Конспект урока «Teacher: Good afternoon» по английскому языку
Цели: 1.Развитие лингвистической догадки;
2.Развитие творческого мышления;
3.Воспитание уважения к партнерам по
4.Воспитание умения работать в группе.
Форма проведения: викторина
Оборудование :презентация, компьютер, белые листы, фломастеры, картинки по теме «Спорт»
Ход мероприятия:
Teacher: Good afternoon, boys and girls! You know that sport plays a great role in our life . I offer you to have a lesson in a form a competition. Our theme is “Sport’.
You should split up into two teams and give your teams a name connected with the topic “Sport”.
Учащиеся делятся на 2 команды и придумывают своим командам названия, связанные с темой «Спорт».
Учитель представляет жюри уч-ся 8 класса.
T : Please, look at the blackboard!
T: The first task is Quiz. Please , look at the blackboard.
Here you see the table of the quiz . It consists of four sectors. Each part has a number of questions. You choose the sector ( sport, person, place or equipment). I read you a question and you answer it. If you don’t know the answer the other team has the right to answer.
Sector “ Sport” contains the names of different kinds of sport. In the sector “ Person” you should name a person doing this or that kind of sport .In the sector “Place” are the places where you can do a particular kind of sport. In the sector ‘ Equipment” you should enumerate the equipment necessary for the sport I name you. Is it clear?
Then let’s begin
Таблица с секторами
Place | |
Person | Equipment |
Вопросы к сектору « Sport»
1.It is a game played by two teams of eleven players who try to kick a ball into the other team’s game.
2.It is a game played indoors between two teams of five players, in which each team tries to win points by throwing a ball into the basket .
3.It is a game in which the players hit a small white ball into holes in the ground.
4.It is a sort of swimming under water using special equipment to help you breathe.
5.It is a game for two people or two pairs of people who use rackets to hit a small soft ball backwards and forwards over the net.
6.It is an outdoor game played by two teams with an oval ball that you kick or carry.
Вопросы к сектору «Person»
1.How is called a person who plays football?
2.How is called a person who plays basketball?
3.How is called a person who plays tennis?
4.How is called a person who does running?
5.How is called a person who does swimming?
6.How is called a person who plays hockey?
Вопросы к сектору « Place»
1.Where is football played?
2.Where is basketball played?
3.Where can you do swimming?
4.Where can you play tennis?
5.Where can you play golf?
Вопросы к сектору «Equipment»
1.What do you need to play tennis?
2.What equipment do you need for diving?
3.What do you need to play football?
4.What do you need to play basketball?
5.What do you need to play rugby?
Задание2 « Go or Play».
T: The next task of our competition is called “ Go or Play”. Each team gets a sheet of paper with the names of different kinds of sport .You must write them down into two columns .Write down the kinds of sport you play in the fist column .And in the second those you do.
Список названий видов спорта: football, cycling, swimming, basketball, diving, ice-hockey, skating, tennis, table tennis, skiing, horse-riding, golf.
Задание 3. « Do the crossword puzzle. Find 8-10 verbs on the topic “ Sport”.
P | F | L | Y | Z | K | S | H | V | |
Q | L | J | O | G | T | A | K | R | D |
Z | A | S | W | M | E | D | I | V | E |
J | Y | D | R | N | F | K | X | Z | R |
G | C | K | T | S | K | A | T | E | I |
O | X | D | E | W | X | M | C | Q | D |
R | U | N | T | I | V | L | N | U | E |
M | B | J | U | M | P | O | P | H | W |
Задание 4. «Understanding me»
The next task is called “ Understanding me”. The rules are following: each member of the team comes up to me and takes a card. In the card is written a word denoting a kind of sport. The task for this person is to describe or to show this kind of sport to your team without words. You must use gestures and mime. If the team doesn’t know the answer the second team has the right to answer. The team which can guess more kinds of sport will win .Is it clear?
У учителя на столе лежат карточки с названиями видов спорта( football, basketball, tennis, swimming, diving, cycling, running, gymnastics) , каждый член команды подходит ( по очереди из каждой команды) , берёт карточку и пытается объяснить своей команде этот вид спорта без слов, при помощи мимики и жестов. Выигрывает команда , отгадавшая больше видов спорта.
Задание 5. « Collect puzzles»
T: Please, look at the blackboard. Here you see two pictures of sport. Each team gets these pictures, which are cut on many pieces . You should collect puzzles.
The team which collect puzzles quickler will win.
8.Заключительный этап.
T: So, our quiz is over and it’s time to count the score.
Жюри подсчитывает результаты викторины и
объявляет победителя.
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