Конспект урока «Путешествие» по английскому языку
Урок по теме « Путешествие»
Ощепкова Татьяна Викторовна, учитель английского языка МБОУСОШ посёлка Уральский, Пермский край, Нытвенский район.
Тип урока: Составление модельных текстов, закрепление грамматической структуры would like.
Коммуникативные задачи:
Развивать творческое мышление.
Закреплять, ранее изученную лексику по теме.
Развивать навыки говорения.
Развивать навыки письма -написание МТ.
Воспитательные задачи:
Воспитывать способность работать в группе.
Развивающие задачи:
развивать память, навыки говорения, творческое мышление.
развивать умения создавать модельный текст по аналогии.
Деятельность учеников | Примечания | |
I. Тематический настрой -Today we are going to speak about travelling. I am sure that all people like travelling. That’s why I’d like to find out what kind of travelling you like. People travel by different ways: by car, by plane, by train etc. As for me I prefer to travel by car. It is not so expensive and more convenient. -What way of travelling do (don’t) you you like? Why? -What is more comfortable for you? Why? -What is the fastest, the slowest way of travelling? -Do you like hiking? Why? Why not? -When did you travel last time? Where? II. Презентация модельного текста. -Have ever thought about a way of travelling of your dream? -Where would you like to travel? -Today I have a letter for you. It is a letter from Mike from London. He has written about his dream of travelling. After listening be ready to answer my questions. -I’d to visit Madrid I’d like to visit Bonn I’d like to visit Moscow How can I get to Moscow How can I get to Madrid How can I get to Bonn I can get to these cities by plane It’s the fastest way of travelling. -What cities would he like to visit? How can he go to these cities? How does he want to go to these cities? Why? -What helps you to express your wish? -Would you like to go to Madrid? -What would you see there? -Would you go to London? Etc. III. Реконструкция модельного текста. Now let’s change a poem a little. Two pupils go to the blackboard. One is Mike the other is Mike’s friend. He listens to Mike’s poem and says using the third person singular. -He would like to go to… -he can go to …by… IV. Активизация речевой деятельности учащихся. -Discuss in pairs about your experience in travelling. Ask questions to each other and then I’ll ask you about your friend’s experience in trvelling. -Where would your friend like to go? -What cities would he like to visit? -What means of transport would he like to choose? Why? Tell the class your partner will prefer to use this or that mean of transport. Now imagine please you are a teacher. Answer your pupils about their experience in travelling. V. Креативное письмо. T: - And now it’s your time to begin writing about you experience in travelling. But before I want to remind you of the criteria according to which you must write your texts: -It must be short: from 5 to 9 lines. -You must use the structure would like, I’d like ” and other words and expressions from the lesson. -It must have a logical conclusion. -Divide into groups of 4 and start creating! VI. Презентация МТ. -Now, It's time to listen to your texts. First read them in groups, then we would like to listen to some of them. VII. Рефлексия. T: Thank you for your work. I hope it was rather interesting for you to try such kind of activity. -Did you like today’s lesson? -What new have you learnt? -Was it interesting to write a poem? -What is special about this kind of the poem? -Can you say that you have done a good job? Now, please, put down your home task. At home you are to write an Essay about your experience in travelling. | -I like travelling by car…., by bicycle… P1,P2… I like hiking because it’s very interesting and cheap. I can admire, visit many beautiful places. Of course. I’d like to travel to Madrid.. P1,P2,P3… P1,P2,P3… The structure would like (I’d like) P1,P2,P3… P1: I’d like to go to Madrid…. P2: He would like to go to Madrid….. P1-P2 P-class Would you like to go to …. What way of travelling do you prefer? Do you like to travel by car?... Do you like hiking?etc. I'd like to go to… ………… How can I get to… ……… I can get to …by… It’s the… | The teacher draws a cluster on the board Madrid, B M Convenient, Visit, go, Cheap, Prefer,get Expensive, Fast, slow На доске написан модельный текст. Пара учеников дочитывает стихотворение до конца, затем можно вызвать несколько учеников, прочитать стихотворение во множественном числе. (работают в парах) (работают в группах) (читают в группах, затем один представитель от группы читает вслух) |
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