Презентация "Evolution of youth groups in russia" по английскому языку – проект, доклад

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Evolution of Youth Groups in Russia. Sokolova Tatyana 10 class
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Evolution of Youth Groups in Russia

Sokolova Tatyana 10 class

Bikers. Bikers roots go far in about 60-70s years it was then beginning to be formed in this direction. Components of this class, as a rule, men of 30 years old who can not imagine life without these things: bike, beer and rock music. All these three elements are inextricably linked. In Russia, the
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Bikers roots go far in about 60-70s years it was then beginning to be formed in this direction. Components of this class, as a rule, men of 30 years old who can not imagine life without these things: bike, beer and rock music. All these three elements are inextricably linked. In Russia, the subculture of bikers has not yet been properly developed, such as in Europe or the U.S., but in every major city in our country has some biker clubs. First - it is a club of interest, if the fashion for bikers and was, it was over. First of all these people as the soul, are not of their existence without iron friend on two wheels under his feet.

Goths. Goths, like any art for young people born out of music. In appearance, they differ in the prevalence of black clothes and cosmetics, as well as the symbols related to death - the teeth, crosses, inverted crosses, pentagrams, and so on. During the existence of this subculture Goth has not deve
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Goths, like any art for young people born out of music. In appearance, they differ in the prevalence of black clothes and cosmetics, as well as the symbols related to death - the teeth, crosses, inverted crosses, pentagrams, and so on. During the existence of this subculture Goth has not developed its own ideology to be followed. The only thing that remains constant and permanent representatives of this movement - long face and the prevalence of decadence in the mood.

Punks. Punks, as a separate subculture began to form in 1930, while still existed such a thing as rock music, but it was already started to become a way of life and appearance of followers of this trend. Birthplace of punk - this is England. The first punks were people from poor areas of the city of
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Punks, as a separate subculture began to form in 1930, while still existed such a thing as rock music, but it was already started to become a way of life and appearance of followers of this trend. Birthplace of punk - this is England. The first punks were people from poor areas of the city of Wales. Their entertainment was robbery, bully, fight, brawl. At the time, in these circles was in vogue. The so-called "Jazz Black". As far as their ideology, almost all the ideas and outlook to the ordinary anarchy, ie existence of a people without laws and state control. Leather jackets to the skin or torn shirts, massive facial piercings and neglect bath and shower-the characteristic features of the subculture.

Ravers. Ravers are endless night parties, which are the most popular DJs. The source of youth priorities is dance music, but a way of life starts at the idols - the musicians. In fact, their carefree life solid-together, with a lot of pleasure and fun.
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Ravers are endless night parties, which are the most popular DJs. The source of youth priorities is dance music, but a way of life starts at the idols - the musicians. In fact, their carefree life solid-together, with a lot of pleasure and fun.

Rockers. Rockers subculture emerged in 1960 in England. Originally it was applied to the youth, who went on a motorcycle. The origins of the rocker, began to form as early as 1950, when the style of rock and roll began to gain momentum, thanks to the legendary performer Elvis Presley. Image subcultu
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Rockers subculture emerged in 1960 in England. Originally it was applied to the youth, who went on a motorcycle. The origins of the rocker, began to form as early as 1950, when the style of rock and roll began to gain momentum, thanks to the legendary performer Elvis Presley. Image subculture rockers are practical, in principle, it survives today. They wear leather jackets decorated with various patches, iron buttons

Skinhead. Skinhead subculture, is one of the newest trends. The name they received thanks to its appearance - the bald head. It has been actively emerge in Germany in 1960. Then the first followers were working out of the lower section of the population. It is from England, Skinheads were widely cir
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Skinhead subculture, is one of the newest trends. The name they received thanks to its appearance - the bald head. It has been actively emerge in Germany in 1960. Then the first followers were working out of the lower section of the population. It is from England, Skinheads were widely circulated throughout the world, to the year 2000, completely take over the world. Of music preference, later to him rooted nationalistic tone, which gave rise to a new movement of hardcore bands.

Hacker. Hacker subculture is one of the newest areas of our millennium. Typically, these are people who masterfully owned computers. In appearance it is difficult to determine in the street. Most of them prefer to sit at home on the computer, rather than spend time in the company of their peers on t
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Hacker subculture is one of the newest areas of our millennium. Typically, these are people who masterfully owned computers. In appearance it is difficult to determine in the street. Most of them prefer to sit at home on the computer, rather than spend time in the company of their peers on the street or in entertainment establishments.

Hippie. Hippie - philosophy and subculture, initially emerged in the 1960s in the U.S.. Beginning of the movement occurred in the late 1960s-early 1970s. Originally hippies protesting the Puritan morality of some Protestant churches, as well as promoted the desire to return to the natural purity thr
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Hippie - philosophy and subculture, initially emerged in the 1960s in the U.S.. Beginning of the movement occurred in the late 1960s-early 1970s. Originally hippies protesting the Puritan morality of some Protestant churches, as well as promoted the desire to return to the natural purity through love and pacifism. One of the most famous slogans of the hippies: «Make love, not war!»

Subculture affect people: 1. demeanor 2. lifestyle 3. image
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Subculture affect people:

1. demeanor 2. lifestyle 3. image

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Дата добавления:25 апреля 2015
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Содержит:10 слайд(ов)
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