- Match the English word with Russian translation

Тест «Match the English word with Russian translation» по английскому языку для 8 класса

Выполнила учитель английского языка МКОУ СОШ № 66 Писарева О.А.

TEST 8 form

Match the English word with Russian translation

  1. To get a birthday present

а) зубная боль, b) вставать рано, c) получить подарок на день рожденья

d) свой вариант

  1. To shake hands

  1. принимать участие, b) вставать поздно, c) пожимать руки, d) придержать дверь

  1. to come lately

  1. приходить рано, b) взять цветы, c) приходить поздно, d) приходить поздно

Match the Russian words with english equivalents

  1. принимать участие

  1. to come at the time, b) to take flowers, c) to hold the door, d) to take part in

  1. проводить каникулы

  1. to meet best friend, b) to spend a holiday, c) to live in the country, d) to decide

  1. снимать (одежду)

  1. to decide, b) a toothache, c) to take off, d)to shake hands

Insert the missing phrases. Remember to use it in the right tense.


a birthday gift, a toothache, take flowers, come at the time, live in the country

  1. We know that every boyfriend has different tastes and dislikes, so when you can identify what his main personality and traits are, then you can more easily narrow down your ____________ ideas for boyfriend and make the right choice.

  2. ___________ is pain in the teeth and/or their supporting structures, caused by dental diseases or pain referred to the teeth by non-dental diseases.

  3. «I am going to come to the date», - said a young man. «Then, you should ________ with yourself», - his mother told him.

  4. Remember kid, you must to _____________ in the school.

  5. He ____________ that dinner would be at 7 o'clock, and asked guests to arrive at 6.

  6. Where would you like to _________: in a city or ___________?

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Ваша оценка: Оцените тест по шкале от 1 до 5 баллов
Дата добавления:9 февраля 2017
Категория:Английский язык
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