Презентация "Easter: History, Symbols and Traditions" (5 класс) – проект, доклад

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Презентацию на тему "Easter: History, Symbols and Traditions" (5 класс) можно скачать абсолютно бесплатно на нашем сайте. Предмет проекта: Иностранный язык. Красочные слайды и иллюстрации помогут вам заинтересовать своих одноклассников или аудиторию. Для просмотра содержимого воспользуйтесь плеером, или если вы хотите скачать доклад - нажмите на соответствующий текст под плеером. Презентация содержит 11 слайд(ов).

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Easter: history, symbols and traditions. Половко Л.В. учитель английского языка МАОУ гимназии №6 г. Новороссийск
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Easter: history, symbols and traditions

Половко Л.В. учитель английского языка МАОУ гимназии №6 г. Новороссийск

Do you know…. When people celebrate Easter? What do they celebrate? What are the symbols of Easter? What do people do at Easter?
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Do you know…

When people celebrate Easter? What do they celebrate? What are the symbols of Easter? What do people do at Easter?

When is Easter? Easter is celebrated on the first Sunday after the first full moon in spring. That’s why it’s on a different date each year. The word “Easter” comes from “Eostre”, the Anglo-Saxon goddess of spring. Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ on Easter Sunday. Many people c
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When is Easter?

Easter is celebrated on the first Sunday after the first full moon in spring. That’s why it’s on a different date each year. The word “Easter” comes from “Eostre”, the Anglo-Saxon goddess of spring. Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ on Easter Sunday. Many people celebrate the beginning of spring. *resurrection – воскрешение

Traditions. Easter is also the end of Lent, traditionally a time of fasting in the Christian calendar. So it is often a time of fun and celebration. The Friday before Easter Sunday and the Monday after are a bank holiday in the UK. Some people go to church to commemorate the death on the cross of Je
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Easter is also the end of Lent, traditionally a time of fasting in the Christian calendar. So it is often a time of fun and celebration. The Friday before Easter Sunday and the Monday after are a bank holiday in the UK. Some people go to church to commemorate the death on the cross of Jesus Christ.

There are also Easter parades in the UK and in America. People wear Easter bonnets, decorated with spring flowers. On the Friday before Easter people in England enjoy the traditional Good Friday breakfast of hot cross buns. The special Easter Sunday lunch includes roast lamb and traditional Simnel c
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There are also Easter parades in the UK and in America. People wear Easter bonnets, decorated with spring flowers. On the Friday before Easter people in England enjoy the traditional Good Friday breakfast of hot cross buns. The special Easter Sunday lunch includes roast lamb and traditional Simnel cake.

Symbols. One of the oldest spring symbols in the world is the egg. Eggs are a symbol of a new life. Exchanging and eating Easter eggs is a popular custom in many countries. In the UK before they were replaced by chocolate Easter eggs real eggs were used, in most cases, chicken eggs.
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One of the oldest spring symbols in the world is the egg. Eggs are a symbol of a new life. Exchanging and eating Easter eggs is a popular custom in many countries. In the UK before they were replaced by chocolate Easter eggs real eggs were used, in most cases, chicken eggs.

The eggs were hard-boiled and dyed in various colours and patterns. The traditionally bright colours represented spring and light. Nowadays people give each other Easter eggs made of chocolate, usually hollow and filled with sweets.
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The eggs were hard-boiled and dyed in various colours and patterns. The traditionally bright colours represented spring and light. Nowadays people give each other Easter eggs made of chocolate, usually hollow and filled with sweets.

Easter games with eggs. There are two Easter games with eggs: “Hunt the egg” and “Egg rolling”. The legend says an “Easter bunny” hides eggs in the garden and children have to find them on Easter morning. Sometimes the eggs are put in a basket. Egg rolling is very popular in England and it’s an East
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Easter games with eggs

There are two Easter games with eggs: “Hunt the egg” and “Egg rolling”. The legend says an “Easter bunny” hides eggs in the garden and children have to find them on Easter morning. Sometimes the eggs are put in a basket. Egg rolling is very popular in England and it’s an Easter Monday sport. N Children roll hard-boiled eggs down a hill.

Bunnies are also traditional at Easter. Parents buy bunnies or baby rabbits for their children. People eat chocolate bunnies too. The tradition of the Easter Hare, or Easter Bunny comes from a Northern European legend. Long ago in a small village the mothers had no money to buy their children presen
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Bunnies are also traditional at Easter. Parents buy bunnies or baby rabbits for their children. People eat chocolate bunnies too. The tradition of the Easter Hare, or Easter Bunny comes from a Northern European legend. Long ago in a small village the mothers had no money to buy their children presents for Easter. They painted eggs with lots of beautiful pictures and hid them in the forest near the village. When the children went to play in the forest on Easter Sunday they saw the eggs but they didn't know where they came from. Suddenly a hare ran out from behind a pile of eggs and the children started shouting: " They are hare's eggs!".

Bunnies, chicks, lambs and flowers (especially lilies and daffodils) are associated with Easter because they are born in the spring. The lamb is also a sign of Christ’s sacrifice on the cross. The cross was also a well-known symbol before the time of Christ. It was used a special mark on clothes and
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Bunnies, chicks, lambs and flowers (especially lilies and daffodils) are associated with Easter because they are born in the spring. The lamb is also a sign of Christ’s sacrifice on the cross. The cross was also a well-known symbol before the time of Christ. It was used a special mark on clothes and buildings. However, when Jesus was crucified, the cross became a symbol of suffering.

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