Презентация "Effective Business Writing" – проект, доклад

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Презентацию на тему "Effective Business Writing" можно скачать абсолютно бесплатно на нашем сайте. Предмет проекта: Иностранный язык. Красочные слайды и иллюстрации помогут вам заинтересовать своих одноклассников или аудиторию. Для просмотра содержимого воспользуйтесь плеером, или если вы хотите скачать доклад - нажмите на соответствующий текст под плеером. Презентация содержит 16 слайд(ов).

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Three steps of effective business writing. Prewriting. – preparation, planning, background research. Writing. – organizing and outlining material, writing the first draft. Revising. – reworking and editing the draft, final typing and printing, proofreading
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Three steps of effective business writing


– preparation, planning, background research


– organizing and outlining material, writing the first draft


– reworking and editing the draft, final typing and printing, proofreading

Step one: Prewriting. Identify and state a purpose of the message. Know the audience. In one or two sentences or a brief paragraph, state the purpose of the message. If necessary, talk subject over with others. Think over the readers should know or be able to do after reading this message. What is t
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Step one: Prewriting

Identify and state a purpose of the message

Know the audience

In one or two sentences or a brief paragraph, state the purpose of the message. If necessary, talk subject over with others.

Think over the readers should know or be able to do after reading this message. What is their level of understanding or expertise regarding the subject? Is the aim of the message to persuade them or to accept something? Don’t forget their interests and motivations.

Define the scope of the subject. Think about the wishful result or action. Distinguish between information the reader needs to know and information that is merely nice to know. Limit the subject and focus on specific topics. Tell the readers as clearly as possible what is expected or what action is
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Define the scope of the subject

Think about the wishful result or action

Distinguish between information the reader needs to know and information that is merely nice to know. Limit the subject and focus on specific topics.

Tell the readers as clearly as possible what is expected or what action is wanted them to take


Check all the facts from sales figures to the correct spelling of the company name and the name of the person are addressed to.

Step two: Writing. Organize the data and devise a rough plan. Outline the writing project. Each type of letter has a specific purpose that will determine how to organize and arrange the material for the most effective presentation. The more detailed the outline, the easier it will be to write the le
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Step two: Writing

Organize the data and devise a rough plan

Outline the writing project

Each type of letter has a specific purpose that will determine how to organize and arrange the material for the most effective presentation.

The more detailed the outline, the easier it will be to write the letter, or memo.

Write the first draft

The first draft is a working draft. It should be written quickly without too much thought to elegant expressions or final order or paragraphing. The object is to get the material on paper to make fuller the structure of the outline.

Step three: Revising. Edit and rewrite the draft for clarity, tone, accuracy, brevity. Check for grammar and spelling errors and other careless mistakes. Make sure the final copy is neat and free from errors and defects
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Step three: Revising

Edit and rewrite the draft for clarity, tone, accuracy, brevity

Check for grammar and spelling errors and other careless mistakes.

Make sure the final copy is neat and free from errors and defects

How to organize writer’s points logically. Introduce yourself. State your concern or reason for writing. After the main content of your letter include information on how you can be contacted. The end of the letter is also a place to express gratitude, wish good-luck, or offer sympathy. Think about h
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How to organize writer’s points logically

Introduce yourself. State your concern or reason for writing. After the main content of your letter include information on how you can be contacted. The end of the letter is also a place to express gratitude, wish good-luck, or offer sympathy.

Think about how you would organize your thoughts if you were speaking rather than writing to the recipient

EXAMPLE OUTLINE. RECIPIENT Karen Jacobson Acquaintance (met twice before, briefly) Title: President, The Flying Club Address: 44 Windermere Drive, Waterloo, Ontario L1B 2C5. REASON To invite a board member to remain on the board for a second term. Other members suggested that she has enjoyed this po
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RECIPIENT Karen Jacobson Acquaintance (met twice before, briefly) Title: President, The Flying Club Address: 44 Windermere Drive, Waterloo, Ontario L1B 2C5

REASON To invite a board member to remain on the board for a second term. Other members suggested that she has enjoyed this position and has been thinking about staying on. No other volunteers have come forward to take over at the end of September.

