Презентация "Animal World of Australia" – проект, доклад

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Презентация по английскому языку по теме : “Animal World of Australia” (для учащихся 5-6 классов). Подготовила ученица 5 класса МБОУ СОШ п. Солидарность Елецкого муниципального района Липецкой области Кирсанова Светлана Руководитель: Кирсанова Наталья Николаевна, Учитель английского языка. Междунаро
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Презентация по английскому языку по теме : “Animal World of Australia” (для учащихся 5-6 классов)

Подготовила ученица 5 класса МБОУ СОШ п. Солидарность Елецкого муниципального района Липецкой области Кирсанова Светлана Руководитель: Кирсанова Наталья Николаевна, Учитель английского языка

Международный конкурс презентаций "Я мыслью улечу к брегам туманным Альбиона" (конкурс презентаций об англоязычных странах), организованный Сообществом Взаимопомощи учителей www.pedsovet.su

Hello, dear friends! I am Kesha. I live in Australia. I want to show you our fascinating world of animals. I am sure it will be interested for you. Let’s begin!
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Hello, dear friends! I am Kesha. I live in Australia. I want to show you our fascinating world of animals. I am sure it will be interested for you. Let’s begin!

A kangaroo is the national symbol of Australia. It’s an animal that carries babies in the pouch for eight months. It can weigh 85 kilogrammes. A kangaroo moves by hopping on its strong hind legs. To balance its body while hopping, a kangaroo uses its thick long tail. Kangaroos can hop up to 74 km pe
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A kangaroo is the national symbol of Australia. It’s an animal that carries babies in the pouch for eight months. It can weigh 85 kilogrammes. A kangaroo moves by hopping on its strong hind legs. To balance its body while hopping, a kangaroo uses its thick long tail.

Kangaroos can hop up to 74 km per hour and go over 9 m in one hop?

Do you know that…

A koala a small bear-like animal which lives in the eucalyptus trees. It has a black nose and thick furry coat. Though a koala looks very cuddly it has very sharp teeth and very sharp claws. It is a lazy animal, it sleeps about 20 hours a day. The name koala is the aboriginal name for “no water” ?
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A koala a small bear-like animal which lives in the eucalyptus trees. It has a black nose and thick furry coat. Though a koala looks very cuddly it has very sharp teeth and very sharp claws. It is a lazy animal, it sleeps about 20 hours a day.

The name koala is the aboriginal name for “no water” ?

An echidna is covered with coarse hair and spines. It resembles a hedgehog. They have got very short strong legs with large claws. They eat ants, worms and termites. Echidnas like to swim and they can do it very well. Echidna lays eggs like a bird and has a pouch like a kangaroo?
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An echidna is covered with coarse hair and spines. It resembles a hedgehog. They have got very short strong legs with large claws. They eat ants, worms and termites. Echidnas like to swim and they can do it very well.

Echidna lays eggs like a bird and has a pouch like a kangaroo?

A platypus is a small animal. It is an egg-laying, duck-billed and beaver-tailed mammal. It has got a broad, flat tail. It can dig resting and nesting burrows. It has webbed feet and a large, rubbery snout. It eats worms, insects, shrimps and freshwater crayfish. On the land, they move a bit more aw
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A platypus is a small animal. It is an egg-laying, duck-billed and beaver-tailed mammal. It has got a broad, flat tail. It can dig resting and nesting burrows. It has webbed feet and a large, rubbery snout. It eats worms, insects, shrimps and freshwater crayfish. On the land, they move a bit more awkwardly. Platypuses do not have teeth.

It has got a sense of electroreception which hepls it find food underwater when a platypus can’t see or hear?

A dingo is a legendary Australia’s wild dog about 50 centimetres in height. This animal is usually sandy-, golden- or reddish-coloured. Dingos may live and hunt alone or in packs of up to ten animals. They are active at night. It has got dens in caves and holes. It eats rabbits, small mammals, birds
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A dingo is a legendary Australia’s wild dog about 50 centimetres in height. This animal is usually sandy-, golden- or reddish-coloured. Dingos may live and hunt alone or in packs of up to ten animals. They are active at night. It has got dens in caves and holes. It eats rabbits, small mammals, birds and reptiles.

