Конспект урока «Holidays in Great Britain» по английскому языку

"Holidays in Great Britain"

1.-Неllo, boys and girls| -Hello, teacher

-I’m glad to see you |- We are, glad to see you, too.

-Sit down, please

2. Today we are going to speak about one of the most wonderful thing in the world.

-Well, try to guess, what is it?

Riddle: What day?

Guest we meet

first we greet

to something sweet

Ответ: it is a holiday

3.Look at the screen

-What symbols can you see on the pictures? Name them

-What do you think about the topic of our lesson? "British holidays"

-What British holidays do you know?

4.-Children, a group of tourists came to us.

- Say them Hello.

-The tourists need to choose only one holiday.

-Tell about your holiday so, that they would take part in it.

5.-What do we need to remember and tell about holidays

-to remember date of holidays

- to remember symbols of holidays

-to remember presents for holidays

to tell about traditional holidays

6.Pupils, let’s remember some words about holiday!

- уч-ся называют словосочетания

7.Активизация лексики в устной речи:

Now l offer you to finish my sentences:

на слайде предложения необходимо продолжить

8.When are the holidays celebrated?

-уч-ся со слайдов называют даты праздников

9.Аудирование -Now listen to the conversation and make the test.

-Look at the screen and check up

-Children, who answered correctly on question №1 (уч-ся зачитывает вопрос и ответ, другой ученик переводит) и так все 4 вопроса (Kate, read please/ Alex translate please)

10.Физ. минутка(Now is action time)(главную презентацию свернуть)

11.Работа с ноутбуками

-Open your notebooks.

-задача перед работай в группе(You should discuss, make a test and tell about your holiday).

- Let’s check up, begin please

-Come to the screen and tell about it.

-Listen about their holiday and ask a question to the group.


Каждая группа отчитывается:(опять главная презентация и проверяет)

1)Зачитывает заполненную таблицу

(Any mistakes?No)

2)Рассказ о своем празднике

12. There many Russian holidays.

-What holiday will be in Russia soon?

на слайде только картинки о масленице

-Children, who wants to ask our tourists about Pancakeday?

дети задают вопросы

13.Рефлексия. Look at the screen

you know date and symbols of British holidays

you know traditional food of British holidays

you can tell about British traditions

------ I did everything

----- I didn’t everything

----- I have some difficulties

14.Уч-ся получают распечатки и крепят цветные полоски напротив утверждений. После этого учитель оценивает уч-ся


Open your diaries and write down your homework

16.Did you like our lesson?-Yes, i did

The lesson is over.-Good-bye.

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Дата добавления:27 ноября 2017
Категория:Английский язык
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