Презентация "PresentationNational Culture of Ukraine" – проект, доклад
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National Ecological Centre of Ukraine
About National Ecological Centre of Ukraine. National Ecological Centre of Ukraine (NECU) is a non-governmental not-for-profit organization created ...NATIONAL MUSEUM OF ARTS OF UKRAINE
The National Art Museum of Ukraine. Established -1898. Location -6Grushevskogo St. Kiev, Ukraine. Director - Mariia Zadorozhna Website -www.namu.kiev.ua. ...Ukrainian Culture
The Demographics of Ukraine. The population is 45,560,255 ; The birth rate is 11.0 births/1,000 population ; The death rate is 14.5 deaths/1,000 population ...Die Ukraine heute
Die Ukraine ist ein Staat in Osteuropa. Die Fläche der Ukraine beträgt 603 700 km ² Die Einwohnerzahl der Ukraine beträgt rund 47 Mio. Sie grenzt ...UKRAINE
Ukraine is a country in Eastern Europe. Ukraine borders Russia to the east and northeast, Belarus to the northwest, Poland, Slovakia and Hungary to ...Ukraine in the Eurovision Song Contest
The Eurovision Song Contest - is an annual song competition held among the member countries of the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) since 1956. Each ...Great Britain and Ukraine
Universities. Oxford University. Cambridge University. University. Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. Ostrog Academy. Palaces and Castles. Windsor Castle. Buckingham ...The election of the President of Ukraine
Ukrainian President is the head of the Ukrainian state. He is elected by the people of Ukraine for five years. According to the Constitution, the ...First Inhabitants of Ukraine
Archeological finds show that the earliest inhabitants of Ukraine were Neolithic tribes in the Dnipro and Dniester valleys. The first organized society ...Gap year in Ukraine
Many students decide to take a gap year before they begin university. This can be a productive way to spend a year and is viewed as a positive experience ...Fashion in Ukraine
First look. Teens. Good outcome. Thank you!!!! Be glamour!! ...Ecological problems in Ukraine and Great Britain
Ecological problems in Ukraine 1. Air pollution 2. Acid rain 3. Water pollution 4. Destruction of soil 5. Recycling of wastes 6. Deforestation 7. ...Differences and similarities between transport in Britain and Ukraine
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Figures represented in thousands. TOTAL : 209 000 FOR 3 YRS. WHAT DO THEY HAVE TO DO? To get ready for the exams the next year. Find a job. Have a ...Historiography of the Renaissance. Renaissance in Ukraine
First of all What is Renaissance? palace complex "Renaissance" ? British progressive rock band formed in 1969 ? The Renaissance was a cultural movement ...The development of cinematography in Ukraine
The first movie. In 1893, the chief engineer of Novorossiysk University of Odessa Josef Tymchenko invented the prototype of the modern apparatus for ...Icons and icon painting in Ukraine
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Информация о презентации
Дата добавления:10 января 2019
Категория:Иностранный язык
Содержит:9 слайд(ов)
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