- Interesting traditions of china (интересные традиции китая)

Презентация "Interesting traditions of china (интересные традиции китая)" по английскому языку – проект, доклад

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Interesting traditions of China
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Interesting traditions of China

The basis of Chinese customs, and, therefore, the rules of etiquette is respect for elders, punctuality , respect for tradition , knowledge and love of the national history and literature , to the provision of rules and rituals. All foreigners in China are very friendly. In public places, they becom
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The basis of Chinese customs, and, therefore, the rules of etiquette is respect for elders, punctuality , respect for tradition , knowledge and love of the national history and literature , to the provision of rules and rituals. All foreigners in China are very friendly. In public places, they become the object of public attention. The task of the foreigner calmly and kindly respond to the increased attention to themselves. So even when you point the finger , do not take it with hostility . In order to properly conduct themselves in China , just to observe the behavior of the Chinese themselves in a particular situation , and in the case of any misunderstanding features, ask them for advice - they are always happy to help you .

The Chinese people are friendly and sociable , so they are very easy to learn . Do not be surprised if you start talking on the street or in transport (especially long-distance trains ) . This is not considered to be something exceptional. Meeting , the Chinese greet each other with words , sometime
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The Chinese people are friendly and sociable , so they are very easy to learn . Do not be surprised if you start talking on the street or in transport (especially long-distance trains ) . This is not considered to be something exceptional. Meeting , the Chinese greet each other with words , sometimes with a slight nod of the head. Handling of "you" is rarely used , mainly to the elderly or unfamiliar people . In general, during a conversation using "you." Special respect to the other party may appeal to emphasize the use of "master" (" Mrs. "), with the addition of the names - it also depends on the degree of closeness of the relationship . Personal name is after the Chinese names and consists of one or two syllables. Treatment only in name only possible between close friends (if not very strong differences in age ), or relatives.

Chinese people like to go on a visit and invite guests home . And since China has long been home phones is small, people used to come to visit and without warning. However, if you receive an invitation to a Chinese house , it is best to come a little earlier . You can not be late for a visit. Consid
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Chinese people like to go on a visit and invite guests home . And since China has long been home phones is small, people used to come to visit and without warning. However, if you receive an invitation to a Chinese house , it is best to come a little earlier . You can not be late for a visit. Considered impolite to linger at a party . Guest can come with one of the friends , not necessarily familiar with the owner. Guests are always greeted very warmly and be sure to treat . It is considered impolite to come to visit without a gift , especially if the family is elderly or children . As a gift, usually presented with fruit , cakes and sweets . If the family has children, you can give , and children's toys. You should not give expensive gifts - this could cause controversy . By the way, to accept gifts made ​​in China with both hands.

The peculiarity of the Chinese etiquette - an indispensable politeness. Therefore, China's first ceremonially taken to refuse a treat or gift. In this case, feasting, or the giver should politely insist, coaxing guests or give as gifts. During the meal, you should try a little of everything. It is n
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The peculiarity of the Chinese etiquette - an indispensable politeness. Therefore, China's first ceremonially taken to refuse a treat or gift. In this case, feasting, or the giver should politely insist, coaxing guests or give as gifts. During the meal, you should try a little of everything. It is necessary to express gratitude for the reception, good entertainment and hospitality. Leave the house should be soon after dinner, not sitting up.

Each nationality of China has developed its own way of life, reflected in the food, clothing , housing , customs, rituals and the like, which have left their mark on the natural, social , economic and other factors. So , in the south of China staple food is rice, while residents of northern regions
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Each nationality of China has developed its own way of life, reflected in the food, clothing , housing , customs, rituals and the like, which have left their mark on the natural, social , economic and other factors. So , in the south of China staple food is rice, while residents of northern regions prefer flour products. At the Uighurs, Kazakhs and Uzbeks favorite dishes - lamb kebabs , rice and fried tortillas " nan " ; Mongolians prefer fried rice, fried rump, and tea with milk ; Koreans have held in high esteem pudding " Dag " , cold noodles and sauerkraut ; Tibetans eat dzambu - roasted barley flour in butter and drink tea with melted butter ; Do people nationality , ching , let used as gum leaves arekovoy palms .

National customs

Clothes. As for clothing, the manchzhurki prefer to walk in robes "Qipao" Mongolians are national robes and boots; Tibetans wear plowed Ankle-long caftans "forelock"; Miao ethnic women, and Yao wear skirts with numerous assemblies; among the Uighurs popular embroidered skullcaps;
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As for clothing, the manchzhurki prefer to walk in robes "Qipao" Mongolians are national robes and boots; Tibetans wear plowed Ankle-long caftans "forelock"; Miao ethnic women, and Yao wear skirts with numerous assemblies; among the Uighurs popular embroidered skullcaps; Koreans wear shoes with a curved toe, reminiscent in shape of a ship; Miao women, and Tibetan women love jewelry of gold and silver; Mongols, Tibetans, achany wear a belt decorated with silver daggers "dyaodao."

Residence nationalities of China. Traditional housing Han - a house with a yard, surrounded by a wall. The nomads of Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang, Qinghai and Gansu live in yurts. Give nationality, chzhaun, buoys, and many other minorities in South China are built of bamboo two-story houses on stilts, c
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Residence nationalities of China

Traditional housing Han - a house with a yard, surrounded by a wall. The nomads of Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang, Qinghai and Gansu live in yurts. Give nationality, chzhaun, buoys, and many other minorities in South China are built of bamboo two-story houses on stilts, called "ganlan."

In areas densely populated by Han people , the customs are simple. On the day of birth is no special ritual, many people prefer to have a " shoumyan " - noodles symbolize longevity. And it happens that in urban families in this day served at the table European cake . In China, set to "
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In areas densely populated by Han people , the customs are simple. On the day of birth is no special ritual, many people prefer to have a " shoumyan " - noodles symbolize longevity. And it happens that in urban families in this day served at the table European cake . In China, set to " The Marriage Act ," in which men who have reached 22 years old, and women under 20 years of age have the right to marry and get a marriage license in the relevant competent authority . And established their legal marital relationship . A wedding is not a compulsory procedure from a legal point of view. Wedding - a holiday when the bride and groom receive congratulations from their loved ones. Wedding ceremonies are held at the national minorities in different ways: sometimes they are magnificent and solemn , sometimes simple and modest . On this day, some made ​​to rejoice and sing songs from other brides supposed to cry before leaving the family home. With some guys choose the bride , others , on the contrary , - girls in husbands take guys. In some nations decided to smear the cheeks are black make-up, while others - joking with the bride and groom , at the third - tease -in-law , and all of it is fun and interesting.

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Дата добавления:25 апреля 2015
Категория:Английский язык
Содержит:10 слайд(ов)
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