SPECIFIC DETAILS If she decides to stay on she will need to be available for the national meeting on 5 November. Board members who stay for two terms are sometimes asked to take on extra duties, such as taking minutes or hosting social events. RESPONSE She will need to respond by 1 September. She ca
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SPECIFIC DETAILS If she decides to stay on she will need to be available for the national meeting on 5 November. Board members who stay for two terms are sometimes asked to take on extra duties, such as taking minutes or hosting social events

RESPONSE She will need to respond by 1 September. She can contact me by email or phone

ORGANIZATION Return address of our institution Karen Jacobson's title and address Salutation: Dear Ms. Jacobson First paragraph: Introduce myself briefly--remind Karen where we met before. Provide my reason for writing: "I have heard from a number of board members that you may be interested in staying on for a second term. We would be very pleased to have you stay on for another year." Second paragraph: Explain what type of commitment this position will involve this year (once a month meetings, national meeting, plus possible extra duties) Third Paragraph: Provide deadline for response and how to contact me. Closing: Express thanks to Karen for volunteering her time this year

The Seven “C’s” of Style Conversational. Write the way you speak. Get rid of stilted phrases. Say “because” instead of “due to the fact that”; “the information” or, if you need to refer to a point, “the previous information” instead of “the aforementioned information. Clear. The language of the lett
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The Seven “C’s” of Style Conversational

Write the way you speak. Get rid of stilted phrases. Say “because” instead of “due to the fact that”; “the information” or, if you need to refer to a point, “the previous information” instead of “the aforementioned information.


The language of the letter should be adapted to the reader. Use specific examples the reader can relate to. Don’t assume that the reader understands the jargon of your trade. Remember, most letters will be read by people that may be unfamiliar with the technical language or jargon used. Clarity is organizing the letter so each paragraph deals with only one main idea and presenting ideas in a logical order. The letter should not be a collection of random ideas. It should be single-minded in its purpose.

Concise. It eliminates all unnecessary words. The longer the letter, the more ineffective it becomes. It is better to write a short letter with attachments than a long, detailed one. Short letters are read and remembered; long letters are skimmed and filed. Complete. Make sure that all the informati
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It eliminates all unnecessary words. The longer the letter, the more ineffective it becomes. It is better to write a short letter with attachments than a long, detailed one. Short letters are read and remembered; long letters are skimmed and filed.


Make sure that all the information the reader needs to know is included. Don’t include details that are interesting but not relevant.


Use words and phrases that set a positive tone. Words such as “failure,” “you neglected” and “error” tend to distance the reader from the writer. Words such as “agreeable,” “proud” and “success” help create a positive tone.

Correct. The last step in writing any business letter is to proofread it. If it is riddled with spelling, grammatical and typographical errors, it will detract from what you are trying to get across. Concrete. Use specific terms that can be understood. Don’t say, “The large order that we requested h
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The last step in writing any business letter is to proofread it. If it is riddled with spelling, grammatical and typographical errors, it will detract from what you are trying to get across.


Use specific terms that can be understood. Don’t say, “The large order that we requested has not arrived.” Say, “The order for 10,000 basins that we requested on May 3, 20XX, has not arrived as of June 20.” Identify names and numbers. Write about what people can count or do. Include what people can see, touch, smell, taste or hear. In other words, make language clear. Make it concrete.

Basic expressions used in business letters. Opening, previous communication. Thank you for your e-mail (letter) of (date)… Further to your last e-mail (letter)… I apologize for not getting in contact with you before now… Thank you for your letter of the (5th of March). With reference to your letter
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Basic expressions used in business letters

Opening, previous communication

Thank you for your e-mail (letter) of (date)… Further to your last e-mail (letter)… I apologize for not getting in contact with you before now… Thank you for your letter of the (5th of March). With reference to your letter of (23rd March) With reference to your advertisement in («The Times»)

Спасибо за ваше письмо от (числа) Отвечая на ваше письмо… Я прошу прощения, что до сих пор не написал вам… Спасибо за ваше письмо от 5 Марта Относительно вашего письма от 23 Марта Относительно вашей рекламы в Таймс

