Тест «Peter and Tim» по английскому языку



Вы прослушайте разговор двух школьных друзей Питера и Тима дважды. Определите, о чём они говорят. Выполните задания.


Peter and Tim

Peter. Tim, you've got different socks. One's blue and the other's red!

Tim. Does it matter?

Peter. No, it doesn't really matter. It just looks funny.

Tim. I can never find my clothes in the morning. My room's always messy.

Peter. Doesn't your Mum clean it for you?

Tim. No, of course she doesn't. She says it's my problem. Does your Mum clean your room?

Peter. Yes, she does sometimes. But I make my bed. Do you help at home?

Tim. Yes, of course I do.

Peter. Well, what do you do?

Tim. I put my dirty clothes in the washing machine.

1.Отметьте предложения, которые соответствуют тексту знаком «+», а которые не соответствуют знаком «-». Перенесите ответы в бланк ответов (А1 – А5)

А1. Tim's Mum cleans his room.

А2. Peter makes his bed.

А3. Tim doesn't care about his clothes.

А4. Tim really helps at home.

А5. Peter likes to do his housework.

2. О ком эти предложения. Выберите правильный вариант ответа. Перенесите ответы в бланк ответов (А6 – А10)

А6. He has different socks.

a) Peter b) Tim

А7. Sometimes his Mum cleans his room.

a) Peter b) Tim

А8. He makes his bed.

a) Peter b) Tim

А9.His room is always messy.

a) Peter b) Tim

А10.He puts dirty clothes in the washing machine.

a) Peter b) Tim

Grammar and lexical

1.Замените выделенные слова соответствующими местоимениями. Перенесите ответы в бланк ответов (В1 – В7)

В1. Nick can swim.

В2. Alice and Kate like to skip.

В3. Mum can sing.

В4. This cat is white.

В5. My friend and me like to play football.

В6. Nick's cat is grey.

В7. Mary's teddy bear is nice.

2. Соотнесите фразы вежливого обращения на английском языке с их переводом на русском. Перенесите ответы в бланк ответов (В8 – В14)








Можно войти?

Можно выйти?

Не стоит благодарности.

Как жаль.

Вы хотели бы... ?


Желаю удачи.








May 1 come in?

Would you like...?

Good luck!

Help yourself.

That's a pity,

May I go out?

My pleasure


Прочтите текст и постарайтесь понять, какие слова в нем пропущены. Выберите подходящее пропущенное слово из рамочки. Напишите выбранные слова в бланк ответов (С1 – С7). Обратите внимание, что одно из слоо в рамочке лишнее.


Jane and her mother live in a little (C1). Every day the girl's mother

works very much. But Jane does not help her. She does not like to work.

One morning the girl's (C2) says: "I want to make an apple pie today."

Jane says: "That's very good."

Then the girl's mother says: "Do you want to help me? Go to the garden

and bring (принеси) some (C3) for our apple pie."

Jane says: "Not I. I don't want to."

The mother goes to the (C4) and brings some apples for the apple pie.

Then she says: "Jane, do you want to help me? Go to the shop and bring some______(C5) for the apple pie!"

But the girl says: "Not I. I don't want to."

The mother goes to the (C6) and brings some sugar for the apple pie.

When the apple pie is ready, the girl says: "The apple pie is very good!" Then the mother says: "Do you want to (C7) me to eat my nice apple pie?

Jane says: "I want to!"

"Oh, no!" says the girl's mother, "1 want to eat my nice apple pie myself (сама)."


Прочитайте текст. В нем есть ошибки в написании слов. Найдите их и перепишите текст правильно в бланк ответов.



A1 -

A2 +

A3 +

A4 –

A5 -

A6 b

A7 a

A8 a

A9 b

A10 b

Grammar and lexical

B1 he

B2 they

B3 she

B4 it

B5 we

B6 his

B7 her

B8 A

B9 F

B10 G

B11 E

B12 B

B13 D

B14 C


C1 house

C2 mother

C3 apples

C4 garden

C5 sugar

C6 shop

C7 help


This is John's day. He gets up at half past seven. He gets dressed and he has his breakfast. Then he catchеs the bus to school. He comes home at for o'clock and then he watches television and dos his homework. On Thursday evening he goes swimming.

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Дата добавления:8 августа 2017
Категория:Английский язык
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