Конспект урока «Is It necessary to Learn English?» по английскому языку для 10 класса

Бойко Лилия Валерьевна

НОУ «Школа-интернат № 29ОАО «РЖД»

г. Уссурийск

Учитель английского языка

Урок английского языка в 10-м классе (филологический профиль)

по теме “Is It necessary to Learn English?”

развивать умения учащихся воспринимать иноязычный текст как источник информации;

развивать умения изучающего чтения- работать с пониманием задания;

подготовить к продуктивному письму;
развивать умения и навыки устной речи на основе записанного текста;
развивать языковую догадку при переводе некоторых незнакомых слов;
воспитывать ответственное отношение к учебному труду;
поддерживать интерес к изучению ИЯ средствами предмета.


карточки с текстами и заданиями для учащихся, слайдовая презентация, показывающая пути написания письма на иностранном языке

Ход урока

I Организационный момент

Good morning, dear friends. Today we are going to review the rules of writing an argumentative essay in English.

II. Речевая зарядка. Беседа с учащимися о путях изучения ИЯ.

Do you like studying English?
How is it possible to learn English? Which ways do you prefer?
Have you ever listened to a foreign lecturer? When and where was it? 
Did you have a problem understanding him?
Did the lecturer use any idioms? Were they up-to-date or old-fashioned?
What can one do to learn to understand spoken English?
What is the most difficult thing of learning English?
Is it important to learn foreign languages? Is it compulsory to learn English?

Today we” try to give the answer to this question.

III Развитие умений письма

  1. Activity “Mutual Dictation”

Teacher divides the class into 2 groups “A”s and “B”s, hands out the texts with gabs to each group. Learners read the text quickly and find out what the topic of the text is. Students work in pairs and guess what missing words can be. Then the pars are reorganized and “A”s and “B”s check each other. “A” learner reads aloud and slowly the text to the partner from group “B”. When both groups have finished reading aloud, the teacher regroup learners to check the words in gabs together with group mates. Then the text is checked in the class.

Is it necessary to learn a foreign language?

Nowadays the English language is becoming more and more popular. About 20 percent of world’s population speaks English. English is a compulsory subject in Russian schools. A lot of children want to enrich their knowledge and attend different courses and have private teachers. They spend much time and money. But is it worth doing so?

Learning English provides the learners with good opportunities. First, people need English to communicate with people when you are abroad. If they travel, they can get any information about hotels, transport. They can ask the way, go to restaurants, order meals without anybody’s help. Second, if you know English, you can read various English newspapers, books. You can listen to your favourite radio station, watch films without subtitles and understand them. It is interesting to know about other culture.

Finally, English is an international language. It is used by the politicians and businessmen, so you may need English in your future job. Moreover, people live in the century of the Globalization, when all peoples interact different spheres of life: in politics, education, and culture/ scientists believe that in 20-30 years two thirds (2/3) of languages will disappear. English will be dominant.

To sum up, learning English is really useful. Its knowledge bring people nearer to other people of our wonderful planet, and you can feel yourself a part of a global world.

Text A


Nowadays the English language is becoming more and more popular. About 20 percent of world’s population __________ English. English is a compulsory (обязательный) _________ in Russian schools. A lot of children want to enrich their knowledge and attend different courses and have private teachers. They spend much time and money. But is it worth doing so?

Learning English provides (обеспечивать) the learners with good opportunities. First, people need English to communicate with ___________ when you are abroad. If they travel, they can get any information about hotels, transport. They can ask the way, go to restaurants, order meals without anybody’s ________. Second, if you know English, you can read various English newspapers, books. You can listen to your favourite radio station, watch films without subtitles and _____________ them. It is interesting to know about other culture.

Finally, English is an international language. It is used by the politicians and businessmen, so you may need English in your future job. Moreover, people live in the century of the Globalization, when all peoples interact different spheres of life: in politics, education, and culture/ scientists believe that in 20-30 years two thirds (2/3) of languages will disappear. English will be dominant.

To sum up, learning English is really useful. Its knowledge bring people nearer to other people of our wonderful planet/ and you can feel yourself a part of a global world.

Text B

Topic _________________________________________

Nowadays the English language is becoming more and more popular. About 20 percent of world’s population speaks English. English is a compulsory (обязательный) subject in Russian schools. A lot of children want to enrich their knowledge and attend different courses and have private teachers. They spend much time and money. But is it worth doing so?

Learning English provides (обепечить)the learners with good opportunities. First, people need English to communicate with people when you are abroad. If they travel, they can get any information about hotels, transport. They can ask the way, go to restaurants, order meals without anybody’s help. Second, if you know English, you can read various English newspapers, books. You can listen to your favourite radio station, watch films without subtitles and understand them. It is interesting to know about other culture.

Finally, English is an ________________ language. It is used by the politicians and businessmen, so you may need English in your future ________. Moreover, people live in the century of the Globalization, when all people cooperate in different spheres of __________: in politics, education, and culture. Scientists believe that in 20-30 years two thirds (2/3) of languages will disappear. English will be dominant.

To sum up, learning English is really ____________. Its knowledge brings people nearer to other people of our wonderful planet, and you can feel yourself a part of a global ___________.

  1. Activity “Echo Dictation”

Teacher: Divide into two groups. Everybody has own number from 1 to 7. Put your pens down. Now I’ll read some information and you need to listen carefully to remember the information which has the number you have.

The teacher reads the sentence, repeats it, asks learners who is number 1, 2… to repeat it and echo the teacher. After the text has been dictated the teacher asks the students to write the text together in groups. When learners think they have the correct text they see it on the slide.

Learning foreign languages is not necessary

  1. Many people think they needn’t learn English.

  2. To start with, people can never visit Britain.

  3. You may not have a chance to speak with Englishmen.

  4. Secondly, there are many modern gargets to translate the texts.

  5. Thirdly, it is hard to study English grammar.

  6. Moreover, some languages become popular in the world.

  1. Activity “Choose the quotation”

Read, translate and explain in groups the following quotations. Be ready to use one of them in your future essay.

The limits of my language are the limits of my world” by Ludwig Wittgenstein (an Austrian philosopher)

If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his own language, that goes to his heart” by Nelson Mandela ( the first black president of the Republic of South Africa in the first open election in the country's history, a Nobel Peace Prize)

One language sets you a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way” by Frank Smith (a contemporary psycholinguist)

IV Развитие умений и навыков письменной речи

  1. Activity “Writing a letter”

The teacher asks about the main parts of an argumentative essay and gives the scheme of an essay.

  1. Introduction

  2. Main body

  1. Arguments in favour of the statements with examples

  2. Arguments against the statements with examples

  1. Conclusion

The students write the essay “Is it compulsory to learn English”

These days…

On the one hand,___________________________________________________________.

To start with, ________________________ For example, __________________________. Moreover, ______________________________. As a result, _______________________.

Besides, ______________________________. It shows that_________________________.

However, …

First, __________________________ . For instance _______________________________. Second, ________________________ . Because __________________________________. Thirdly, ________________________. As a result, ________________________________.

In conclusion, ______________________________________________________________.

The students write their own essays and read aloud to the class.

V Подведение итогов. Домашнее задание.

Ex 7 p. 119

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Дата добавления:12 января 2017
Категория:Английский язык
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