Презентация "Russian and English tea traditions" – проект, доклад

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The Tradition of Tea Drinking. in Great Britain and in Russia. Carried out by Vasilieva Alina (14 th years old) form 9 «A». Municipal Budget Establishment Secondary School № 1 Pavlovo Nizhegorodskaya oblast
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The Tradition of Tea Drinking. in Great Britain and in Russia.

Carried out by Vasilieva Alina (14 th years old) form 9 «A»

Municipal Budget Establishment Secondary School № 1 Pavlovo Nizhegorodskaya oblast

The aim of my work is: studying tea drinking traditions in England and in Russia.
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The aim of my work is:

studying tea drinking traditions in England and in Russia.

Hypothesis: tradition of tea drinking is important for both our countries.
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tradition of tea drinking is important for both our countries.

Method: I want to compare English and Russian traditions of tea drinking. I’m going to ask my classmates and teachers about their habits of tea drinking.
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I want to compare English and Russian traditions of tea drinking. I’m going to ask my classmates and teachers about their habits of tea drinking.

Tea in England. English tea drinking traditions have a long history. Tea was brought to England in the seventeenth century by a Portuguese princess, who married king Charles II of England, and has been popular in the country ever since. However from the 18th century tea began to be used by the commo
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Tea in England.

English tea drinking traditions have a long history. Tea was brought to England in the seventeenth century by a Portuguese princess, who married king Charles II of England, and has been popular in the country ever since. However from the 18th century tea began to be used by the common people too, thanks to tea-smuggling in Cornwall. Tea was brought in illegally. Traditional tea time in English is late afternoon, when world-famous 5 o’clock tea is served. Five o’clock tea is a ceremony, a work of art. But tea is also drunk in the morning and during the day because the English believe it to be healthy and refreshing. Tea is drunk with milk, usually from china cups

Tea in Russia. Tea is a part of Russian culture. 82% of the Russians drink tea daily. An important aspect of the Russian tea culture is a Samovar, a symbol of hospitality and comfort . Tea in Russia was introduced in 1638.
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Tea in Russia.

Tea is a part of Russian culture. 82% of the Russians drink tea daily. An important aspect of the Russian tea culture is a Samovar, a symbol of hospitality and comfort . Tea in Russia was introduced in 1638.

Tea is drunk with lemon,аnd sugar or jam.Traditionally, black tea is the most common tea in Russia, but green tea is becoming more popular.
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Tea is drunk with lemon,аnd sugar or jam.Traditionally, black tea is the most common tea in Russia, but green tea is becoming more popular.

The difference of tea traditions in England and in Russia
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The difference of tea traditions in England and in Russia

Attitude to tea. Interviewing teachers
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Attitude to tea. Interviewing teachers

Attitude to tea. Interviewing students
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Attitude to tea. Interviewing students

Tea proverbs and idioms. 1. Husband's tea. 2. Reading the tea-leaves. 3. Not for all the tea in China. 4. Easy as tea-drinking. 5. Make the cup run over. 6. My cake is dough. 7. Kiss the cup. 1. Очень слабый чай, «водичка». 2. Гадание на кофейной гуще. 3. Ни за какие коврижки. 4. Пустяковое дело. 5.
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Tea proverbs and idioms.

1. Husband's tea. 2. Reading the tea-leaves. 3. Not for all the tea in China. 4. Easy as tea-drinking. 5. Make the cup run over. 6. My cake is dough. 7. Kiss the cup.

1. Очень слабый чай, «водичка». 2. Гадание на кофейной гуще. 3. Ни за какие коврижки. 4. Пустяковое дело. 5. Переполнить чашу терпения. 6. Моё дело плохо. 7. Пригубить чашку (шутл.).

Russian proverbs about tea. Чай попил - орлом летаю, водку пью - свиньёй лежу. За чаем не скучаешь – по три чашки выпиваешь. Чай не пить – на свете не жить. Самовар кипит – уходить не велит. Пей чай – удовольствие получай. Выпей чайку – позабудешь тоску
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Russian proverbs about tea.

Чай попил - орлом летаю, водку пью - свиньёй лежу. За чаем не скучаешь – по три чашки выпиваешь. Чай не пить – на свете не жить. Самовар кипит – уходить не велит. Пей чай – удовольствие получай. Выпей чайку – позабудешь тоску

Conclusion. People from different countries like tea. They follow their own traditions of tea drinking and try to keep their traditions.
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People from different countries like tea. They follow their own traditions of tea drinking and try to keep their traditions.

Tea is tasty, aromatic, useful !
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Tea is tasty, aromatic, useful !

Resources: Майол Энтони, Милстед Дэвид. «Эти странные англичане»,Эгмонт, Россия Лтд, 1999 Налбандян Зураб «Чаепитие у королевы. В начале XXI века» в Британии», Время 2007 Офф Хайнц «Инструкция АО применению», Аякс пресс, 2006http://narody.ru/video-topiki-dlya-shkolnikov-tea.html http://en.wikipedia.
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Майол Энтони, Милстед Дэвид. «Эти странные англичане»,Эгмонт, Россия Лтд, 1999 Налбандян Зураб «Чаепитие у королевы. В начале XXI века» в Британии», Время 2007 Офф Хайнц «Инструкция АО применению», Аякс пресс, 2006http://narody.ru/video-topiki-dlya-shkolnikov-tea.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_tea_culture http://www.shopsamovar.com.ru/trad.html http://www.russianteacompany.com/russian_tea_history.php http://www.teafestival.ru/statiy/page3.php

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Дата добавления:19 октября 2018
Содержит:15 слайд(ов)
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