- Типичная английская еда

Конспект урока «Типичная английская еда»

Урок английского языка по теме "Типичная английская еда"

ЦЕЛЬ: Создать условия для активного и творческого развития личности и стимулировать интерес учащихся к изучению английского языка.


Практическая-обобщить и систематизировать знания и умения учащихся

по теме «Еда»

Образовательная: Повторение лексики по теме: “Еда”

  • Расширение словарного запаса

  • Тренировка навыка аудирования и чтения, умения отвечать на поставленные вопросы


  • Развитие интереса к изучению страны, изучаемого языка

  • Уважение к культуре других народов


  • Развитие творческой фантазии

  • Развитие познавательного интереса

Начало урока, объявление задач. Good afternoon, children. Nice to meet you. How are you today? Let’s start our lesson. Today we’ll have a final lesson according to our topic “Food”.

T: Listen, read and repeat.

[i:] – sweet, tea, tea-break, Easter, mean, meat, cheese, pizza

[i]- biscuit, foreigner, tin, chips, Christmas

[ai]- pie, slice, kind, type, like, knife,

[æ]- sandwich, salad, Valentine’s Day, have, apple

[ei] – cake, break, made, mayonnaise, plate, table

[λ]- bun, Mother’s Day, others, lunch, discuss, butter

[o]- shop, strong, tablecloth, sausage, teapot, foreigner

[o:] – sort, fork, salt, water, more, before

[u] –pudding, woman, put, full, look

[u:] – tooth, juice, spoon, food, too

[әu]- roll, slow, rose, phone, know

Find the words which we can eat and drink

  • sweet, tea, cheese, pizza

  • biscuit, chips

  • pie, slice

  • sandwich, salad

  • cake, mayonnaise

  • bun, butter

  • sausage

  • salt, water

  • pudding

  • juice, food

  • roll, apple

Найдите соответствие между русскими и английскими пословицами.

1. The appetite comes with eating

Всякому овощу свое время.

2. They don’t carry samovars to Tula town.

  О вкусах не спорят.

3. Every vegetable has its season.

Остатки сладки.

4. Porridge and cabbage soap is our native food.

 Аппетит приходит во время еды.

5. Tastes differ.

Щи да каша –пища наша

6. The last piece of meat is especially sweet.

Кто рано ложится и рано встает, здоровье, богатство и ум наживет/

7. Too much butter won’t spoil the porridge.

В Тулу со своим самоваром не ездят.

8. Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise

Кашу маслом не испортишь

Аудирование (Video “Food in Britain”) Answer the questions.

1. What do milkmen do?

2. Do British people often eat bacon and eggs for breakfast?

3. When do British people usually have lunch?

4. When do they usually have their evening meal?

5. Does London have a lot of foreign restaurants? From how many different countries?

6. Do British people really eat a lot of fish and chips?

Now I want to present you the inventor of sandwich. Your task is to complete the sentences according to the text.   Now we are going to to complete the sentences. (Ребята дополняют предложения информацией из текста.)


     The Earl (граф) of Sandwich lived in the 18th century. He liked playing cards for money. He often played day and night. Once he played for 24 hours running. Servants (слуги) brought him food - some meat and some bread. The Earl didn't want to stop playing while he ate. He put some meat between two pieces of bread! In this way he could play without stopping for eating. From the name of this man the word SANDWICH came into being.

 Complete the sentences:

  1. The Earl of Sandwich liked playing        ………

  2. Once he played for        

  3. Servants brought him food        

  4. He put some meat        

  5. He could play without…………..

  6. The word SANDWICH came from      

T: Read the text.

English Sandwiches and English Tea

A lot of people in England eat sandwiches for their lunch. There are a lot of sandwich shops in London. You can buy all sorts of sandwiches in these shops. You can get meat sandwiches, or salad sandwiches, or meat –and –salad sandwiches. And you can get cheese, egg or fish sandwiches. You can even buy fruit sandwiches. Each sandwich has 2 thin slices of bread. You put butter and meat between the 2 slices. Lots of foreigners don’t like English sandwiches. They like the kind of sandwich we call a roll. Some foreigners don’t like English tea, either. English tea is very strong. The Englishmen drink a lot of tea. They drink it with lemon, we drink tea with milk, so it is called the Russian tea.

T: Is the information in these sentences True or False?

  1. There are a lot of sandwich shops in London (t)

  2. You can’t buy all sorts of sandwiches in these shops (f)

  3. You can even buy milk sandwiches (f)

  4. Each sandwich has 2 thin slices of bread (t)

  5. You put butter and meat between the 3 slices. (f)

  6. English tea is very strong. (t)

  7. We drink tea with meat, so it is called the Russian tea. (f)

Стихотворение “Help Your Mother


Подведение итогов урока.

Молодцы ребята, вы сегодня хорошо поработали.

Thank you for the lesson. Thank you for your answers and your creative work. I’ll give you good and excellent marks.

Дом.задание- составить кроссворд по теме «Еда»

Здесь представлен конспект к уроку на тему «Типичная английская еда», который Вы можете бесплатно скачать на нашем сайте. Предмет конспекта: Английский язык Также здесь Вы можете найти дополнительные учебные материалы и презентации по данной теме, используя которые, Вы сможете еще больше заинтересовать аудиторию и преподнести еще больше полезной информации.

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Дата добавления:6 февраля 2018
Категория:Английский язык
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