Презентация "Moscow capital of russia" (9 класс) по английскому языку – проект, доклад

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Слайды презентации

Moscow Capital of Russia
Слайд 1

Moscow Capital of Russia

Moscow is the largest city in Russia. A population of 10 million inhabitants. Moscow's area – 890 square kilometers. To cross the capital from North to South, have to drive about 45 miles, and from East to West – almost 40 kilometrov. 3600 in city avenues, squares, streets, promenades and alleys, 35
Слайд 2

Moscow is the largest city in Russia. A population of 10 million inhabitants. Moscow's area – 890 square kilometers. To cross the capital from North to South, have to drive about 45 miles, and from East to West – almost 40 kilometrov. 3600 in city avenues, squares, streets, promenades and alleys, 357 bridges, 110 of subways, dozens of museums, libraries, more than 30 theatres and 170 monuments. Moscow was founded in 1147 by Prince Yuri Dolgoruky.

The coat of arms of Moscow
Слайд 3

The coat of arms of Moscow

Meeting with Moscow leaves no one indifferent. There is always thousands of tourists from different countries of the world. They all start sightseeing with red square. Visit the Kremlin, a ride on the metro, sail on the Moscow river tram, visit theatres, museums and exhibitions, take part in festivi
Слайд 4

Meeting with Moscow leaves no one indifferent. There is always thousands of tourists from different countries of the world. They all start sightseeing with red square. Visit the Kremlin, a ride on the metro, sail on the Moscow river tram, visit theatres, museums and exhibitions, take part in festivities.

Red square
Слайд 5

Red square

RED SQUARE Is the main square of Moscow. It is located in the city centre. Here you can see the Kremlin wall, Spassky tower, St. Basil's Cathedral, Historical Museum. There are national holidays. The walls of the Kremlin Red square/St. Basil's Cathedral the Construction of the temple began in 1555,
Слайд 6

RED SQUARE Is the main square of Moscow. It is located in the city centre. Here you can see the Kremlin wall, Spassky tower, St. Basil's Cathedral, Historical Museum. There are national holidays. The walls of the Kremlin Red square/St. Basil's Cathedral the Construction of the temple began in 1555, the glory of Russian weapons and in memory of all who died on the battlefield. The temple was built on the site of the Church of the Holy Trinity. Legend has it that after Ivan saw built the Church, he ordered to blind the architects (Barma and Postnik) to in any place is not a temple was built, equal in beauty with St. Basil's Cathedral.

St. Basil's Cathedral
Слайд 7

St. Basil's Cathedral

Kremlin. Worth seeing beautiful cathedrals of the Kremlin, the Grand Kremlin Palace, the Tsar cannon and the Tsar bell. The Tsar bell, Tsar cannon, Grand Kremlin Palace, the Cathedral of the assumption
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Worth seeing beautiful cathedrals of the Kremlin, the Grand Kremlin Palace, the Tsar cannon and the Tsar bell. The Tsar bell, Tsar cannon, Grand Kremlin Palace, the Cathedral of the assumption

The MAIN STREET of MOSCOW. TVERSKAYA STREET is Moscow's main street. There are many beautiful big shops, hotels and restaurants. ARBAT STREET there are a lot of old houses. On the Arbat there are young people. They sing songs, read poetry, examine a street exhibition of paintings, relax in the cafe.
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TVERSKAYA STREET is Moscow's main street. There are many beautiful big shops, hotels and restaurants. ARBAT STREET there are a lot of old houses. On the Arbat there are young people. They sing songs, read poetry, examine a street exhibition of paintings, relax in the cafe.

MOSCOW METRO. stations are metro – 170 Some of them: Arbatskaya Kiev Komsomol Taganskaya
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stations are metro – 170 Some of them: Arbatskaya Kiev Komsomol Taganskaya

TRETYAKOV GALLERY. the Tretyakov gallery is one of the largest museums in the world. The Museum exposition covers the period from 10th to 20th century and all schools of Russian painting - from ancient icons to avant-garde. The gallery is named after its founder Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov. A young
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the Tretyakov gallery is one of the largest museums in the world. The Museum exposition covers the period from 10th to 20th century and all schools of Russian painting - from ancient icons to avant-garde. The gallery is named after its founder Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov. A young Moscow merchant of the second half of the XIX century began to collect paintings by Russian artists. When he had already a large collection, he opened a gallery and gave it to the city of Moscow.

CENTRAL PARK OF CULTURE AND REST NAMED AFTER MAXIM GORKY. Culture Park is one of the main places for cultural leisure in Moscow. It was opened in 1928. Every year there "Veselaya" from 1 to 2 million people. The reason for this popularity is huge (especially for Moscow) the amount of green
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Culture Park is one of the main places for cultural leisure in Moscow. It was opened in 1928. Every year there "Veselaya" from 1 to 2 million people. The reason for this popularity is huge (especially for Moscow) the amount of greenery and many attractions – all this makes a simple walk in the Park an unforgettable adventure. The Park is located on the right Bank of the Moscow river. In the Park stadium, tennis courts, boat station, lot of attractions. Here you can relax.

Moscow state University named after M. V. Lomonosov. Moscow University is considered the oldest Russian University. It was founded in 1755.
Слайд 20

Moscow state University named after M. V. Lomonosov

Moscow University is considered the oldest Russian University. It was founded in 1755.

The end
Слайд 23

The end

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Дата добавления:3 декабря 2017
Категория:Английский язык
Содержит:23 слайд(ов)
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