- The problems of our town - проблемы нашего города

Презентация "The problems of our town - проблемы нашего города" по английскому языку – проект, доклад

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Презентацию на тему "The problems of our town - проблемы нашего города" можно скачать абсолютно бесплатно на нашем сайте. Предмет проекта: Английский язык. Красочные слайды и иллюстрации помогут вам заинтересовать своих одноклассников или аудиторию. Для просмотра содержимого воспользуйтесь плеером, или если вы хотите скачать доклад - нажмите на соответствующий текст под плеером. Презентация содержит 29 слайд(ов).

Слайды презентации

The Problems of Our Town
Слайд 1

The Problems of Our Town

A subculture. Life Is Fate   What for we live? What for we die? Why can we dream, but cannot fly? Sometimes we’re happy and we smile, Sometimes we’re sad, we scream and cry. What for we love? What for we hate? I cannot answer! Life is fate! Irina Shilova
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A subculture

Life Is Fate   What for we live? What for we die? Why can we dream, but cannot fly? Sometimes we’re happy and we smile, Sometimes we’re sad, we scream and cry. What for we love? What for we hate? I cannot answer! Life is fate! Irina Shilova

Youth subcultures in Balakovo
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Youth subcultures in Balakovo

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Balakovo rock groups:Inferno, Inside, IQ, Lock Out, Farewell, Perekrestok. A rocker is a person who performs, dances to, or enjoys rock music belonging to a subculture characterized by leather clothing, riding motorcycles
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Balakovo rock groups:Inferno, Inside, IQ, Lock Out, Farewell, Perekrestok.

A rocker is a person who performs, dances to, or enjoys rock music belonging to a subculture characterized by leather clothing, riding motorcycles

Слайд 7


The punk subculture is based around punk rock. Punk fashion seeks to outrage propriety with the highly theatrical use of clothing, hairstyles, cosmetics, tattoos, jewelry and body modification.
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The punk subculture is based around punk rock. Punk fashion seeks to outrage propriety with the highly theatrical use of clothing, hairstyles, cosmetics, tattoos, jewelry and body modification.

The vivid representatives of punks in Balakovo are Tarakany, Blef. There is one of the works of Blef. В бесконечности своей наивной Х отел я мир вам подарить. Был награжден улыбкой милой И с ней советом - все забыть. Cебя считал совсем не глупым, Но слов запасы истощил. Я б выглядел, наверно, грустн
Слайд 9

The vivid representatives of punks in Balakovo are Tarakany, Blef. There is one of the works of Blef.

В бесконечности своей наивной Х отел я мир вам подарить. Был награжден улыбкой милой И с ней советом - все забыть. Cебя считал совсем не глупым, Но слов запасы истощил. Я б выглядел, наверно, грустным, Макс Драгунов

Слайд 10


Its imagery and cultural proclivities indicate influences from nineteenth century Gothic literature along with horror movies.
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Its imagery and cultural proclivities indicate influences from nineteenth century Gothic literature along with horror movies.

Goth fashion is stereotyped as a dark, sometimes morbid, eroticized fashion and style of dress. Typical gothic fashion includes dyed black hair, dark eyeliner, black fingernails, black period-styled clothing; goths may or may not have piercings. Balakovo gothic group is Lost in the Heavens.
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Goth fashion is stereotyped as a dark, sometimes morbid, eroticized fashion and style of dress. Typical gothic fashion includes dyed black hair, dark eyeliner, black fingernails, black period-styled clothing; goths may or may not have piercings. Balakovo gothic group is Lost in the Heavens.

Слайд 13


Rap is the rhythmic spoken delivery of rhymes, wordplay, and poetry. Rapping is a primary ingredient in Hip Hop music, but the phenomenon predates Hip Hop culture by centuries. ing
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Rap is the rhythmic spoken delivery of rhymes, wordplay, and poetry. Rapping is a primary ingredient in Hip Hop music, but the phenomenon predates Hip Hop culture by centuries. ing

Stylistically, rap occupies a gray area among speech, prose, poetry, and song. The use of the word to describe quick speech or repartee long predates the musical form,meaning originally "to hit".
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Stylistically, rap occupies a gray area among speech, prose, poetry, and song. The use of the word to describe quick speech or repartee long predates the musical form,meaning originally "to hit".

