Конспект урока «Holidays» по английскому языку для 9 класса

Предмет английский язык

Класс 9

Школа № 252

Учитель Богданова М.П.

Тема: Holidays

Цель: Развитие умения читать с извлечением нужной информации, подготовка к беседе по теме.

Задачи урока:

Образовательные и развивающие:

  1. Развитие умения читать (просмотровое и поисковое чтение) и умение работать с текстом. Развитие учебно-информационных умений и навыков, развитие памяти, внимания, воображения, наблюдательности.

  2. Развитие коммуникативных умений и навыков (монологическая и диалогическая речь):

- Умение подготовить связное высказывание по теме;

- Умение кратко передать прочитанное с опорой на схему;

- Овладение диалогом этикетного характера.

3. Развитие умения аудировать.

4. Познакомить с лексикой по теме «Отели» и повторить остальную лексику по теме.


  1. Учить вежливо вести диалог в официальной обстановке.

  2. Поддержать интерес к предмету, формировать стойкую мотивацию к изучению английского языка.

  3. Расширить кругозор учащихся, предлагая им интересный по содержанию текст.

Обсуждаемые темы:

  1. Каникулы, отдых.

  2. Погода.

Оснащение урока:

  1. Компьютерная презентация (иллюстрации, необходимая лексика, опорная таблица для пересказа текста).

Использованный учебно-методический комплект:

  1. Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley Enterprise 2 (Elementary)

  2. Enterprise, Workbook

  3. Teacher’s Book

  4. Аудиокассета

Ход урока:

I. Вступление, приветствие (фонетическая зарядка)

Good morning, dear friends! I’m glad to see you.

Let’s go on holiday.

It’s fun to get away.

Come on, let’s go today.

Let’s go on holiday.

(Чтение учителем, чтение учащимися)

Today our topic is… (Holidays) We’ll speak about holidays. Do you like holidays?

What does the word mean to you?

(Sun and fun, rest and long vacations…)

II. Лексическая разминка, активизация лексических единиц.

Look at this word. How many words for “Holidays” do you remember? (Only nouns!)

H hotel

O opportunity, outdoor activity

L land, luggage

I ice, ice-fishing, igloo

D darts, degree, dog-sledding

A antique

Y (oops!)

S sea, sun, sauna, scuba diving, site, sleeping bag, south, suite, swimsuit

  1. You know lots of words and you are ready to get away. But we can’t go without luggage. When we go on holiday we need a suitcase or a shoulder bag.

Look! You are staying at a luxurious hotel. What are you going to pack: a suitcase or a shoulder bag?

You are going to a jeep safari in Africa. What would you prefer, a suitcase or a shoulder bag?

2. There are some items for holidays. Which would you put in your suitcase and in your shoulder bag?

(Один ряд «укладывает» чемодан, другойрюкзак. Устное выполнение упражнения.)

Holiday Items To Go In…

A shoulder bag

Toothpaste Toothpaste

Maps and guide books Compass

Jumper Maps and guide books

Sandals Hiking boots

Soap Passport

Shirt Sunscreen

Passport Credit card

Sunscreen Torch

Credit card First-aid kid

T-shirt T-shirt

Camera Jacket

Jacket Camera

III. OK. Well done! Our luggage is ready. But can we start without weather report? What kind of weather can be?

(Cloudy, windy, sunny, stormy, snowy, rainy, etc.)

What is the weather going to be like?

(Suggested answers:

The weather is going to be sunny with a nice summer breeze. Later in the day, it will be cloudy and there may be rain.

There will be light rain in the morning which will give way to sunshine in the afternoon. Strong winds will make it feel rather cold. Overall it’s going to be sunny and dry but cold with temperatures of around 14 degrees Celsius.)

If the weather is warm and sunny, what country is it? (Предположения учащихся о том, где можно отдыхать в такую погоду.)

IV. I invite you to a strange and very unusual place. (Чтение, работа над текстом.)

    1. Предтекстовой этап

  1. Look at the picture. Say what you expect to find in the text. (Прогнозирование)

  1. Think over the questions. Are they “present” in the text or “missing”? Look through the text. (Антиципация)

  • Why do many people like traveling on holidays? (-)

  • Is there a description of the most unusual hotel? (+)

  1. Ex. 11, p. 85

Try to answer the questions. (For questions 2-4 two or more items may be chosen.)

Key: 1 b 3 a, b, d

2 a, b, d, e 4 a, b, e

2) Текстовой этап

a) Аудирование и чтение текста, p. 85

b) Match the headings to the paragraphs, ex. 12, p. 85

Key: A2, B5, C1, D3, E4

  1. Перевод и объяснение выделенных слов и выражений. Если возможно, дать толкование слов по-английски. (How do you understand these words?)

