Презентация "Painting. Landscapes. Grade 10." – проект, доклад

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Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up. Pablo Picasso
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Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up. Pablo Picasso

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LEVITAN "AN AUTUMN DAY IN SOKOLNIKI". It is a painting by a famous Russian artist Levitan which is called “An Autumn Day In Sokolniki”. It was painted in 1879. The artist depicted a wide alley on an autumn day. It must be early October. We can see autumn maples. These ______1_______ in the
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It is a painting by a famous Russian artist Levitan which is called “An Autumn Day In Sokolniki”. It was painted in 1879. The artist depicted a wide alley on an autumn day. It must be early October. We can see autumn maples. These ______1_______ in the foreground almost merge with the air in the background and are ______2__. The air is damp. It is going to rain. ________3________there is a woman in a black dress. Looking down, she is walking along the alley. Her face is thought- ful and sad. The landscape ______4______ great skill. Looking at the picture we can feel Levitan’s palette. It is difficult to say if light or dark colours _______5____the colour scheme. The brushstrokes are left visible only in the foreground. The crafts- manship of the painter is his skill to combine light and shade, crystal-clear and dark tones.

It is a painting by a famous Russian artist Levitan which is called “An Autumn Day In Sokolniki”. It was painted in 1879. The artist depicted a wide alley on an autumn day. It must be early October. We can see autumn maples. These splashes of colour in the foreground almost merge with the air in the
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It is a painting by a famous Russian artist Levitan which is called “An Autumn Day In Sokolniki”. It was painted in 1879. The artist depicted a wide alley on an autumn day. It must be early October. We can see autumn maples. These splashes of colour in the foreground almost merge with the air in the background and are muted. The air is damp. It is going to rain. In the foreground there is a woman in a black dress. Looking down, she is walking along the alley. Her face is thought- ful and sad. The landscape is executed with great skill. Looking at the picture we can feel Levitan’s palette. It is difficult to say if light or dark colours predominate in the colour scheme. The brushstrokes are left visible only in the foreground. The crafts- manship of the painter is his skill to combine light and shade, crystal-clear and dark tones.

B. V. Scherbakov “Forest”. Describe the picture. Use the following words and word combinations: To depict In the foreground In the background Predominate in colour scheme Scarcely discernible To create the impression Primary colours The craftsmanship of the painter Splashes of colour
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B. V. Scherbakov “Forest”

Describe the picture. Use the following words and word combinations:

To depict In the foreground In the background Predominate in colour scheme Scarcely discernible To create the impression Primary colours The craftsmanship of the painter Splashes of colour

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Дата добавления:19 февраля 2019
Содержит:5 слайд(ов)
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