- Transform these phrases into the substantivized adjectives

Конспект урока «Transform these phrases into the substantivized adjectives» по английскому языку для 11 класса

Работу подготовила: Левченко М.А.,

учитель МОУ СОШ №7 г. Алексеевка

Белгородской области

Проверочная работа по английскому языку

Класс: 11

Раздел: 5

Variant 1 № 1 Transform these phrases into the substantivized adjectives

  1. Sick people

  2. Elderly people

  3. Disabled people

  4. Widowed people

  5. Retired people

2 Complete clauses with conjunctions and prepositions “although / in spite of / because / because of”

  1. _________it rained a lot, we enjoyed our holiday.

2 _____________ all our careful plans, a lot of things went wrong.

3 I went home early I was feeling unwell.

4 She only accepted the job _____________ the salary, which was very high.

5 I managed to get to sleep _____________ there was a lot of noise.

3 Fill in the prepositions “Among /between”

  1. The village … the field and the river is just ours

  2. They found the boy … the boats on the bank of the river

  3. The story is the best … the others

  4. He’s the cleverest person … his classmates

  5. The officer hit him right … the eyes

4 Translate from Russian into English

Allowance, available, income, insurance, welfare state

5 Reported Speech

  1. We have English classes twice a week”, said the boy

  2. The water in the river is dirty” , said the boy

  3. He has invented a lot of useful things” , said the boy to his friend

  4. She can't swim well” , said the boy

  5. He was operated successfully” , said the boy

Variant 2 № 1 Transform these phrases into the substantivized adjectives

  1. Unemployed people

  2. Rich people

  3. Poor people

  4. Injured people

  5. Young people

2 Complete clauses with conjunctions and prepositions “although / in spite of / because / because of”

  1. _________it rained a lot, we enjoyed our holiday.

  2. _____________ we'd planned everything carefully, a lot of things went wrong.

  3. I went to work the next day _____________ I was still feeling unwell.

  4. She accepted the job _____________ the salary, which was rather low.

  5. I couldn't get to sleep _____________ the noise.

3 Fill in the prepositions “Among /between”

  1. The temperature is … 10-13 degrees

  2. There’s no agreement … them

  3. He’s the cleverest person … his classmates

  4. The story is the best … the others

  5. They found the boy … the boats

4 Translate from Russian into English

Income, employer, to claim, pension, contribution

5 Reported Speech

  1. We have English classes twice a week”, said the boy

  2. The water in the river is dirty” , said the boy

  3. He has invented a lot of useful things” , said the boy to his friend

  4. She can't swim well” , said the boy

  5. He was operated successfully” , said the boy

Используемая литература.

1. Английский язык. 10-11 классы: поурочные планы по учебнику В.П. Кузовлева, Н.М. Лапы, Э.Ш. Перегудовой и др. «English 10-11»: в 2ч. – Часть I / авт. сост. – Л.В. Васильева. – Волгоград: Учитель, 2008.

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