Конспект урока «Holidays» по английскому языку для 5 класса

Класс: 5

Тема: Holidays.

Дата: 08.04.2014

Цель: ознакомить с новыми ЛЕ, формировать навыки чтения и говорения, развивать коммуникативные умения учеников, воспитывать уважение к культуре других стран.

Оборудование: тетрадь, учебник, карточки с заданиями, мультимедийная презентация.


30 мин

I. Greeting.

Good morning, children! I am very glad to see you. How are you?

II. Aim.

By the end of the lesson you’ll be able to know about such holidays as St. Valentine’s Day and Easter.

III. Warming up.

Divide the sentences into two columns:

Christmas Halloween

People decorate the tree with toys.

This holiday is celebrated on the 31st of October.

Children put on funny costumes of witches and ghosts.

Children go from house to house and ask for treats.

Children make a lantern of pumpkin.

People give presents to each other.

This holiday is celebrated on the 25th of December.

IV. Checking homework.

1) Ex.1, p.172

Pupils read the text about holidays in Britain.

When is it celebrated?

What do people do on this day?

What are the symbols of the holiday?

2) Ex.5, p.171

Use the correct prepositions.

V. Conclusion. Marks.

30 мин

I. New Vocabulary.

St. Valentine’s Day

Match the words to form word combinations:

to send roses

beautiful Valentine’s cards

romantic cards

pretty love

to prepare an invitation

to talk a party

to give about Saint Valentine’s Day

to get chocolates

to make roses

to buy Valentine cards

to write presents

to put a letter box for Valentine’s cards



Active: Easter egg, basket, bring, the Easter Bunny, hide, egg hunt, pick up

Passive: paint, suddenly, run out, pile, come from

Revision: festival, call, light, decorate with, wear, clothes, new, sing songs, dance, give, each other, present, send cards, come, enjoy, find the way out of maze, eat, delicious food, sweets, lots of, take part in sack race, have fun, listen to, make friends, would like to, interesting, exciting, thrilling, funny

III. Vocabulary Practice.

Translate the words into English and translate the poem.

1. Розы are red,

 Violets are синие,

 Honey is сладкий

 And so are you.

Правильный восстановленный вариант стихотворения:

Roses are red,

 Violets are blue,

 Honey is sweet

 And so are you.

2. Mummy loves кофе,

 Daddy loves чай,

 I люблю my teacher

 And my teacher loves меня.

Правильный восстановленный вариант стихотворения:

Mummy loves coffee,

 Daddy loves tea,

 I love my teacher

 And my teacher loves me.

3. Мальчики are silly,

 Девочки are smart,

 I love you

 With all my сердцем.

Правильный восстановленный вариант стихотворения:

Boys are silly,

 Girls are smart,

 I love you

 With all my heart.

4. The birds won’t петь,

 The звезды won’t shine,

 If you won’t be

 My Валентином!

Правильный восстановленный вариант стихотворения:

The birds won’t sing,

 The stars won’t shine,

 If you won’t be

 My Valentine!

5. Valentine’s день

 Is a чудный day

 To make “I love тебя

 Easy to сказать.

Правильный восстановленный вариант стихотворения:

Valentine’s day

 Is a lovely day

 To make “I love you”

 Easy to say.


Easter “Legend of Easter Bunny”

True or False.

30 мин

I. Reading.

Ex.2, p.174

II. Post-Reading Activities.

Ex.3, p.175

III. Listening.

Complete the sentences:

1) I buy Easter ____ for my friends.

2) Sarah and her father bought ___ and _____.

3) They have got school ____ at Easter.

4) Sarah’s mother bought ______.

5) Sarah and her brother ___ eggs for Easter.

6) They got to ____ in the morning on Easter Sunday.

7) They have an Easter ___ ___ on Easter Sunday.

8) They sometimes go ____.

III. Conclusion. What have you learned today?

Homework. Ex.1, p.179; Ex.2, p.180

1. Розы are red,

 Violets are синие,

 Honey is сладкий

 And so are you.

