Конспект урока «Victory Day» по английскому языку

Устный журнал «Victory Day»

Цель: ознакомить учащихся с празднованием Дня Победы.


Образовательная: приобретать знания об истории своей страны.

Развивающая: способствовать развитию фонематического слуха, языковой догадки, мотивации к дальнейшему изучению иностранного языка.

Воспитательная: приобщать к общечеловеческим ценностям, воспитывать уважение к людям, защищавшим свою Родину.

Оборудование: м/м презентация

Teacher: Dear children! Today we are going to talk about one of the main holidays in our country. It is Victory day which we celebrate on the 9th of May. We celebrate 66th anniversary this year. You should listen to the story, fill in the table and be ready to answer the questions.

P1: The Soviet Victory Day or 9 May marks the capitulation of Nazi Germany to the Soviet Union in the Second World War also known as the Great Patriotic War.

Nazi Germany and its allies attacked the country's west, delivering massive air strikes on key air, railroad and military facilities and advancing 250-300 km deep into Soviet territory on June 22, 1941.

P2: The war started with Russia badly disadvantaged as the Red Army was poorly armed, and most of its professional commanders had been executed or imprisoned during the 1937-1938 Stalinist reprisals. The war, planned to be a matter of months, lasted for four years and became the world's bloodiest conflict in history.

The Soviet troops held out against the enormous German army, decimating and wearing it out, until a relieving force encircled the city compelling the invaders to surrender. The crushing defeat at Stalingrad was unmatched in scale, spurring the Soviet drive towards victory… In May 1945 Berlin finally fell.

P3: The famous photo of two Soviet soldiers unfurling a red flag over the Reichstag became an iconic image of World War II. It’s argued that the picture didn’t capture the actual moment of Soviet glory but was staged a day or two after the storming of the building, and even retouched by the Soviet propaganda machine. The flag is claimed to originally have been a tablecloth brought by the photographer himself. Still, this was a symbol of the USSR’s triumph… the victory that came at a colossal cost.

P4: The Soviet victory in the Great Patriotic War was achieved through endless heroism of our countrymen, which brought glory to our people. 26.5 million Soviet civilians and soldiers died during the war, according to official statistics.

Thousands of soldiers and ordinary people were awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union, the highest distinction in the Soviet Union. 11,635 Heroes of the Soviet Union, 101 twice Heroes, 3 thrice Heroes, and 2 four-time Heroes were awarded personally or collectively for heroic feats in service, some of them posthumous. Of cause much more then 11,635 people fought heroic for their Motherland but remain unknown for us. Not only men fought for the freedom, but also women showed themselves courageous with strong will and character there are 87 heroes of the Soviet Union among women.

P5: The 9-th of May is the day of victory in the Second World War. It is the day of military honor of Russian armed forces. Parades, festivals and shows took place far and wide in Russia.

People bring flowers to the monuments where war heroes lie. President Dmitry Medvedev laid a wreath of flowers at the symbolic Tomb of the Unknown Soldier by the Kremlin wall.

War veterans tell young people how they fought during the war to defend their country. In the evening there is a holiday salute and a minute of silence to remember all those who did not come back from the war.

Eternal glory to the victors!

T: Let’s check up your answers.

What does the day of victory mark?

Why did the war start with Russia badly disadvantaged?

What was the main change in the war driving towards victory?

What became an iconic image of World War II?

How many people died during the war?

How do people celebrate Victory Day?

The capitulation of Nazi Germany to the Soviet Union in the Second World War.

The Red Army was poorly armed, and most of its professional commanders had been executed or imprisoned during the 1937-1938 Stalinist reprisals.

The crushing defeat at Stalingrad.

A red flag over the Reichstag.

26.5 million Soviet civilians and soldiers.

Parades, festivals and shows took place far and wide in Russia. In the evening there is a holiday salute and a minute of silence to remember all those who did not come back from the war.

T: You have learned a lot of interesting information about Victory day. You could do the task. I hope you will improve your English knowledge. Thank you very much.

Список использованных источников:






What does the day of victory mark?

Why did the war start with Russia badly disadvantaged?

What was the main change in the war driving towards victory?

What became an iconic image of World War II?

How many people died during the war?

How do people celebrate Victory day?

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