A pureblood dingo doesn’t bark but it can growl and howl?

An opossum is a small, the size of a cat, Australian animal. It has got dark brown or grey fur and a strong white-tipped tail. Its tail helps it through the forest. It lives in the nests or in the hollows of old eucalyptus trees. It is active at night. It eats peppermint tree leaves, buds, blossoms
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An opossum is a small, the size of a cat, Australian animal. It has got dark brown or grey fur and a strong white-tipped tail. Its tail helps it through the forest.

It lives in the nests or in the hollows of old eucalyptus trees. It is active at night. It eats peppermint tree leaves, buds, blossoms and soft fruit.

Opossums are excellent tree climbers and spend much of their time aloft.

The emu is the largest native bird of Australia. It reaches 1.5 – 2 meters in height and weighs 60 kilogrammes. Male emus are mostly black but they have white feathers on the wings and tail. Female emus are usually brown. An emu cannot fly but it is a good runner. They eat plants and insects. They l
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The emu is the largest native bird of Australia. It reaches 1.5 – 2 meters in height and weighs 60 kilogrammes. Male emus are mostly black but they have white feathers on the wings and tail. Female emus are usually brown. An emu cannot fly but it is a good runner. They eat plants and insects. They like sitting in the mud.

An emu egg is the largest egg in the world. It weigh about 1.4 kg

A cockatoo is one of the largest birds of the parrot family. It lives 30-60 years. Its charming crests and massive curved bill can’t leave indifferent anybody. This parrot can not only chop the powerful nut shell but gnaw through wooden or metallic rods easily. They can fly quite good but climb the
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A cockatoo is one of the largest birds of the parrot family. It lives 30-60 years. Its charming crests and massive curved bill can’t leave indifferent anybody. This parrot can not only chop the powerful nut shell but gnaw through wooden or metallic rods easily. They can fly quite good but climb the trees much better. Cockatoos don’t get up early.

The name cockatoo was originated from the Malay name kaka(k)tua which means “elder sisrer” or “elder parrot”

A laughing kookaburra is a popular Australian bird. It is known as a symbol of Australia. It has dark brown wing plumage and a white head and underside. They eat the young of other birds, mice, snakes, insects and small reptiles. They can also take goldfish from garden ponds. Its sounds resemble hum
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A laughing kookaburra is a popular Australian bird. It is known as a symbol of Australia. It has dark brown wing plumage and a white head and underside. They eat the young of other birds, mice, snakes, insects and small reptiles. They can also take goldfish from garden ponds. Its sounds resemble human laughing.

A kookaburra can copy different sounds?

A lyrebird is the best-known native Australian bird. It has got a long , pointed neck and large strong legs and feet. They seldom fly, at night they roost in trees. They eat insects, worms and mollusks. Lyrebirds are shy and difficult to approach. When it detects potential danger, it will pause and
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A lyrebird is the best-known native Australian bird. It has got a long , pointed neck and large strong legs and feet. They seldom fly, at night they roost in trees. They eat insects, worms and mollusks. Lyrebirds are shy and difficult to approach. When it detects potential danger, it will pause and scan the surroundings, then give an alarm call.

A lyrebird is so called because the male bird has a spectacular tail, which was originally thought to resemble a lyre?

That’s all. If you are going on holiday in Australia, have a wonderful time by enjoying the unique animal world of our continent!
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That’s all. If you are going on holiday in Australia, have a wonderful time by enjoying the unique animal world of our continent!

