, sport, popular trends and other interesting information.

P2: . . .

I’m pleased with your answers. And just now you have a wonderful chance to see the slide-show about popular Russian magazines for teens.

Приложение 1(презентация)

(After having watched the material, the pupils discuss the magazines they like or borrow from the library, the most interesting articles they’ve already read, etc. They communicate with the librarian in Russian.)

  1. I guess you are interested in the information and I hope you’ll be the regular guests in the library because here you can find all the answers to your questions.

And now we’re coming to the next part of our lesson and it’ll be devoted to the newspapers. (The teacher shows some tabloids and quality papers.)

Look at different issues of English and American newspapers and compare them, please. Can you characterize tabloids?

P1: As a rule, tabloids have a sensational reporting style and large headlines.

P2: They have large photos and a lot of pictures.

P3: As for the information it’s not so serious, as a rule they have short articles about less important events. The articles are full of scandals.

P4: They have a lot of adverts, information about concerts and films.

P5: . . .

And what can you say about quality papers?

P1: The newspapers devote large sections to the national and international news.

P2: They have much to write than to show.

P3: The information is true to life, the reporters provide their readers with serious interviews and confidential talk with famous people.

P4: . . .

Right you are. The following task is try to guess the main content of the article you have on your desks?

P1: The article is devoted to . . .

P2: The issue opens with the description . . .

P3: The reporter discusses the events . . .

P4: . . .

  1. Проведение теста.

Приложение 2

  1. Подведение итогов, рефлексия.

You’ve excellently done the task. And now we’re ready to come back to our epigraph. Can you explain now why the words by Maugham are taken as the main ones for our lesson.

P1: Reading helps to solve some of the problems.

P2: Newspapers and magazines give information about every sphere of life.

P3: Reading helps not to be along.

P4: . . .

You’re absolutely right. Reading makes a full man. So, welcome to the library and enjoy yourselves by reading. Thanks for the lesson.

Здесь представлен конспект к уроку на тему «Mass media in GB and Russia», который Вы можете бесплатно скачать на нашем сайте. Предмет конспекта: Английский язык (9 класс). Также здесь Вы можете найти дополнительные учебные материалы и презентации по данной теме, используя которые, Вы сможете еще больше заинтересовать аудиторию и преподнести еще больше полезной информации.

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Дата добавления:26 июня 2016
Категория:Английский язык
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