Конспект урока «Оld new story» по английскому языку

Оld new story

Christmas fun

А fairy tale about Red Hat and White Hat

Scene 1

Once upon a time there were two girls –two sisters-twillings. They were very friendly and happy in their family.

R.H. Hello! Nice to meet you! I’m Red Hat

W.H. Hi! Glad to see all of you! My name is White Hat! Let’s play a ball toqether!

R.H. Let’s play hide-and-seek better!

W.H. Red Hat, let’s decorate our New Year tree. Christmas is coming soon!

R.H. Really? Let’s do it!

(They decorate the Christmas tree singing songs).

Oh Christmas tree
Oh Christmas tree
Of all the trees, most lovely
Oh Christmas tree
Oh Christmas tree
Of all the trees, most lovely
Each year you bring
To me delight
Gleaming in
The Christmas light
Oh Christmas Tree
Oh Christmas Tree
Of all the trees, most lovely
Oh Christmas Tree
Oh Christmas Tree
With faithful leaves unchanging
Oh Christmas Tree
Oh Christmas Tree
With faithful leaves unchanging
Your boughs are green in summer's glow
And do not fade in winter's snow
Oh Christmas Tree
Oh Christmas Tree
With faithful leaves unchanging

Each year you bring
To me delight
Gleaming in
The Christmas Light

Oh Christmas Tree
Oh Christmas Tree
Of all the trees, most lovely

R.H.. Oh wonderful! Our Christmas tree is really great!

W.H. Exciting!

R.H. Is there anybody knocking at the door?

W.H. I’ll open! Oh it’s our mom! Come in, dear!

R.H. Mom, have a look! It’s our Christmas tree! We have recently decorated it!

Mom. Oh wonderful! How nice is it!

W.H. Let’s sing our Christmas songs!

(They sing together. There is somebody calling Mom)

Mom. Oh, it’s your granny. Oh dear! You are ill! Please stay in bed! Don’t worry about anything! Children! Your Granny is ill! She congratulates you on Christmas and wishes you good luck!

R.H. Oh our Granny! She is ill! Oh poor! White Hat, let’s visit her!

W.H. A good idea! Let’s do it!

Mom. And there are some presents for your Granny! The bus will be at four o’clock. Harry up! Don’t be l

Scene 2

The girls are at the bus station. They are sitting and playing phone games.

R.H. White Hat, would you like to eat some sweets?

W.H. A good idea! Let’s do it!

(They continue playing games. Suddenly they see a bus going away.)

W.H. Is it our bus?

R.H. Stop, stop please!

(The girls are crying)

W.H. What should we do now?

R.H. There is nothing to do. It was the last bus for today. We have to go on foot.

W.H. OK’, let’s go.

Scene 3

The girls are near the forest.

R.H. Such a silence! Aren’t you afraid of getting dark?

W.H. I’m afraid of the dark forest. I mean there are many animals in the forest –wolves, bears, foxes…Could you see anybody about here?

R.H. Yes, there is somebody in white coming to us!

Wind. Who are you? What are you doing here? I’m Wind. I’m the king of this forest. I don’t let anybody into the forest before the Christmas time!

(the dance of Wind)

W.H. Oh, dear Wind! We are going to visit our granny. She is ill. Here are some presents for her to Christmas.

R.H. Let us go, please! Our granny lives in a village behind the forest.

Wind. I could let you go, if you dance, or recite a poem or sing a song.

W.H. We would like to dance with you!(They dance together).

Wind. Oh wonderful! You may go now!

(Many snowflakes running out.)

R.H. How many snowflakes are there! Great!

W.H. It’s so exciting !Wonderful! They are very beautiful.

S1. Girls, we are glad to meet you. We like to dance and to circle.

S2 Would you like to dance with us?

S3. Let’s dance all together.

(the dance of snowflakes and girls)

S4 Oh girls, you are very friendly. Would you like to present at our Christmas party? It seems to be great.

R.H. It would be great but we have to visit our granny.

Wolf. Oh I’d like to be with you!

I’d like to jump, to sing, to dance with all of you. It’s so funny being with you!

S1. Go away you such a bad wolf.

S2. You are scary. You are bad!

Wolf. I’m not bad !I’m not bad! (crying)

S3. S4. Go away! Go away!

Wolf. Please let me stay! I will be good this year!

W.H. Please let him stay! He is a kind wolf!

Wolf. Yes, I’m very kind.

S.1. If you are a good wolf you should go to the village and bring the granny to our holiday!

Wolf. Of course I’ll do it.

S2. And we will invite our Father Frost and his daughter Snow white!

Let’s call them! All together. Father Frost, Snow White!

FF. Hi everyone! Nice to meet you!

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas! My best congratulations on Christmas and coming New Year.

S.W. We wish you to be healthy, wealthy and wise this year.

F.F. Please stay in a circle and put your arms forwards. I’ll frost you! (F.F. plays with children. After that children recite poems, sing songs and dance].

Granny. (coming in) Hello my darlings! Nice to meet you! (She kisses the girls).

Merry Christmas to all of you.

FF. All are present. We might begin our Christmas party.

Lets begin with our song!

* * *

We Wish You a Merry Christmas

We wish you a Merry Christmas!
We wish you a Merry Christmas!
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

We wish you a Merry Christmas!
We wish you a Merry Christmas!
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Good tidings to you and all of your kin!
Good tidings for Christmas and a Happy New Year!

We wish you a Merry Christmas!
We wish you a Merry Christmas!
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Good tidings to you and all of your kin!
Good tidings for Christmas and a Happy New Year!

We wish you a Merry Christmas!
We wish you a Merry Christmas!
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

We wish you a Merry Christmas!
We wish you a Merry Christmas!
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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