Конспект урока «Animals are in danger» по английскому языку для 7 класса
Theme: “Animals are in danger”
Kind of lesson: Improving the knowledge and skills
Type of lesson: Combined-speech
Aims and objectives:
educational :
- To acquaint students with the world of animal protection societies ;
- Repeat and consolidate lexical and grammatical material on «Animals in Our Life»;
Developmental :
- Develop attention, memory, language guess ;
educational :
- Promote a respect for the environment;
- Foster skill pair work ;
practical :
- Consolidate reading skills
- Train the skills of speaking and writing .
equipment :
- Authoring program Smart Notebook, interactive whiteboard , projector, computer , handouts (sheets for the job ), video files, photo of the animals.
Procedure of the lesson
Organization moment.
Good morning, children! Sit down, please. I’m glad to see you today. I hope you will help me to make this lesson interesting! Now let’s begin! For your right answers you will get these cards. Try to get more tigers as you can!
Tell me please, what date is it today?
What day is it today?
What is the weather like today?
Phonetic exercise.
Now look at the blackboard. It is a poem. Let’s read it. Find the words with the sound [ai] and [i]. What words with this sound do you know?
The elephants is like a wall
He is broad and very tall,
Upon his back we have a ride
And swim and sway from side to side.
You are very good! Now tell me please who is this poem about?
Are elephants in danger? Are only elephants in danger? What other animals do you know who are in danger?
So what is the topic of our lesson? The topic is «Animals in danger».
Now let’s see a film about animals in danger. “Save the animals in danger”.
Presentation the new material
Task 1. “Crossword”
- I will give you out the papers with lots of letters. You should find the names of the animals in danger. (11 animals)
You have several minutes.
d | t | g | p | a | n | d | a | p | |
o | d | i | o | k | o | a | l | a | a |
r | r | g | r | h | i | n | o | g | r |
t | a | e | i | e | i | d | d | g | r |
o | p | r | l | w | h | a | l | e | o |
i | o | e | l | e | p | h | a | n | t |
s | c | r | o | c | o | d | i | l | e |
e | l | r | a | w | o | l | f | w | t |
(Answer: panda , rhino , tiger , koala, whale, wolf ,
elephant , parrot, tortoise, leopard, crocodile).
Task 2. “What is the plural form for the words?”
A sheep –sheep
A mouse – mice
A fish – fish
An elephant – elephants
A monkey -monkeys
Task3. “Practice your grammar”
He speaks English, doesn’t he?
She has done her homework, hasn’t she?
Hob must work harder, mustn’t he?
My friend plays football, doesn’t he?
Bob sang a song, doesn’t he?
She doesn’t like coffee, does she?
He enjoys reading, doesn’t he?
You can play the guitar, can’t you?
They travelled a lot last summer, don’t they?
Those women are doctors, aren’t they ?
We can have a party on Sunday, can’t we ?
The children are not at home, are they?
Phonetic exercise
Find the names of animals in the sentences.
A gold key is not a common key.
We often listen to music at English lessons.
How do you do, girls?
Nick came late to his class.
People who drive too fast can be arrested.
(monkey, cat, dog, camel, bear).
Warm-up. Listen the song “Bingo”.
Stand up, sit down, stand up, turn round.
Clap left, clap right, clap up, clap down.
Look left, look right, look up, look down.
Turn round, sit down, touch something … brown!
Point to your teacher, point to the door,
Look at the window, look at the floor.
Stand on your left leg, stand on your right,
Now sit down and touch something … white!
- Thank you, you are very good!
Task 4.”Letters”
- Now look here! I have got a box! There is something interesting inside it! To understand what is there in the box, you should read the text and tell me! Try to guess! Here are the texts.
Lets read and then answer the questions.
So what is this box?
How do you think what animals wrote letters?
And really there are some letters from different animals. Let's read them! Are animals really in danger?
We are gorillas. We live in the high mountains of Rwanda in Africa. Today there are not many of us in the mountains because men hunted us for our fur.
We, monkeys of India, like to live in forests but many of us now live in towns because men are cutting down the trees. The people in the towns give us food but it is not good for us and many die.
Monkeys of India
We live in warm seas. But it's not easy to be beautiful fish. In some countries people like to eat us. A restaurant in Hong Kong pays a lot of money for one very big fish. In some countries there are not many of us in the sea because fishermen catch lots of fish.
Beautiful fish of the seas
My brother was killed before a hunting season and I want to live…
Hare, the Youngest
My home was destroyed because the trees in the jungle were cut down when a highway was built there.
Tun-Tuk, the hummingbird
Our house was burnt down in forest fires. My kids and I are now suffering from a terrible cough.
Koala Diksi
Task5. “Fill in the missing words”
And one of the animals who suffer from ruined habitats is panda. We have already read some information about these funny animals and now I want you to work in pairs and complete the text about pandas.
Pandas are endangered animals. Today there are only about 1000 pandas in the forests of China. They are killed by hunters because their fur is valuable. Sometimes pandas die because the areas they live in run out of bamboo. Bamboo is the food they need to stay alive.
The giant panda is the symbol of WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature). WWF has worked with the Chinese government for a long time and has helped to make 33 special parks for pandas. These nice animals can live there in safety.
(Forests, fur, endangered, alive, die, parks, safety, bamboo, hunters, symbol).
Task 6. “Find the Russian equivalents of English proverbs”
If you run after two hares, you will catch neither.
Don’t count your chickens before they are hatched.
It is a good horse that never stumbles.
All cats are grey in the night.
To take the bull by the horns.
Цыплят по осени считают.
Хороша та лошадь, которая никогда не спотыкается.
За двумя зайцами погонишься, н одного не поймаешь.
D) Взять быка за рога.
E) Ночью все кошки серы.
(right answer:1-c, 2-a, 3-b, 4-e, 5-d).
To sum it all up tell me please-can we help animals? What will we never do?
And what will we do?
Home task
Thank you. And your home task is to find some information about one of the animal protection societies and make your own poster in deference of animals. You may work in pairs.
Count your cards.
Well, children, thank you for your work. Your marks are …. See you tomorrow. Good bye
Now the lesson is over. Good bye, children!
an English teacher: Voitenko A.V.
Imantau school
2013-2014 year
Здесь представлен конспект к уроку на тему «Animals are in danger», который Вы можете бесплатно скачать на нашем сайте. Предмет конспекта: Английский язык (7 класс). Также здесь Вы можете найти дополнительные учебные материалы и презентации по данной теме, используя которые, Вы сможете еще больше заинтересовать аудиторию и преподнести еще больше полезной информации.