Тест «The Present Continuous Tense» по английскому языку для 5 класса

Grammar Test

The Present Continuous Tense

Variant I

  1. Translate into English:

    1. Сейчас 6 часов вечера, моя бабушка и мой дедушка смотрят телевизор.

    2. Папа не читает газету в данный момент, он слушает музыку.

    3. Сейчас у меня урок английского.

    4. Аня не идёт домой в настоящее время.

    5. Они играют в футбол сейчас.

  1. Write the sentence in the negative form and in all the interrogative forms: I am waiting for my friend in the corner of the street now.

  1. Ask and answer the questions. Use the verbs in brackets:

    1. What the cat (to do) now? (to sleep on the mat)

    2. What you (to do) now? (to make a snowman)

    3. What they (to do) in the garden now? (to dig)

  2. Fill in the necessary form of the verb to be:

    1. ____Molly and Phil going to a coffee bar now?

    2. ____I lying in bed now?

3. ____the father hunting the ducks now?

  1. Write the sentences in the 3d person singular:

    1. They are listening to music now.

    2. We are playing rugby now.

    3. The birds are flying now.

  2. Change to the plural:

    1. I am going to bed now.

    2. David is smoking now.

    3. Liz is learning the poem now.

  3. Translate into English using the construction to be going to:

    1. Я собираюсь изучать французский язык в следующем году.

    2. Он собирается провести каникулы на юге.

    3. Мы собираемся поехать в Москву завтра.

Grammar Test

The Present Continuous Tense

Variant II

  1. Translate into English:

    1. Моя мама не вяжет сейчас, она читает детектив.

    2. Я не делаю домашнее задание в данный момент.

    3. Они обедают сейчас.

    4. В настоящее время его сёстры играют с игрушками.

    5. Лена помогает бабушке мыть посуду сейчас.

  2. Write the sentence in the negative form and in all the interrogative forms: We are discussing a difficult problem now.

  3. Ask and answer the questions. Use the verbs in brackets:

    1. What David (to do) now? (to ski in the forest)

    2. What your family (to do) now? (to sit round the table)

    3. What his Granny (to do) now? (to knit a new sweater )

  4. Fill in the necessary form of the verb to be:

  1. . they listening to opera now?

  2. . my little kittens sleeping now?

  3. . mother cooking dinner now?

    1. Write the sentences in the 3d person singular:

      1. The fishes are swimming now.

      2. The men are talking on the phone now.

      3. Julia and Jack are going to a disco club now.

    2. Change to the plural:

      1. His friend is feeling a dog now.

      2. I am decorating my room now.

      3. Your sister is cleaning the flat now.

    3. Translate into English using the construction to be soins to:

      1. Мои родители собираются провести уикенд на даче.

      2. Моя тётя собирается шить новое платье.

      3. Я собираюсь пойти в театр сегодня вечером.

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Дата добавления:29 сентября 2017
Категория:Английский язык
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