Letter writing causes. I am writing to enquire about I am writing to apologize for I am writing to confirm I am writing in connection with We would like to point out that…. Я пишу вам, чтобы узнать… Я пишу вам, чтобы извиниться за… Я пишу вам, что бы подтвердить… Я пишу вам в связи с … Мы хотели бы
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Letter writing causes

I am writing to enquire about I am writing to apologize for I am writing to confirm I am writing in connection with We would like to point out that…

Я пишу вам, чтобы узнать… Я пишу вам, чтобы извиниться за… Я пишу вам, что бы подтвердить… Я пишу вам в связи с … Мы хотели бы обратить ваше внимание на ...


Could you possibly… I would be grateful if you could … I would like to receive Please could you send me…

Не могли бы вы… Я был бы признателен вам, если бы вы ... Я бы хотел получить… Не могли бы вы выслать мне…

Bad news informing. Unfortunately … I am afraid that … I am sorry to inform you that We regret to inform you that…. К сожалению… Боюсь, что… Мне тяжело сообщать вам, но … К сожалению, мы вынуждены сообщить вам о…. Changeover to another topic. We would also like to inform you ... Regarding your quest
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Bad news informing

Unfortunately … I am afraid that … I am sorry to inform you that We regret to inform you that…

К сожалению… Боюсь, что… Мне тяжело сообщать вам, но … К сожалению, мы вынуждены сообщить вам о…

Changeover to another topic

We would also like to inform you ... Regarding your question about ... In answer to your question (enquiry) about ... I also wonder if…

Мы так же хотели бы сообщить вам о… Относительно вашего вопроса о… В ответ на ваш вопрос о… Меня также интересует…

Thanks for interest. Thank you for your letter of Thank you for enquiring We would like to thank you for your letter of ... Спасибо за ваше письмо Спасибо за проявленный интерес… Мы хотели бы поблагодарить вас за…. Enclosures. We are pleased to enclose ... Enclosed you will find ... We enclose ... P
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Thanks for interest

Thank you for your letter of Thank you for enquiring We would like to thank you for your letter of ...

Спасибо за ваше письмо Спасибо за проявленный интерес… Мы хотели бы поблагодарить вас за…


We are pleased to enclose ... Enclosed you will find ... We enclose ... Please find attached (for e-mails)

Мы с удовольствием вкладываем… В прикрепленном файле вы найдете... Мы прилагаем… Вы найдете прикрепленный файл…

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Советы как сделать хороший доклад презентации или проекта

  1. Постарайтесь вовлечь аудиторию в рассказ, настройте взаимодействие с аудиторией с помощью наводящих вопросов, игровой части, не бойтесь пошутить и искренне улыбнуться (где это уместно).
  2. Старайтесь объяснять слайд своими словами, добавлять дополнительные интересные факты, не нужно просто читать информацию со слайдов, ее аудитория может прочитать и сама.
  3. Не нужно перегружать слайды Вашего проекта текстовыми блоками, больше иллюстраций и минимум текста позволят лучше донести информацию и привлечь внимание. На слайде должна быть только ключевая информация, остальное лучше рассказать слушателям устно.
  4. Текст должен быть хорошо читаемым, иначе аудитория не сможет увидеть подаваемую информацию, будет сильно отвлекаться от рассказа, пытаясь хоть что-то разобрать, или вовсе утратит весь интерес. Для этого нужно правильно подобрать шрифт, учитывая, где и как будет происходить трансляция презентации, а также правильно подобрать сочетание фона и текста.
  5. Важно провести репетицию Вашего доклада, продумать, как Вы поздороваетесь с аудиторией, что скажете первым, как закончите презентацию. Все приходит с опытом.
  6. Правильно подберите наряд, т.к. одежда докладчика также играет большую роль в восприятии его выступления.
  7. Старайтесь говорить уверенно, плавно и связно.
  8. Старайтесь получить удовольствие от выступления, тогда Вы сможете быть более непринужденным и будете меньше волноваться.

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Дата добавления:23 октября 2018
Содержит:16 слайд(ов)
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