Презентация "art world in the eyes of the young people" – проект, доклад

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Made by Maryna Zimenko. art world in the eyes of the young people
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Made by Maryna Zimenko

art world in the eyes of the young people

Here is information about: Art and we: beauty will save the world. My visit to the Art Gallery national art treasures Creation of picture My favorite picture
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Here is information about:

Art and we: beauty will save the world

My visit to the Art Gallery national art treasures Creation of picture My favorite picture

and. are very linked since ancient times.
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are very linked since ancient times.

Agree with me that the world would not be as exciting and interesting without these wonders.
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Agree with me that the world would not be as exciting and interesting without these wonders.

The Lighthouse of Alexandria The Great Pyramid of Cheops The Colossus of Rhodes The Hanging Gardens of Babylon The Statue of Zeus at Olympia The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus
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The Lighthouse of Alexandria The Great Pyramid of Cheops The Colossus of Rhodes The Hanging Gardens of Babylon The Statue of Zeus at Olympia The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus

Will beauty save the world?
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Will beauty save the world?

“Beauty will save the world” – Dostoevsky. Many people ask themselves this question. But anyone can`t give an exact answer. Of course, in some sense, they may be right. Everyone has their own opinion on this question.
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“Beauty will save the world” – Dostoevsky.

Many people ask themselves this question. But anyone can`t give an exact answer. Of course, in some sense, they may be right. Everyone has their own opinion on this question.

My visit to Art Gallery
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My visit to Art Gallery

I visited art gallery of Pablo Picasso. He was a very wonderful and talented artist. His pictures are world famous. I was interested his art. Each picture affects its originality. “There are painters who transform the sun to a yellow spot, but there are others who with the help of their art and thei
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I visited art gallery of Pablo Picasso. He was a very wonderful and talented artist. His pictures are world famous. I was interested his art. Each picture affects its originality.

“There are painters who transform the sun to a yellow spot, but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence, transform a yellow spot into the sun” – Pablo Picasso

In his collection I like picture Guernica.
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In his collection I like picture Guernica.

One of Picasso’s most famous pictures represents the German bombing of Guernica during the Spanish Civil War. He created this picture to show the brutality and hopelessness of war. Creation of picture Guernica
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One of Picasso’s most famous pictures represents the German bombing of Guernica during the Spanish Civil War. He created this picture to show the brutality and hopelessness of war.

Creation of picture Guernica

national art treasures of Ukraine
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national art treasures of Ukraine

Architectural monuments occupy a special place among the rich cultural heritage of the Ukrainian people. Chersoneses Kiev-Pechersk Lavra Mariinsk Palace St. Sophia Cathedral
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Architectural monuments occupy a special place among the rich cultural heritage of the Ukrainian people.

Chersoneses Kiev-Pechersk Lavra Mariinsk Palace St. Sophia Cathedral

I drew a picture that I liked. I think it is nice and can elevate mood.
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I drew a picture that I liked. I think it is nice and can elevate mood.

I painted these words because it is my life motto. I think that in these words are sense. We need to worry less and enjoy life more. Don`t worry! Be happy! – Bob Marley
Слайд 16

I painted these words because it is my life motto. I think that in these words are sense. We need to worry less and enjoy life more.

Don`t worry! Be happy! – Bob Marley

I think that art is interesting for many people. Everyone wants to go to the world of art and learn more for yourself. And we must to develop the art. I want to advise everyone that they are interested in art, because it's beautiful.
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I think that art is interesting for many people.

Everyone wants to go to the world of art and learn more for yourself.

And we must to develop the art.

I want to advise everyone that they are interested in art, because it's beautiful.

This is how I see the world of art.
Слайд 18

This is how I see the world of art.

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Дата добавления:25 января 2019
Содержит:18 слайд(ов)
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