- Historical places in london (исторические места в лондоне)

Презентация "Historical places in london (исторические места в лондоне)" по английскому языку – проект, доклад

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Historical Places in London. Учитель английского языка МОУ СОШ № 37 г.Улан-Удэ Ступакова Марина Викторовна
Слайд 1

Historical Places in London

Учитель английского языка МОУ СОШ № 37 г.Улан-Удэ Ступакова Марина Викторовна

1 Answer
Слайд 2

1 Answer

Founded by Edward the Confessor in 1050, the Abbey was a monastery for a long time. There are memorials to eminent men and women. But the most popular ones are those to writers, actors and musicians in Poets’ Corner.
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Founded by Edward the Confessor in 1050, the Abbey was a monastery for a long time. There are memorials to eminent men and women. But the most popular ones are those to writers, actors and musicians in Poets’ Corner.

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Raised in 1843 and now one of London’s best-loved monuments, commemorates the one-armed, one-eyed admiral who defeated Napoleon at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805, but paid for it with his life.
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Raised in 1843 and now one of London’s best-loved monuments, commemorates the one-armed, one-eyed admiral who defeated Napoleon at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805, but paid for it with his life.

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Built in 1705 as Buckingham House for the duke of the same name, this palace became the official London home of the British Royal family. When the flag is flying on the top the Queen is in. There are 661 rooms in it. It is dominated by the 25m-high Queen Victoria Memorial at the end of the Mall.
Слайд 7

Built in 1705 as Buckingham House for the duke of the same name, this palace became the official London home of the British Royal family. When the flag is flying on the top the Queen is in. There are 661 rooms in it. It is dominated by the 25m-high Queen Victoria Memorial at the end of the Mall.

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Through the centuries, the Tower of London has been a citadel, a palace, a prison for offenders against the State, the home of the Mint, the treasury for the Crown Jewels, a menagerie, and the first royal observatory. Three queens of England have been beheaded within its walls.
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Through the centuries, the Tower of London has been a citadel, a palace, a prison for offenders against the State, the home of the Mint, the treasury for the Crown Jewels, a menagerie, and the first royal observatory. Three queens of England have been beheaded within its walls.

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It is famous for its accuracy and for its 13-ton bell. The clock was named after Sir Benjamin Hall, commissioner of works at the time of its installation in 1859. The sound of Big Ben is well-known all over the world because it is broadcast by the BBC.
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It is famous for its accuracy and for its 13-ton bell. The clock was named after Sir Benjamin Hall, commissioner of works at the time of its installation in 1859. The sound of Big Ben is well-known all over the world because it is broadcast by the BBC.

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Perhaps second only to Big Ben as London’s most recognizable symbol, Tower Bridge doesn’t disappoint up close. There’s something about its neo-Gothic towers and blue suspension struts that make it quite enthralling to look at.
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Perhaps second only to Big Ben as London’s most recognizable symbol, Tower Bridge doesn’t disappoint up close. There’s something about its neo-Gothic towers and blue suspension struts that make it quite enthralling to look at.

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Opened in 2000, it is visible from many surprising parts of the city. A ride or a flight in one of the wheel’s 32 glass-enclosed gondolas holding up to 28 people. It takes a gracefully slow 30 minutes and you can see 25 miles in every direction.
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Opened in 2000, it is visible from many surprising parts of the city. A ride or a flight in one of the wheel’s 32 glass-enclosed gondolas holding up to 28 people. It takes a gracefully slow 30 minutes and you can see 25 miles in every direction.

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Saint Paul’s Cathedral was designed in a classical Baroque style by Sir Christopher Wren. It was constructed between 1675 and 1710. Built of Portland stone with a Dome that rises to 365 feet and with Great Paul, the largest bell in England, it is one of the most attractive sights in London.
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Saint Paul’s Cathedral was designed in a classical Baroque style by Sir Christopher Wren. It was constructed between 1675 and 1710. Built of Portland stone with a Dome that rises to 365 feet and with Great Paul, the largest bell in England, it is one of the most attractive sights in London.

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The building is a wooden O without a roof over the central stage area, and although there are covered wooden bench seats in tiers around the stage, many people like to do as the 17th- century “groundlings” did, and stand in front of the stage, shouting and heckling.
Слайд 19

The building is a wooden O without a roof over the central stage area, and although there are covered wooden bench seats in tiers around the stage, many people like to do as the 17th- century “groundlings” did, and stand in front of the stage, shouting and heckling.

http://www.ukstudentlife.com/Travel/Tours/London/Sightseeing/WestminsterAbbey2007a.jpg. http://www.holidaym.ru/mel/england/london_sup_ny07_11.jpg. http://s51.radikal.ru/i131/1104/cb/c685cdbbdf62.jpg. http://i058.radikal.ru/1104/95/0236554c9d3d.jpg. http://s006.radikal.ru/i214/1104/7c/99bed6075786.jp
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http://www.unc.edu/~pmanos/PicturesPage/Study_abroad/london/scenery/imges/London_30_TowerofLondon_jpg.jpg. http://london-sightseeing.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/Tower_Bridge-London_England.jpg. http://london-sightseeing.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/london-eye-2.jpg. http://london-sightseeing.ne
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