Конспект урока «Russia VS America: What are they?» по английскому языку для 6 класса





Конспект урока по английскому языку

в 6 классе

«Russia VS America: What are they?»


учитель английского языка

Алиева Афак Салех кызы

г. Сургут

2013 г.

Класс: 6 «А»

Тема урока: Russia VS America: What are they?

Цели и задачи урока:

Предметные: активизировать ранее изученную лексику; совершенствовать речевые навыки учащихся через монологические высказывания с употреблением материала по теме «Россия и Америка: Что они из себя представляют?»; отработать навык поискового чтения.

Метапредметные: развитие способности вычленять нужную информацию, классифицировать материал, разделять главное и второстепенное; развитие умения устанавливать причинно-следственные связи, строить логические цепи рассуждений.

Тип урока: урок-конференция

Форма деятельности: T-Cl (фронтальная), GW (работа в группах).

Оснащение урока: УМК «English VI» O.В. Афанасьевой, И.Н. Верещагиной; раздаточный материал (текст), доска, наглядный материал (видеоролик).

Технологии: обучение в сотрудничестве; технология критического мышления; деятельностно-коммуникативный подход (в центре речевая деятельность в таких ее видах, как аудирование, говорение, чтение), проблемное обучение.

Приемы и Методы: составление списка известной информации; работа с письменным текстом; поисковое чтение; дискуссия с последующим заполнением таблицы.

Ход урока

I. Organizational issues (речевая зарядка проводится в форме фронтальной беседы (T-CL) с целью развития аудитивных навыков у учащихся).

T: Good morning, everybody! I'm glad to see you. As usual we start our lesson with checking who is present today. Sit down, please!

T: How are you today? (Every pupil asks each other)

1.1. Warming-up exercise. Режим: T-CL

The lesson begins with watching a video about Americans, where they should name the country starting with “U”. (видеоролик направлен на формирование навыков и умений во всех видах речевой деятельности, способствует поддержанию достигнутого уровня владения речью, формирует собственно навыки аудирования)

T: So you`ve watched the video, can you name such a country?

PL: The United States of America

TI Right you`re. Can you guess the theme of our lesson?


T: You`re right, but not completely. The theme is: Russia VS America: Where is better?

As you can see we have today two groups. The 1st one is “Students from Russia”, and the 2nd – “Students from America”

Who can tell me what we are going to do today:

PL: 1. we are going to compare Russia and America.

2. we are going to speak about symbols of these countries

3. we are going to speak about scenery and people

II. Pre-reading stage (упражнение направлено на активизацию ранее изученного материала, устанавливать причинно-следственные связи, строить логические цепи рассуждений)

T: First of all we`ll revise some information about our countries:


America Russia

III. While-reading stage (данное упражнение направлено на отработку навыков поискового чтения, умений вычленять нужную информацию)

T: I see that you know a lot about Russia and America, but do you really know what their flags mean, their history and attractions?

On your desks you can find a list of questions and a text.

1. What is the capital of your country?

2. Describe a flag and a coat of arms (герб); what does it mean?

3. What is the population of the country?

4. What can you say about its scenery?

5. What can you say about its people?


The United States of America is the fourth largest country in the world. It occupies the southern part of North America and stretches from the Pacific to the Atlantic Ocean. It also includes Alaska in the north and Hawaii in the Pacific Ocean. The USA borders on Canada in the north and on Mexico in the south. It also has a seaboarder with Russia.

The USA is made up of 50 states and the District of Columbia where the capital of the country, Washington, is situated. The population of the country is about 250 million.

Its flag consists of thirteen horizontal stripes, seven red alternating with 6 white. The stripes represent the original 13 colonies; the stars represent the 50 states of the Union. The colors of the flag are symbolic as well: Red symbolizes Hardiness and Valor, White symbolizes Purity and Innocence and Blue represents Vigilance, Perseverance and Justice. Its coat of arm is an eagle that holds the Olive branch and arrows which denote the power of peace & war.

If we look at the map of the USA, we can see lowlands and mountains. The highest mountains are the Rocky Mountains, the Cordillera, and the Sierra Nevada. The highest peak is Mount McKinley, which is located in Alaska.

America's largest rivers are the Mississippi, the Missouri, the Rio Grande, and the Columbia. The Great Lakes on the border with Canada are the largest and deepest in the USA.

Though mainly European and African in origin, the Americans are made up from nearly all races and nations, including the Chinese and the native Americans — Indians.

The largest cities are New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia, Detroit, San Francisco, and others.

The Russian Federation is the largest country in the world. The vast territory of Russia lies in the Eastern part of Europe and in the northern part of Asia. Russia is also the world's ninth most populous nation with 143 million people.

The flag of the Russian Federation is a tricolor flag consisting of three equal horizontal fields; white on the top, blue in the middle and red on the bottom. White represents God, blue the Tsar and red the peasants. The two main elements of Russian state symbols are the two-headed eagle and the mounted figure slaying the dragon.

There is hardly a country in the world where such a variety of scenery and vegetation can be found. We have steppes in the south, plains and forests in the midland, tundra and taiga in the north, highlands and deserts in the east.

There are two Great Plains in Russia: the Great Russian Plain and the West Siberian Lowland. There are several mountain chains on the country's territory: the Urals, the Caucasus, the Altai and others. The largest mountain chain, the Urals, separates Europe from Asia. There are over two million rivers in Russia. Europe's biggest river is the Volga flowing into the Caspian Sea. The main Siberian rivers are the Ob, the Yenisei and the Lena flowing from south to north. The Amur in the Far East flows into the Pacific Ocean. Russia is rich in beautiful lakes. The world's deepest lake is Russia's Lake Baikal. It is much smaller than the Baltic Sea, but there is much more water in it than in the Baltic Sea. The water in the lake is so clear that if you look down you can count the stones on the bottom.

Russia has one-sixth of the world's forests. They are concentrated in the European north of the country, in Siberia and in the Far East.

The capital of Russia is Moscow. It is the country's largest political, scientific, cultural and industrial centre, and is one of the oldest Russian cities.

our task will be to find the answers about your country.

IV. Post reading stage (данное упражнение направлено на развитие монологической речи, лексических и грамматических навыков; умений сравнивать, классифицировать)

T: And after that you`ll present your reports.

So we`ve listened to each other. Your presentations were quite good. We know that there are a lot of differences between two countries, but do you know any similarities.




Russia exists longer than America

Both countries have presidents; it means that we have similar political system.

The power of laws

coat of arms (eagle)

The attitude to the law

colours in the flag and stripes

The intelligence

a melting pot

V. Concluding part

Thank you very much for the lesson, tomorrow we`ll continue speaking about the USA. Now let’s write down your HA: Ex 19 SB

Список использованной литературы

1. Афанасьева О.В. Английский язык: Учеб. для VI кл. шк. с углуб. изучением англ.яз./О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева. – 8-е изд., - М.: Просвещение, 2004. – 351 с.

Использованные материалы и Интернет-ресурсы

1. http://www.native-english.ru/topics/great-britain

2. http://www.homeenglish.ru/topic_unit.htm

3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LVz4VweMqFE (видеоролик)

Здесь представлен конспект к уроку на тему «Russia VS America: What are they?», который Вы можете бесплатно скачать на нашем сайте. Предмет конспекта: Английский язык (6 класс). Также здесь Вы можете найти дополнительные учебные материалы и презентации по данной теме, используя которые, Вы сможете еще больше заинтересовать аудиторию и преподнести еще больше полезной информации.

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Категория:Английский язык
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