Источники иллюстраций. Океан http://www.2fons.ru/download/47482/1440x900/ 2. Флаг Австралии http://webtort.ru/graphics/icons/icons/flagi/flagi10/volnistyj_flag_avstralii.png 3. Кенгуру http://www.gostralia.de/uploads/pics/roobeach.JPG 4. Коала http://www.yeryuzutanigi.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/
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Источники иллюстраций

Океан http://www.2fons.ru/download/47482/1440x900/ 2. Флаг Австралии http://webtort.ru/graphics/icons/icons/flagi/flagi10/volnistyj_flag_avstralii.png 3. Кенгуру http://www.gostralia.de/uploads/pics/roobeach.JPG 4. Коала http://www.yeryuzutanigi.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Koala-Mother-and-Joey-940x564.jpg 5. Ехидна http://ski.spb.ru/conf/uploads/monthly_05_2009/post-5217-1242128917.jpg 6. Утконос http://wildfrontier.ru/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/15.jpg 7. Собака динго http://otvet.imgsmail.ru/download/4aa79d4252b491bb25f8b7e21d5e9f82_i-73.jpg 9. Опоссум http://data.topquizz.com/distant/quizz/big/0/0/2/2/22_68e1106a.jpg 10. Опоссумы висят на ветке http://cache2.artprintimages.com/LRG/61/6158/84KG100Z.jpg 11. Страус эму http://player./440592/data/images/img32.png 15. Какаду http://zvirata.euinzerce.cz/elektro/pretty-white-umbrella-cockatoo--4ff2aa2bcfa5fa3d9b41_2013_11_16_09_47_28_krasne_Umbrella_kakadu_papousci_pro_prodej3.gif

16. Лирохвост http://www.friendskorner.com/forum/photopost/data/500/medium/lyrebird-7.jpg 17. Kookaburra http://us.123rf.com/450wm/zoran1/zoran10703/zoran1070300048/836837-two-colorful-kookaburra-birds-sitting-on-a-branch.jpg 18. Фауна Австралии (слайд 1) http://www.dilekotoklips.com/userfiles/dlkot
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16. Лирохвост http://www.friendskorner.com/forum/photopost/data/500/medium/lyrebird-7.jpg 17. Kookaburra http://us.123rf.com/450wm/zoran1/zoran10703/zoran1070300048/836837-two-colorful-kookaburra-birds-sitting-on-a-branch.jpg 18. Фауна Австралии (слайд 1) http://www.dilekotoklips.com/userfiles/dlkotkL3/img/ulnIbq6gX2Hh.jpg 19. Красный попугай http://mail.wallpapers1.ru/images/wallpapers/thumbnails/zhivotnye/2412132337_1329795044.jpg 20. Логотип конкурса презентаций об англоязычных странах http://pedsovet.su/_pu/57/37852806.jpg 21. Логотип Cообщества Взаимопомощи учителей http://katti.ucoz.ru/_pu/41/24899434.png

Источники текстовой информации. http://www.urlaube.info/en/Australien/FloraFauna.html http://lifestyle.iloveindia.com/lounge/facts-about-kangaroo-1311.html https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kangaroo https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Koala http://www.thefullwiki.org/Echidna http://a-z-animals.com/animals/ech
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Источники текстовой информации

http://www.urlaube.info/en/Australien/FloraFauna.html http://lifestyle.iloveindia.com/lounge/facts-about-kangaroo-1311.html https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kangaroo https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Koala http://www.thefullwiki.org/Echidna http://a-z-animals.com/animals/echidna/ http://animals.nationalgeographic.com/animals/mammals/platypus/ http://animals.nationalgeographic.com/animals/mammals/opossum/ http://schools-wikipedia.org/wp/d/Dingo.htm http://schools-wikipedia.org/wp/k/Kookaburra.htm http://www.thefullwiki.org/Cockatoo http://www.wildspeak.com/animalenergies/lyrebird.html http:///anglijjskijj-jazyk/australia-animals.html http://ppt4web.ru/anglijjskijj-jazyk/australian-animals0.html Шереметьева А.В. Английский язык. Страноведческий справочник. – Саратов: Лицей, 2008

Animal World of Australia Слайд: 17
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Дата добавления:7 октября 2018
Содержит:17 слайд(ов)
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