- Change in the weather and climate in the world

Презентация "Change in the weather and climate in the world" по английскому языку – проект, доклад

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Слайд 14

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Слайды презентации

Change in the weather and climate in the world
Слайд 1

Change in the weather and climate in the world

Changing weather and climate are variations in the Earth's climate as a whole or of its separate regions with the passage of time, resulting in a statistically reliable deviations of parameters of weather from the multiyear averages for the period of time from decades to millions of years. Take into
Слайд 2

Changing weather and climate are variations in the Earth's climate as a whole or of its separate regions with the passage of time, resulting in a statistically reliable deviations of parameters of weather from the multiyear averages for the period of time from decades to millions of years. Take into account changes as the average values of weather parameters, and changes in the frequency of extreme weather events. The study of climate change engaged in science paleoclimatology.

Factors of climate changes are caused by changes in the earth's atmosphere, the processes occurring in other parts of the world, such as the oceans, glaciers, as well as the effects associated with human activities. External processes that shape the climate are the changes of the solar radiation and
Слайд 3

Factors of climate changes are caused by changes in the earth's atmosphere, the processes occurring in other parts of the world, such as the oceans, glaciers, as well as the effects associated with human activities. External processes that shape the climate are the changes of the solar radiation and the Earth's orbit.

Change of weather and climate impacts on our planet now!
Слайд 4

Change of weather and climate impacts on our planet now!

The glaciers are melting
Слайд 5

The glaciers are melting

Increased acidity of the oceans
Слайд 6

Increased acidity of the oceans

Or coral reefs will lose color
Слайд 7

Or coral reefs will lose color

The weather is becoming more severe
Слайд 8

The weather is becoming more severe

Change in the weather and climate in the world Слайд: 9
Слайд 9
Threat to the survival of small island
Слайд 10

Threat to the survival of small island

Affects the livelihood of local residents
Слайд 11

Affects the livelihood of local residents

Climate impact of all factors, both natural and anthropogenic, is a single value - radioactive heating of the atmosphere in W/m2. Volcanoes, glaciers, continental drift and drift of the Earth's poles are powerful natural processes affecting the Earth's climate. In the scale of several years volcanoe
Слайд 12

Climate impact of all factors, both natural and anthropogenic, is a single value - radioactive heating of the atmosphere in W/m2. Volcanoes, glaciers, continental drift and drift of the Earth's poles are powerful natural processes affecting the Earth's climate. In the scale of several years volcanoes can play a major role. As a result of the eruption of the volcano Pinatubo in 1991 in the Philippines to a height of 35 km been abandoned so much ash that the average level of solar radiation decreased by 2.5 W/m2. However, these changes are not long term, the particles relatively quickly settle down. In the scale of thousands of years determining the climate of the process will be, probably, the slow movement from one of the glacial period to the next.

24 October - the international day dedicated to the climate action.
Слайд 13

24 October - the international day dedicated to the climate action.

Thank you for your attention!
Слайд 14

Thank you for your attention!

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Ваша оценка: Оцените презентацию по шкале от 1 до 5 баллов
Дата добавления:14 сентября 2014
Категория:Английский язык
Автор презентации:Нарчилевич Анастасия Андреевна
Содержит:14 слайд(ов)
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