2. Mummy loves кофе,

 Daddy loves чай,

 I люблю my teacher

 And my teacher loves меня.

3. Мальчики are silly,

 Девочки are smart,

 I love you

 With all my сердцем.

4. The birds won’t петь,

 The звезды won’t shine,

 If you won’t be

 My Валентином!

5. Valentine’s день

 Is a чудный day

 To make “I love тебя

 Easy to сказать.

1. Розы are red,

 Violets are синие,

 Honey is сладкий

 And so are you.

2. Mummy loves кофе,

 Daddy loves чай,

 I люблю my teacher

 And my teacher loves меня.

3. Мальчики are silly,

 Девочки are smart,

 I love you

 With all my сердцем.

4. The birds won’t петь,

 The звезды won’t shine,

 If you won’t be

 My Валентином!

5. Valentine’s день

 Is a чудный day

 To make “I love тебя

 Easy to сказать.

1. Розы are red,

 Violets are синие,

 Honey is сладкий

 And so are you.

2. Mummy loves кофе,

 Daddy loves чай,

 I люблю my teacher

 And my teacher loves меня.

3. Мальчики are silly,

 Девочки are smart,

 I love you

 With all my сердцем.

4. The birds won’t петь,

 The звезды won’t shine,

 If you won’t be

 My Валентином!

5. Valentine’s день

 Is a чудный day

 To make “I love тебя

 Easy to сказать.

1. Розы are red,

 Violets are синие,

 Honey is сладкий

 And so are you.

2. Mummy loves кофе,

 Daddy loves чай,

 I люблю my teacher

 And my teacher loves меня.

3. Мальчики are silly,

 Девочки are smart,

 I love you

 With all my сердцем.

4. The birds won’t петь,

 The звезды won’t shine,

 If you won’t be

 My Валентином!

5. Valentine’s день

 Is a чудный day

 To make “I love тебя

 Easy to сказать.

Complete the sentences:

1) I buy Easter ____ for my friends.

2) Sarah and her father bought ___ and _____.

3) They have got school ____ at Easter.

4) Sarah’s mother bought ______.

5) Sarah and her brother ___ eggs for Easter.

6) They got to ____ in the morning on Easter Sunday.

7) They have an Easter ___ ___ on Easter Sunday.

8) They sometimes go ____.

Complete the sentences:

1) I buy Easter ____ for my friends.

2) Sarah and her father bought ___ and _____.

3) They have got school ____ at Easter.

4) Sarah’s mother bought ______.

5) Sarah and her brother ___ eggs for Easter.

6) They got to ____ in the morning on Easter Sunday.

7) They have an Easter ___ ___ on Easter Sunday.

8) They sometimes go ____.

Complete the sentences:

1) I buy Easter ____ for my friends.

2) Sarah and her father bought ___ and _____.

3) They have got school ____ at Easter.

4) Sarah’s mother bought ______.

5) Sarah and her brother ___ eggs for Easter.

6) They got to ____ in the morning on Easter Sunday.

7) They have an Easter ___ ___ on Easter Sunday.

8) They sometimes go ____.

Complete the sentences:

1) I buy Easter ____ for my friends.

2) Sarah and her father bought ___ and _____.

3) They have got school ____ at Easter.

4) Sarah’s mother bought ______.

5) Sarah and her brother ___ eggs for Easter.

6) They got to ____ in the morning on Easter Sunday.

7) They have an Easter ___ ___ on Easter Sunday.

8) They sometimes go ____.

Здесь представлен конспект к уроку на тему «Holidays», который Вы можете бесплатно скачать на нашем сайте. Предмет конспекта: Английский язык (5 класс). Также здесь Вы можете найти дополнительные учебные материалы и презентации по данной теме, используя которые, Вы сможете еще больше заинтересовать аудиторию и преподнести еще больше полезной информации.

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