Конспект урока «Family matters» по английскому языку для 9 класса

Form 9

Theme Family matters (Teenagers’ contraception)

Main aims the children will speak about problems facing them today, learn about contraception

  • understand the concept of unplanned pregnancy

  • be aware of teenage pregnancy issues

  • be familiar with abortion and adoption issues

  • realize the importance of using condoms to protect against unplanned pregnancy STDs (sexually transmitted diseases)

Subsidiary aims the children improve lexical and grammar skills,
develop abilities of speaking, reading and listening,
develop creative fantasy

Assumption tenses
Implant, condom, contraception, hormone, ejaculate, sperm, semen

New language and patterns pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), pill, sponge, shot, abstinence, patch, ring, withdrawal, ovary, fertilize, gain, nausea, cervix, intrauterine device (IUD)

Materials reference files, dictionaries, files with materials, slides, pictures

Evaluation / check keys, teacher

Home work speak about consequences of an abortion.




Beginning of the lesson

Presenting the theme and the aim

The teacher presents the theme and the aim of the lesson

Some lessons ago we spoke about teenagers’ problems. As we have the theme “Family matters” we can continue to speak about our problems.

What problems you named we haven’t spoken yet?


So what shall we do at the lesson?

What do you want to know?

Central part

Developing ability of speaking

Developing ability of speaking

Developing ability of speaking

Developing ability of reading

Developing abilities of listening and speaking

Developing ability of reading

Developing ability of speaking

Children speak about pregnancy.

Let’s speak about pregnancy.

There are so many myths about how you can become pregnant.

Say weather it is true or false

1. You can’t get pregnant the fist time you have sex. False

You can become pregnant any time you have sex unless you use contraception.

2. You can’t get pregnant if you have sex standing up. False

You can become pregnant by having sex in any position unless you use contraception.

3. You can get pregnant just from kissing or touching. False

You can’t become pregnant from touching your partner unless you allow sperm to come in contact with the vagina

4. I can still get pregnant even if I douche after sex. True

In fact, you push the sperm up higher into the vagina, so it has an even better chance of finding the egg.

5. If I drink vinegar / coke etc I won’t get pregnant. False

There is nothing you can drink to stop you becoming pregnant

Children make up small dialogues

And if it happened that you are pregnant. Imagine such situations. Play these situations. Just 2-3 phrases.

  1. A girl finds out that she is pregnant and decides to tell her parents.

  2. A mother / father sees a home pregnancy test in their daughter’s bedroom.

  3. Your boyfriend says the baby is not his.

Thank you very much. It’s better to imagine and not to be in such a situation.

Children answer the questions

  • What methods of contraception do you know?

Children read the texts and retell them.

I have some texts about methods of contraception. Take them, read and tell the class about these methods in short. (You can take them from the Internet)

Now listen to your friends and find out the best method of contraception

What is the best method of contraception?

Children watch slides “A silent cry”

I have some slides. Please watch them. Try to understand.

*** - What age is the best to have a child? Why?

Concluding part


Children write down their home work and draw a conclusion

Tell me and I will forget,

Show me and I may remember,

Involve me and I will understand.

Ancient Chinese proverb

- Was this lesson useful?

- What new things have you known? What shall we speak about at the next lesson?

- Whom can you put “a five”?

- Whom can you put “a four”?

- Whom can you put “a three”?

Здесь представлен конспект к уроку на тему «Family matters», который Вы можете бесплатно скачать на нашем сайте. Предмет конспекта: Английский язык (9 класс). Также здесь Вы можете найти дополнительные учебные материалы и презентации по данной теме, используя которые, Вы сможете еще больше заинтересовать аудиторию и преподнести еще больше полезной информации.

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Дата добавления:1 июня 2018
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