Конспект урока «Life & Living» по английскому языку
Lesson №29
Тема: «Life & Living»
Цель: расширение грамматических навыков
развитие навыков распознавания и использования в речи инфинитива и -ing форм глагола;
развитие умений ознакомительного и поискового чтения;
развитие навыков распознавания и использования наречий too/enough
Ход урока
1. Орг.момент.
- Good morning students! I’m glad to see you! You may have a sit!
As usual we are going to start with tongue twister
Are our oars oak?
2. Постановка цели урока:
- Look at the blackboard and say what themes we’re going to revise.
Yes today we are going to speak about infinitive, infinitive without to & -ing form
3. - Let’s refer to the Grammar Reference Section to get more information about infinitives.
a) do ex.1 individually and then check your answers with the class;
can/must/may/will, etc. +infinitive without to (examples: you may think, they can carry, cockroaches can live); look forward |
to/have difficulty (in)/be used to + -ing form (examples: they have difficulty laying); |
kind/sad/lucky/clever/glad, etc. + to-infinitive (examples: they are always glad to do); manage/ want/ |
expect/offer/help/promise, etc. + to-infinitive (examples: the only one who wants to be, vacuuming . helps to get rid of, don’t expect to getrid of) |
let/make/hear/see/feel + infinitive without to (examples: don’t let them live). |
- Now are going to do ex 2 p 30
4. - Fill in the gaps with the verbs in brackets in the correct form in ex 3 p 30. Then answer the questions Yes or No
Answer key
2 to help |
3 doing |
4 helping |
5 playing |
6 do |
7 borrow |
8 asking |
9 having |
10 to do |
5. - Now you are going to do ex 4,5,6,7,9 individualy on sheet of paper and then pass it to me
Answer key
Ex 5 | |
1 a) switching (recall), b) to switch (not forget) | 1 A: to go, B: staying |
2 a) drinking (do sth as an experiment), b) to open (made an attempt) | 2 A: to do, B: doing |
3 a) watching (finished action), b) to watch (interrupted what she was doing in order to do sth else); | 3 A: to turn off, B: turning |
4 a) talking (without stopping), b) to talk (proceeded) | 4 A: to tell, B: worrying, to wait |
| 5 A: fix, B: calling, fixing |
Suggested answer key
Ex 7 | |
I hate helping with the housework. I enjoy listening to music. I look forward to going shopping tomorrow. I can’t stand travelling by train. I can’t tidy my room today. I will visit my aunt on Sunday. My parents let me stay out late on Saturdays. I don’t mind walking the dog. I want to become a teacher. I like watching TV. | 2 I avoid tidying my room. 3 I can’t stand washingthe dishes. 4 I usually avoid studying in my room. 5 I try to help my brother with his homework. 6 I don’t mind taking out the rubbish. 7 I can’t help playing video games. 8 I’d rather go to a friend’s house than stay at home. 9 I hatehelping with the gardening. 10 It’s not worth arguing with my brother; I never win. |
6 - Please, pay attention to p 31. There is a theory box. Find out the main information and do ex 10.
Answer key:
2 James is clever enough to solve this problem.
3 I have enough money to buy this expensive watch.
4 They were too tired to stay awake during the film.
5 We’ve got enough food to give you some.
6 He spoke too fast for me to understand him.
7. Домашнее задание :Gr5-Gr 7.
8. Подведение итогов урока.
- Ok! Now tell me,please, what did you find out on our lesson?
Ss own answer
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