- Read and translate the text. Answer he questions

Тест «Read and translate the text. Answer he questions» по английскому языку для 10 класса

Test-paper for the 10th form

Вариант 1

I. Read and translate the text. Answer he questions.

There are very dangerous reefs near the northern coast of New Zealand. In the summer of 1871, a ship called the “Brindle” was moving slowly through a fog near the reefs. Some sailors on the ship suddenly saw a tremendous white dolphin in the water. It swam towards them and then turned and swam in front of the ship. The dolphin seemed to lead the ship, and it swam on and on until the ship had passed the dangerous reefs. Then it swam away, and the ship, led by the dolphin into open water, continued on its way.

From that time on, every ship that came to the reefs was met by the white dolphin. Sailors in every port knew about the dolphin; thanks to its “work” not one ship was lost on the reefs. It continued to serve as a ships’ pilot until 1912. Of course, no one could be sure that it was the same dolphin, and no one has ever discovered what made the white dolphin (or dolphins) pilot ships past the reefs for forty years.

1. Where did the story take place?

A. near the northern coast B. near New Zealand

C. near the northern coast of New Zealand

2. How long did the dolphin pilot ships?

A. for 30 years B. over 50 years C. for 40 years

3. How many dolphins led the ship into open water?

A. many B. one C. three

4. Who knew why the dolphin did such actions?

5. What was the dolphin’s ‘work’?

II. Add the beginning to form indirect question.

  • Where will they go to?

  • Does he like tea or coffee for breakfast?

  • How old is she?

  • What can you do?

III. Translate from Russian into English

1. Конгресс состоит из Палаты представителей и Сената.

2. Верховный суд представляет судебную ветвь власти.

3. Дума избирается прямым голосованием.

4. Они действительно влияют на политику.

IV. Make up your own rules (3-5) using the verb shall.

V.* Make up short dialogues using the words expressing different feelings.

Test-paper for the 10th form

Вариант 2

I. Read and translate the text. Answer he questions.

There are very dangerous reefs near the northern coast of New Zealand. In the summer of 1871, a ship called the “Brindle” was moving slowly through a fog near the reefs. Some sailors on the ship suddenly saw a tremendous white dolphin in the water. It swam towards them and then turned and swam in front of the ship. The dolphin seemed to lead the ship, and it swam on and on until the ship had passed the dangerous reefs. Then it swam away, and the ship, led by the dolphin into open water, continued on its way.

From that time on, every ship that came to the reefs was met by the white dolphin. Sailors in every port knew about the dolphin; thanks to its “work” not one ship was lost on the reefs. It continued to serve as a ships’ pilot until 1912. Of course, no one could be sure that it was the same dolphin, and no one has ever discovered what made the white dolphin (or dolphins) pilot ships past the reefs for forty years.

1. Who was the helper in this story?

A. the ship B. the dolphin C. sailors

2. What kind of animal was the dolphin?

A. big and white B. white C. tremendous white

3. When did the dolphin stop its “work”?

tremendous white in 1871 B. in 1912 C. in 1911

4. Where were there dangerous reefs?

5. Where did the dolphin swim to help the shi II. Add the beginning to form indirect question.

II. Add the beginning to form indirect question.

  • Did he know about it?

  • How do we call this place?

  • What are your rights?

  • When does she live?

III. Translate from Russian into English

1. Каждая Палата может голосовать против проекта.

2. Глава государства выбирается прямым голосованием.

3. Монарх назначает Премьер министра.

4. Парламент представляет законодательную ветвь власти.

IV. Make up your own rules (3-5) using the verb shall.

V.* Make up short dialogues using the words expressing different feelings.

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Дата добавления:15 июня 2016
Категория:Английский язык
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