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Emo is movement which requires followers to apply heavy eye-liner, wear overly tight jeans, enjoy large cock (not that they ever get any, unless they got a granddad), dye their hair black (don't forget to skip the shower) and grow a long fringe to help warp their vision of the world.
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Emo is movement which requires followers to apply heavy eye-liner, wear overly tight jeans, enjoy large cock (not that they ever get any, unless they got a granddad), dye their hair black (don't forget to skip the shower) and grow a long fringe to help warp their vision of the world.

Emo music consists of insane amounts of moaning about how great it is to wear the above mentioned eye-liner / vision of the world warping fringe / black hair / tight jeans but how terrible
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Emo music consists of insane amounts of moaning about how great it is to wear the above mentioned eye-liner / vision of the world warping fringe / black hair / tight jeans but how terrible

All emos, without exception, belong to the Emocrat Party. They all suffer from severe narcissism, leading them to believe that they alone know what pain is, and that no one understands them.
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All emos, without exception, belong to the Emocrat Party. They all suffer from severe narcissism, leading them to believe that they alone know what pain is, and that no one understands them.

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Graffiti is the name for images or lettering scratched, scrawled, painted or marked in any manner on property.
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Graffiti is the name for images or lettering scratched, scrawled, painted or marked in any manner on property.

The problems of youth
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The problems of youth

Youth is the time when a person discovers the world and tries to determine the place in the universe. Young people of today do not directly accept the standards of their parents who believe that they are right because they are older. They have their own ideals. They want to make their own mistakes r
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Youth is the time when a person discovers the world and tries to determine the place in the universe. Young people of today do not directly accept the standards of their parents who believe that they are right because they are older. They have their own ideals. They want to make their own mistakes rather than to listen to the warnings of the adults and repeat the mistakes of the older generation. They want to overcome their own difficulties without looking back.

The existence of sub-culture which is specific for every generation is a form of protest of the young people against the values of the adults. Thus, informal groups such as Hippies, Rockers, Bikers, Skinheads, Punks, Goths.
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The existence of sub-culture which is specific for every generation is a form of protest of the young people against the values of the adults. Thus, informal groups such as Hippies, Rockers, Bikers, Skinheads, Punks, Goths.

The problem is the relationship with their friends. The problem of love is very important for young people. Communication has always been an important part of young people's lives.
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The problem is the relationship with their friends. The problem of love is very important for young people. Communication has always been an important part of young people's lives.

And of course Smoking Alcohol Drugs
Слайд 26

And of course Smoking Alcohol Drugs

In general all the problems of the youth are linked with the present rather than with the past or future. - Do you think that people can live without problems? - Problem is the result of the activity of human mind. Only a simpleton can have no problems and be happy with everything. Nothing will come
Слайд 27

In general all the problems of the youth are linked with the present rather than with the past or future. - Do you think that people can live without problems? - Problem is the result of the activity of human mind. Only a simpleton can have no problems and be happy with everything. Nothing will come of nothing. Problems are inevitable when people do something.

We do not think that life without problems will be better.
Слайд 28

We do not think that life without problems will be better.

Resources   lib.socio.msu.ru www.subculture.ru subculture.narod.ru www.tentee.net subculture.udm.ru redcollegia.ru/balakovo/youth  
Слайд 29

Resources   lib.socio.msu.ru www.subculture.ru subculture.narod.ru www.tentee.net subculture.udm.ru redcollegia.ru/balakovo/youth  

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  1. Постарайтесь вовлечь аудиторию в рассказ, настройте взаимодействие с аудиторией с помощью наводящих вопросов, игровой части, не бойтесь пошутить и искренне улыбнуться (где это уместно).
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Дата добавления:15 января 2015
Категория:Английский язык
Содержит:29 слайд(ов)
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