- British traditions (традиции британии)

Презентация "British traditions (традиции британии)" по английскому языку – проект, доклад

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Слайд 14

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Слайды презентации

BRITISH TRADITIONS. Every country has its own traditions and customs. In Britain traditions play a very important role in the life of people. The British are proud of their traditions and keep them carefully.
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Every country has its own traditions and customs. In Britain traditions play a very important role in the life of people. The British are proud of their traditions and keep them carefully.

Britain is full of culture and traditions which have been around for hundreds of years. It is known that the English are stay-at-home people. “There is no place like home”, they say. When they don't work they like to spend their days off at home with their families.
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Britain is full of culture and traditions which have been around for hundreds of years. It is known that the English are stay-at-home people. “There is no place like home”, they say. When they don't work they like to spend their days off at home with their families.

English people like domestic animals. Every family has a pet: a dog, a cat or a bird.
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English people like domestic animals. Every family has a pet: a dog, a cat or a bird.

Politeness is a characteristic feature of Englishmen. They often say “Thank you”, “Sorry”, “Beg your pardon”.
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Politeness is a characteristic feature of Englishmen. They often say “Thank you”, “Sorry”, “Beg your pardon”.

Englishmen's home. People all over the world know the saying: “The Englishmen’s home is his castle”. They like to live in small houses with a small garden. A typical feature of an English house is a fireplace, that's why many of them prefer the open fire to central heating.
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Englishmen's home

People all over the world know the saying: “The Englishmen’s home is his castle”. They like to live in small houses with a small garden. A typical feature of an English house is a fireplace, that's why many of them prefer the open fire to central heating.

English meals. They say that English people keep to their traditions even in meals. They eat eggs and bacon with toasts for breakfast, pudding or apple pie for dessert. Porridge is the dish Englishmen are very fond of. Many of them eat porridge with milk and sugar for breakfast.
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English meals

They say that English people keep to their traditions even in meals. They eat eggs and bacon with toasts for breakfast, pudding or apple pie for dessert. Porridge is the dish Englishmen are very fond of. Many of them eat porridge with milk and sugar for breakfast.

Tea-drinkers. The English are tea-drinkers. They have it many times a day. Some Englishmen have tea for breakfast, tea in lunch time, tea after dinner, tea at tea-time and tea with supper. Some English families have "high tea" or big tea and no supper. The Englishmen always drink tea out o
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The English are tea-drinkers. They have it many times a day. Some Englishmen have tea for breakfast, tea in lunch time, tea after dinner, tea at tea-time and tea with supper. Some English families have "high tea" or big tea and no supper. The Englishmen always drink tea out of cups, never out of glasses.

They have also English and British traditions of sport, music and many royal occasions.
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They have also English and British traditions of sport, music and many royal occasions.

Coronation Day. It marks the anniversary of the date when Elizabeth II became queen
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Coronation Day

It marks the anniversary of the date when Elizabeth II became queen

The queen's telegram. The Queen “s telegram is not a very old custom but it is for very old people. Every British person gets a telegram from the Queen on their one-hundredth birthday
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The queen's telegram

The Queen “s telegram is not a very old custom but it is for very old people. Every British person gets a telegram from the Queen on their one-hundredth birthday

Changing of the Guards. Changing of the Guards is a very beautiful tradition. Every morning tourists go to watch the ceremony at Buckingham Palace. At 11.30 the guard that stands in front of the palace change.
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Changing of the Guards

Changing of the Guards is a very beautiful tradition. Every morning tourists go to watch the ceremony at Buckingham Palace. At 11.30 the guard that stands in front of the palace change.

Pancake Day. Pancake Day is celebrated on Shrove Tuesday in spring at the beginning of Lent. Lent is a period of 40 days before Easter. Pancake Day is traditionally a day of celebration, the last day that you can eat what you want until Easter.
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Pancake Day

Pancake Day is celebrated on Shrove Tuesday in spring at the beginning of Lent. Lent is a period of 40 days before Easter. Pancake Day is traditionally a day of celebration, the last day that you can eat what you want until Easter.

Well, on this day in England families usually have pancakes for dinner. At schools the children and teachers have pancakes for school dinner, and in restaurants customers ask for pancakes, too. Pancake Day is a funny custom. It is famous for an unusual race with frying pans and pancakes.
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Well, on this day in England families usually have pancakes for dinner. At schools the children and teachers have pancakes for school dinner, and in restaurants customers ask for pancakes, too. Pancake Day is a funny custom. It is famous for an unusual race with frying pans and pancakes.

Guy Fawkes” Night. Guy Fawkes” Night is observed on the 5th of November when people in Britain light fireworks and burn a straw guy on a bonfire. This celebration is often associated with collecting money for charity
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Guy Fawkes” Night

Guy Fawkes” Night is observed on the 5th of November when people in Britain light fireworks and burn a straw guy on a bonfire. This celebration is often associated with collecting money for charity

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  1. Постарайтесь вовлечь аудиторию в рассказ, настройте взаимодействие с аудиторией с помощью наводящих вопросов, игровой части, не бойтесь пошутить и искренне улыбнуться (где это уместно).
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  8. Старайтесь получить удовольствие от выступления, тогда Вы сможете быть более непринужденным и будете меньше волноваться.

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Дата добавления:15 января 2015
Категория:Английский язык
Содержит:14 слайд(ов)
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