Конспект урока «The world of professions» по английскому языку

Сажина Наталия Алексеевна

МБОУ СОШ №18 , г.Асбест Свердловской области

Учитель английского языка

Тема: «The world of professions».

Цель урока: Совершенствование лексических и грамматических навыков по теме «профессии» .


- образовательная- познакомить с новыми лексическим единицами по теме «профессии»;

-развивающая: тренировать фонетические , лексические и грамматические навыки ;

-воспитывающая: прививать интерес к изучаемому языку, социализировать в обществе;

Оборудование: таблицы, иллюстрации.

Ход урока:

1.Организационный момент.

-Good morning, children! Glad to see you!

-Glad to see you!

-What the date is it today? Who is absent?

2. Основная часть.

2.1.Объявление темы.

You see the theme of our lesson The world of professions.

And we will talk about occupations and about jobs you like best and what you need to be the best in your profession .

2.2. Pечевая зарядка .

Dear children, let’s sing a song about Clementine.

In a cavern, in a canyon
excavatin' for a mine
Dwelt a miner fortyniner
And his daughter Clementine.

Oh, my darling, oh, my darling
Oh, my darling, Clementine
You are lost and gone forever
Dreadful sorry Clementine.

Soft she was and like a fairy
And her shoes were number nine
Herring boxes without topses
Were the shoes for Clementine.

Oh, my darling, oh, my darling
Oh, my darling, Clementine
You are lost and gone forever
Dreadful sorry Clementine.

2.3. Let ’s repeat our grammar.

Повторение грамматики Future Simple (игра с мячиком :pupil 1-pupil 2,pupil 3)

P 1:-Will you read a book tomorrow?

P 2:-Yes, I will read a book tomorrow.

P 1:-Will they play computer games next week?

P 3:-No, they will not play computer games next week.

2.4. Read please, now,ex.11, p.45(«жужжащее» чтение))

2.5.Now children, let’s talk about professions and let’s use the table I am going to be a _ _ _. Please, one by one.

Pupil 1-I am going to be a doctor.

Pupil 2-I am going to be a teacher.

2.6. Now let’s read some words. Please, open your textbooks, Ex9,p.44.

2.7.Let’s play the game . You see the tables with the verb should. Please, let’s begin the game working in pairs. Use the words from ex.9 and ex.11.

Pupil 1:-A doctor should be kind.

Pupil 2:A doctor should not be kind.

Pupil 1:-A sportsman should be athletic.

Pupil 2:-A sportsman should not be athletic.

8.Let’s relax and make exercises with:

Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes,
Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes,
And eyes and ears and mouth and nose,
Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes.

Ankles, elbows, feet and seat, feet and seat,
Ankles, elbows, feet and seat, feet and seat,
And hair and hips and chin and cheeks,
Ankles, elbows, feet and seat, feet and seat.

2.9. We all like to play the game 20 questions. Let’s use the tables with the verb would and let’s ask questions about your favourite professions. Please, choose the card with the profession you like best and we will try to guess.

Pupil 1-Would you like to be a sportsman?

Pupil-No, I would not like to be a sportsman.

Pupil 2-Would you like to be a a vet?

Pupil -Yes, I would like to be a vet.

2.10At the end of our lesson let’s try to predict our future .Use the table ___will be a_ _ _!

-Lena will be a doctor.

-Mike will be a driver.

-Nina will be a lawyer.

3. Рефлексия.The work is done well. Tell us Who is the best today ( подвести итог урока, спросить чему научились и пригодятся ли в жизни полученные знания, похвалить всех за работу на уроке).

3.1 Домашнее задание: составить презентацию о семье, рассказав о профессиях.

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Категория:Английский язык
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