Getaway - бегство, побег

Igloo иглу (a house made from blocks of hard snow or ice)

2,000 tonnes

Thermometer-(a piece of equipment that measures the temperature of the air)

3 degrees below freezing – (or zero=lower than the temperature at which water freezes)

Prepared by master chefs- шеф-повар, главный повар (cooked by the main cook in a hotel)

Crystal-clear view of the starry Arctic sky- кристально-чистое звёздное небо Арктики (clear, without clouds night sky with lots of stars)

Sleeping bags-(large warm bags that you sleep in, especially when camping)

Outdoor activities-(something that you do in the open air)

Dog-sledding-собачья упряжка (drive in a sledge that is pulled by dogs)

Staff at reception-(the people who work at the office or desk where visitors arriving in a hotel)

Unforgettable experience-незабываемые впечатления (something that you will never forget)

Liven up- оживлять, поднять настроение, развеселить (to make an event more exciting)

3) Послетекстовой этап

a) Работа с таблицей «Пирамида», подготовка к высказыванию по содержанию текста.

Do you like the text? Have you ever heard about the Ice Hotel?

Now I want you to complete the special table called Text Pyramid. Look at the screen. Follow the instructions and complete it.











Line 1. Name of the country.

Line 2. Name of the hotel.

Line 3. How many people can live there?

Line 4. 4 words about temperature inside the hotel.

Line 5. What kind of building is it and when do they build it?

Line 6. What facilities does the hotel have?

Line 7. 7 words describing the Arctic as the perfect place for…

Line 8. Why do they recommend visiting the Ice Hotel?



2. Ice Hotel

3. Over 100 guests

4. minus 3 degrees Celsius

5. Giant igloo, build every year

6. Sauna, cinema, chapel, Absolut Ice Bar

7. Outdoor activities such as dog-sledding, ice-fishing, skiing

8. Unforgettable experience, perfect way to liven up your winter

      1. What do you remember about the hotel? Use completed Text Pyramid to talk about the Ice Hotel.

Start with:

This hotel seems the most exciting/very interesting…to me because…

V. Do you want to spend some days in the Ice Hotel in Sweden? So do I. It is very popular so you should book a room over the telephone beforehand.

Работа по Рабочей тетради, упр.12, с.52. Составление диалога по тексту, используя образец. Работа в группах, проверка при чтении одного из диалогов перед классом.

(Учащиеся выполнили упражнение дома, заполнили пропуски.)

VI. You have booked a room in the hotel; you have packed your suitcases. I think it is the perfect way to liven up your winter holidays. Don’t miss this chance of a lifetime.

And I believe you will do your homework very well. Talk about the Ice Hotel and write a short advertisement for this place.

VII. Заключение, подведение итогов урока.

It’s time to make our conclusion. I like your work, you did great! Thank you for the lesson and good-bye!

Приложение 1

Reading and Listening

Ex.11, p. 85. Look at the picture and try to answer the questions, then listen and check your answers.

1 What can you see in the picture?

a a hotel in the desert b a hotel made of ice

2 What can you find in the hotel?

a a sauna c a theatre e a cinema

b a chapel d a bar f a swimming pool

3 What can you do inside the hotel?

a have a meal c watch TV e play ice hockey

b meet a model d sleep in a sleeping bag f dance all night

4 What outdoor activities are there?

a dog-sledding c yachting e ice-fishing

b skiing d rafting

3 Degrees Below Freezing

1. Looking for an exciting winter getaway? Then try the Ice Hotel in northern Sweden and spend a few days in a giant igloo. 2,000 tonnes of ice and 30,000 tonnes of snow are needed to build the Ice Hotel every year. When the thermometer hits 3 degrees below freezing, the building of the hotel starts.

2. The hotel has rooms for over 100 guests, as well as an ice sauna, a cinema, the Ice Chapel and the world-famous Absolut Ice Bar. The temperature inside the hotel is minus 3 degrees Celsius, but that seems warm when you compare it to the temperature outside, which can fall below minus 30 degrees Celsius.

3. Before bedtime, have a meal prepared by master chefs, then visit the Absolut Ice Bar, where you might just meet your favourite model or actor, or enjoy a crystal-clear view of the starry Arctic sky. When it’s time for bed, don’t worry about keeping warm. The Ice Hotel provides guests with warm sleeping bags to sleep in. Guests wake up to a hot drink, after which they can enjoy an early morning sauna and a tasty breakfast.

4. The Arctic is the perfect place for outdoor activities such as dog-sledding, ice-fishing and skiing. If you haven’t got skis, the staff at reception will provide you with everything you need.

5. A visit to the Ice Hotel is an unforgettable experience and the perfect way to liven up your winter. Don’t miss this chance of a lifetime!

Ex. 12, p. 85 Read the article and match the headings to the paragraphs, then explain the words in bold.

A Description

B Recommendation

C Name/Location/Why special

D Indoor activities

E Outdoor activities

(Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley, Enterprise 2, Express Publishing, p. 85)

Enterprise 2 Workbook p. 52

Здесь представлен конспект к уроку на тему «Holidays», который Вы можете бесплатно скачать на нашем сайте. Предмет конспекта: Английский язык (9 класс). Также здесь Вы можете найти дополнительные учебные материалы и презентации по данной теме, используя которые, Вы сможете еще больше заинтересовать аудиторию и преподнести еще больше полезной информации.

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