Конспект урока «The Princess and the Poet» по английскому языку

Сценарий театрализованной постановки для учащихся 5-6 класса, для изучения английского языка во внеурочной деятельности. Постановка была реализована на школьном концерте, посвященном дню учителя.

Сценарий также подходит для общешкольного празднования дня Святого Валентина в средней школе.

автор Удинцева Светлана Анатольевна, учитель английского языка,

ГБОУ ОШ-интернат №11 с углубленным
изучением китайского языка.

The Princess and the Poet.

Принцесса и Поэт.

Scene 1.

At the palace.

A story-teller:Once upon a time there was a beautiful princess whose name was Victoria.

Музыка №1

She was very clever, kind, easy-going , friendly , honest and helpful.

She believed in true love. But, unfortunately, she wasn’t engaged to any young man yet.

So, she decided to hold a competition between the best young and talented knights in their kingdom.

Her parents, the King and the Queen, were very happy…

The King: - My dear daughter, I’m so proud of you. At last, you are grown up.

The Queen: -Oh, dear, dear….

The King: -Stop crying!!!

The Queen: - Oh, dear, dear….

Scene 2.

In the garden.

Maid 1 : -Dear Princess! The competition starts!

Welcome! The young poets….!

Музыка №2

Poet 1: I love you so much my heart is sure
As time goes on I will love you more.
Your happy smile, your lovely face,

Noone will ever take your place.

Princess: Oh, it’s too boring, too long!


The Queen: My dear daughter, don’t hurry.Probably, he can do something useful besides silly rhyming.

Princess: Mother,dear! I’m afraid, you are mistaken…What silly things he tells!

Poet 1(замечает фрейлину №1, заинтересованно ей):Oh, beautiful girl! You’re so charming! Shall I read you my poem?

Maid 1:You don’t need to.

(В сторону): What a fool!

Poet 1:

Your happy smile, your lovely face,

As time goes on I will love you more.
I love you so much my heart is sure

(сам себе , чешет затылок, задумчиво):

I forgot ,what I have to say in this line….

(снова к фрейлине)

Oh, now, one more time,please:

Noone will ever take your place.

Your simple smile, your happy face,

As time goes by, I’ll love you in space,

I love pop-corn and I want your necklace….

( сам себе , в ужасе вздымае руки): What have I told?!!!

That’s the end! The disaster! That’s all!

Maid 1, the Queen, Princess: You’re a cheater! Go away!Get out of here? You’re a fool! Now! Next!

Poet 2: As I’m a real poet, I love my poetry, and I’m going to praise you with it, my wonderful Princess!

  I wrote your name in the sky,
but the wind blew it away.
I wrote your name in the sand,
but the waves washed it away.
I wrote your name in my heart,
and forever it will stay.

Princess: So, go and write another poem about me . Go and praise your Princess, poet!


But, Victoria, why didn’t you like his poetry? It was delightful! He read it so nicely!

Poet 2: Oh, your Majesty! I’m so happy that you are a real expert of poetry. Will you, please, give me one dance? I always admire with you…

The Queen: H-mmm… Telling the truth , I should think it over..

( к королю)

Dear,do you think, I should give one dance to this young poet?

The King: No way! You should give all your dances only to me. Let’s have a dance, my lovely.

The Queen: OK. Let’s have a dance, dear!

Музыка №3 (Король и королева танцуют, поэт №2 уходит)

Poet 3:

Dear Princess! Don’t you love nature as I do?

Love me in the Springtime, when all is green and new,
Love me in the Summer, when the sky is oh so blue,
Love me in the Autumn, when the leaves are turning brown,
Love me in the Winter, when the snow is falling down.

Maid 2: She doesn’t like nature, so she doesn’t like your poem. You’re free!



Food is my favourite!

When you come to me
come to me with a cake
in your pocket
come to me nicely
with that soft kinda cake
that's mostly icing
come to me with meatballs ready,

And salad of beetroot….

bring me much food,

Lots of food!

Maid 1: So, now it is clear why you are so fat! Next!

Poet 5: All the same, only one person really loves you, Princess. Do you know, who?

My love is like an ocean
It goes down so deep
My love is like a rose
Whose beauty you want to keep.

My love is like a river
That will never end
My love is like a dove
With a beautiful message to send.

Музыка №4

Princess: A rose !A dove! I just adore roses and doves! Ok, you’ll be my Prince!

Father, mother, dear! I found him!

The King: Congratulations! Who are you, an amazing poet?

Poet 4: I’m a Prince from a kingdom in neighborhood . My name is Arthur, and I ask for your daughter’s hand!

The Queen, the King: Of course , we agree, if our daughter likes you!

Princess: Yes, I like him. Father, mother, thank you!


And thank you, dear audience! That is a happy-end of our story!Bye-bye!

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Дата добавления:11 февраля 2018
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