Конспект урока «How much?» по английскому языку для 6 класса

Теменова Алия Курбановна, Республика Казахстан, Саумалкольская школа-гимназия №2, учитель английского языка.

Предлагаю вашему вниманию конспекты уроков для 6 класса по темам «How much» и «How many».Конспекты на английском языке. Цели уроков -развивать у школьников навыки письма, чтения и говорения, повторить грамматические структуры и вызвать интерес к предмету «Английский язык».

Lesson 16

6 grade

by Temenova Aliya Kurbanovna

Theme: How much?

Aims: to form knowledge of new theme and check grammar structures(how many,how much); to use new words in speaking and reading; to check children’s knowledge in counting; to help children to communicate and express their opinions.

Aids: interactive board, cards.

Plan of the lesson.

1.Introductory-motivatory moment.

1.1. Organizating moment.

-Good morning! I’m glad to see you! How are you? Who is on duty today? Who is absent? What day is it today? What day was yesterday? What day will be tomorrow?

1.2.Check the home task.

-And at first we must check your home which you did in your copybooks(painting and describing the picture “In the shop”).

1.3. Presentation of new phrases.

-And now look at the interactive board. There are some phrases .Try to understand.

New phrases:

-How many lessons do you have?Сколько у тебя уроков?

-Do you have a computer? У тебя есть компьютер?

-Are you good at Math? Ты силен в математике?

2.Basic stage.

1.1. The aims of the lesson ( conclusion).

-Today as you understand our theme is about school subjects and about our computer. You should ask and answer the questions according to our theme.

2.1.Working with new words.

Words: Math, Russian language, Kazakh language, History, Biology, Literature, Music, Physical Training (PT), time-table.

2.2. Discussing of the results of the self-sufficient work.

2.3.To firm the theme.

2.4. Tasks.

Read and translate

Write the days of a week.

Working with a “Magic stone”.


Write your time-table

Read and try to learn by heart



Complete sentences in cards.

Lesson 19

6 grade

Theme: School subjects.

Aims: to demonstrate knowledge; to realize the modify; to communicate with each other.

Aids: interactive board, the lists with the names of subjects, the lists of paper with the names of days of the week.

Plan of the lesson.

1.Introductory-motivatory moment.

1.1. Organizating moment.

-Good morning! I’m glad to see you! How are you? Who is on duty today? Who is absent? What day is it today?

-At first I want to introduce you new words according to our new theme. This words are about subjects and this one is about the days of a week. I’ll give you the translation of the days of week in Russian and you must translate them in Kazakh.

1.2. Presentation of new words (interactive board).

Days of the week.


Monday- понедельник






-You must translate this words in Kazakh.

1.3. Presentation of the names of subjects:

Math, Kazakh language, Russian language, Literature, History, Geography, Biology, Phisical Education (P.E.), Economics, English language, Computer studies, Art.

2.Basic stage.

1.1. The aims of the lesson (conclusion).

-As you understand today our theme is about subjects and days of a week.

2.1. Working with the problem question “What subject do you like?” and “When do you have English?”

-You must answer these questions yourselves.

2.2. Discussing of the results of self-sufficient work.

2.3.To firm the theme.


Read and try to learn by heart.

Read and translate






Read and write

3. Hometask.

Make an essay.

Здесь представлен конспект к уроку на тему «How much?», который Вы можете бесплатно скачать на нашем сайте. Предмет конспекта: Английский язык (6 класс). Также здесь Вы можете найти дополнительные учебные материалы и презентации по данной теме, используя которые, Вы сможете еще больше заинтересовать аудиторию и преподнести еще больше полезной информации.

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Дата добавления:31 декабря 2017
Категория:Английский язык
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